HARRISBURG, PA 17124-0001
PART IGENERAL INFORMATION ………………………………………………………… 3
PART IIINFORMATION REQUIRED ………………………………………………………. 5
I-1PURPOSE. Furnish, install and maintain a leased 24-hour monitored Central Station Security Alarm System and Alarmnet Radio System or equivalent Cellular Communications System (including opening and closing reports) in designated Pennsylvania Wine and Spirits Stores and/or other Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) facilities located inALLEGHENY, ARMSTRONG, BUTLER, CAMBRIA, INDIANA, BEAVER, FAYETTE, GREENE, WASHINGTON, CRAWFORD, ERIE, LAWRENCE, MERCER, BEDFORD, WESTMORELAND, CAMERON, CLEARFIELD, ELK, FOREST, JEFFERSON, MCKEAN, POTTER, WARREN AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES.(Appendix A). Systems utilizing sound and/or listening devices are not acceptable.
I-2ISSUING OFFICE. This Invitation for Bid (IFB) is issued by the PLCB. The Bureau of Purchasing and Contract Administration, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Capital and Boas Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001 Purchasing Agent, Daniel R. Weir,is the sole point of contact.
Phone calls or emails to the Issuing Officer concerning this bid will not be accepted.
I-3 CONTRACTING OFFICER. The person authorized to enter into and administer contracts and make written determinations with respect to contracts. The PLCB Contracting Officer is Tammy McQuaid, Purchasing Manager, Bureau of Purchasing and Contract Administration, Northwest Office Building, 910 Capital Street, Room 316, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001
I-4CONTACT PERSON. The PLCB employee charged with the day-to-day supervision of the performance of the services and who interacts with the Contractor is Carl Jolly, Regional Manager, Purity Plaza, 158 Purity Road, Suite A, Pittsburgh, Pa 15235-4441, telephone: (412) 723-0118; facsimile: (412) 723-0123.
I-5TYPE OF CONTRACT. It is proposed that if a contract is entered into as a result of this Invitation for Bid, the contract will be for five (5) years at a fixed rate for each year of the contract. Billing will be based on a flat monthly monitoring (leased) rate per store and/or facility. No adjustments will be made to the monthly leasing charge during the term of the contract. Charges for repairs, excluding necessary repairs due to faulty equipment and/or damages caused by the Contractor or his/her designated representative, will be made at the basic hourly on-site rate as established in PART III-19, HOURLY ON-SITE RATEADJUSTMENTS. Overtime rates of pay will not be paid.
I-6MANDATORY SITE VISIT. Prior to submitting a bid, all bidders shall be required to visit each site to completely familiarize themselves with each site's needs and requirements. The site visit requirement is waived for the current contractor providing the service. Bidders shall contact Carl Jolly, Regional Manager, telephone: (412) 723-0118, to schedule an appointment for each site visit.
Site visits must be completed no later than December 13, 2013.
I-7PENNSYLVANIA PREVAILING WAGE ACT. The Contractor agrees that this Contract is subject to the provisions, duties obligations, remedies and penalties of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, 43 P.S. Section 165-1 et seq., which is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. In compliance with said Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, the Prevailing Minimum Wage Predetermination is hereto attached and made part hereof as approved by the Secretary of Labor and Industry as Appendix C.
If a job classification is not covered by the Prevailing Minimum Wage Predeterminations, the Contractor may not pay individuals in that classification less than the lowest rate for laborers, as set out in the Prevailing Minimum Wage Predeterminations.
The Contractor agrees to provide such records as are necessary to provide proof of compliance.
I-8INCURRING COST. The PLCB is not liable for any cost incurred by anyone prior to issuance of a contract. The PLCB will pay the Contractor only for services rendered at the rates in the Contract.
I-9BIDS. Bids must be signed (BOP-1206) by an official authorized to bind the bidder to its provisions. Failure to sign the bid shall disqualify your bid immediately. For this IFB, the bid must remain valid for at least ninety (90) days. The contents of the bid of the successful bidder will be incorporated into the Contract.
I-10PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY. The selected Contractor shall be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the IFB. Further, the PLCB will consider the selected Contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.
I-12NEWS RELEASES. News releases pertaining to this IFB will not be made without prior PLCB approval, and then only in coordination with the Issuing Office.
