Writing Level Characteristics
Moving Children from Level 4 to Level 5 with suggested targets
Characteristic / Children need to: / Child-speak targetsSentence Structure and Punctuation / Variety, Clarity, Accuracy
The use of simple and complex sentences is beginning to show control. / Improve sentence variety:
Compound and complex as well as simple.
Use adverbial phrases in adventurous ways
Use a wider range of connectives to link and compare ideas and events within and between complex sentences. / I need to use short sentences, for instance to build up excitement or for impact, and longer sentences to add information and detail.
I need to add interest to my sentences and use connectives to link ideas together.
A range of punctuation is used. / Secure the use of a variety of punctuation, including semi-colon, dash, parentheses, brackets. / I should check that I have included a variety of punctuation correctly.
I should always add punctuation before closing speech.
I should use commas to separate embedded clauses.
Vocabulary choices often appropriate , precise and imaginative / Use adverbials and expanded noun phrases to convey information and ideas economically.
Make careful and deliberate choices about effective vocabulary. / I need to increase the range of words I use to describe how characters feel more effectively.
I need to choose verbs which will have impact
Text Structure and Organisation / Coherence, Cohesion
Relationships between paragraphs assist structure , with effective signalling / Structure plots and texts so the reader can see how endings develop from openings. Texts have a ‘rounded’ feel. / I need to plan my ending and it needs to have a link to the beginning.
I need to introduce characters only if they are a necessary part of my story.
Paragraph length and structure are varied.
Grouping of related ideas and information within paragraphs effective. / Expand on setting/motives/feelings/actions/events
Include introductory information followed by relevant and additional detail. Conclude writing with a closing statement / I need to use longer paragraphs to describe and shorter ones for action.
I need to make paragraphs expand by telling my readers more information about the opening sentence.
To develop paragraphs I need to think like the reader and include information in my writing that only I, as the writer, know e.g. about characters or settings.
Composition and Effect / Adaptation, viewpoint, style
Writing maintains appropriate form.
Plot control is evident. / Maintain appropriate from throughout and adapt task to purpose. / I need to add something extra to the task required, such as an overall theme, or added events in the plot which contribute to the story effectively.
Writing beginning to demonstrate clear sense of audience. / Control and maintain viewpoint.
Develop persona / I need to check each paragraph to ensure that it is written for the same reader throughout, and that it is clear who I am as the writer.
I need to maintain a stance in an argument in order that the reader understands my viewpoint.
Beginning of well-crafted writing / Include appropriate stylistic devices. / I need to use some writers’ tricks in my writing to interest the reader, such as repetition for effect, questions to the reader, or hiding the subject from the reader.