Instructor: / Mrs. Higgins
Room: / 52
Email: /
Hello students and families! Welcome to the all-important 8th grade year of English instruction! There will be many opportunities to learn and reach your academic goals this year, in order to prepare for your important transition to high school. You will need to practice good academic habits, such as bringing supplies everyday and following all classroom and school rules.
To ensure that students are given the opportunity to enhance and demonstrate their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills.COURSE DESCRIPTION
English 8Eighth grade marks the beginning of another significant transition for students—that of preparing for the high school years. The content standards for this grade signify the readiness required of students preparing for the secondary content in grades nine through twelve. The eighth-grade standards represent an important culmination of curriculum activities emphasized throughout grades four through eight. The English 8 course is divided into four units: Narrative, Expository, Response to Literature, and Persuasion. Each unit includes reading selections recommended by the District Design Lessons in addition to teacher selected components. The domains to be emphasized across all units at the eighth-grade level are Reading, Writing, Written and Oral English Language Conventions, and Listening and Speaking.
The text(s) used for this course is/are McGraw Hill - Study Sync. This text will be supplemented with approved class novels and non-fictional texts.GRADES
LETTER GRADES:Letter grades will be determined using a weighted category point system. The assignment categories and corresponding weights include:Click here to enter text.
10% Participation, 20% Quizzes & Projects, 35% Classwork, Notes/Notebook, & Handouts, 25% Tests & Essays, 10% Homework.
The following scale is used to calculate category grades as well as the overall academic mark:
100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59% or below=F.
Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Work Habits grade will be determined based on Effort, Responsibility, Attendance, and Evaluation. Exceptional demonstration in these areas=E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Cooperation grade will be determined based on Courtesy, Conduct, Improvement, and Class Relations. Exceptional demonstration in these areas=E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U. Please see school website for detailed rubric.
Students with excused absences (verifiable through attendance reporting systems) will be given the opportunity to complete the missed coursework, homework, or test (with other equivalent assignments if necessary) and will be given credit equal to that which they would have received on the original assignment or test for the same quality of work. Due date(s) will be extended 1 day for every verified day of excused absence, unless teacher specifies otherwise.It is your responsibility to get and complete your make-up work. Late work will be accepted for 50% off, during the first and second 10 weeks of the semester. For example, students will have until the 10-week progress report to turn in any late work from the first 10 weeks of the semester. The same policy applies up to the 20-week FINAL semester grade report.
Entering class: come into class quietly and go to your assigned seat. Begin copying the day’s agenda, goal, and homework into your Frost planner. Copy the Table of Contents into your class notebook. Your backpack may NOT stay on your desk. If you arrive late, give Mrs. Higgins your pass, sign in the Tardy Notebook, and QUIETLY take your seat. Mrs. Higgins will dismiss you, NOT the bell.
Bathroom breaks are given at the teacher’s discretion. Student bathrooms are located down the hall from my room, so please use them before class time. If you have a medical condition which requires you to use the restroom more often, please bring a doctor’s note.
RULES FOR CLASS (this section has a DIRECT impact on your Cooperation grade)
1. Be in your seat before the bell rings.
2. One person talks at a time.
3. Do not leave your seat without permission from the teacher.
4. Be ready to work and participate.
5. Respect all around you.
Do not use the following in class: gum, food, drinks (except water), electronics & phones, combs & makeup.
1. Verbal warning
2. Move seats
3. Conference with Mrs. Higgins
4. Counselor’s or Administrator’s Office
5. Parent & Teacher Conference
At any point in this list, your Cooperation grade can be negatively impacted.
Extra Credit will be given if you turn in any assignment EARLY.
Please subscribe to my Frost webpage! You will receive updates as to upcoming homework, assignments & activities. Please check your student’s planner during the week. Review their homework and question them about their classes. Be sure your student has access to a dictionary & a computer. Provide a quiet place & time for homework. Students will be more successful with your support!
- College-ruled, 100 page (200 pages double-sides) Composition Notebook, to be used in class
- Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, Post-it Notes
- Frost Student Planner/Agenda Book
Mrs. Higgins
ELA 8 & Honors
Room 52, Robert Frost Middle School
Print student’s name Student’s signature
Print parent/guardian’s name Parent’s signature