The PLCB reserves the sole right to issue news releases regarding any incidents that may occur during the Contract term.
II-1QUALIFICATIONS. The following qualifications must be met and should be included with your bid. Failure to include a five thousand dollar ($5,000) Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Bid Bond with your bid shall disqualify your bid immediately. All statements submitted must contain authorized signatures.
- Each bid must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check or Bid Bond in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, as a bid guarantee. The bid guarantee will be forfeited as liquidated damages by the successful bidder if the bidder fails to comply with the terms of the bid.
- A description of the background of the bidder should be provided indicating the date founded, principal ownership, scope of operations, and general data regarding experience. Also, note any special expertise that would enhance its qualifications.
- For each year of the Contract, the successful bidder shall be required to submit a performance bond, or other performance guarantee acceptable to the PLCB, in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Documented evidence that surety can be furnished must accompany the bid.
- Prior to award of the contract, the successful bidder shall furnish a certificate of insurance indicating that the following insurance coverage is in force during the term of the contract.
- Workers’ Compensation Insurance sufficient to cover all of the employees of contractor working to fulfill this contract.
- Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and property and Damage Insurance including damage due to Act of God. The limits of such insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000.00 for injury to or death of one person in a single occurrence and $3,000,000.00 for injury to or death of more than one person in a single occurrence and $500,000.00 for a single occurrence of property damage.
Documented evidence, such as a Certificate of Insurance or a letter from the Insurer to the PLCB that insurance will be extended to the bidder, must accompany the bid.
Such policies shall name the PLCB as an additional insured on all certificates when issued.
- A list of equipment requirements for each Wine and Spirits Store and/or facility must be submitted with the bid.
- Literature, including specifications, describing the proposed alarm system to be installed must be submitted with the bid.
NOTE: The PLCB reserves the right to request a partial listing of customer references. References will be checked in accordance with the bidder's referral policy.
III-1SCOPE. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain a leased 24-hour monitored Central Station Security Alarm System and Alarmnet Radio System or equivalent Cellular Communications System (including opening and closing reports) in designated Pennsylvania Wine and Spirits Stores and/or other PLCB facilities located inALLEGHENY, ARMSTRONG, BUTLER, CAMBRIA, INDIANA, BEAVER, FAYETTE, GREENE, WASHINGTON, CRAWFORD, ERIE, LAWRENCE, MERCER, BEDFORD, WESTMORELAND, CAMERON, CLEARFIELD, ELK, FOREST, JEFFERSON, MCKEAN, POTTER, WARREN AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES. (See Appendix A) for the protection of PLCB personnel and property. Coverage provided is to be 100% effective in the detection of incidents and/or intruders. Equipment requirements shall be determined by prearranged visits to each site to be protected (Refer to PartI-6 for mandatory site visit). If it is found that the equipment proposed does not provide sufficient coverage either as a result of the on-site inspection or at any time during the term of the Contract, additional equipment shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost to the PLCB.
III-2EQUIPMENT. All materials, equipment and devices installed by the Contractor must be new and shall be Underwriters Laboratory (U.L.) Approved. All electrical wiring and installations shall be done in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Control unit must be listed for commercial burglary. In the event any materials, equipment and/or devices installed shall become inoperative under normal use during the term of the Contract, the Contractor shall replace or repair at no additional cost to the PLCB. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage incurred by the PLCB in cases of equipment malfunctions due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. If any materials, equipment, and/or devices become inoperative as a result of PLCB negligence, the PLCB shall be responsible for reasonable replacement costs and repairs.
System equipment shall be provided with tamper protection and shall report tamper alarms to the Central Station twenty-four (24) hours a day.
System equipment must have a battery back-up, sufficient for at least twenty-four (24) hours of continuous operation that will automatically become operational and report the loss of AC power to the Central Station receiving equipment after one (1) hour of continuous loss. Battery testing and replacement shall be the responsibility of the Contractor for the entire Contract period at no additional cost to the PLCB.
System shall include a leased Alarmnet Radio System or equivalent Cellular Communications System that will provide a communications path for alarm signals to be transmitted to the Central Station should the phone lines be compromised.
System shall include panels that allow the alarm systems to be remotely set/reset from the monitoring center.
System configuration shall include an emergency hold-up disturbance alarm which includes, at a minimum, four(4) panic buttons (one (1) in office, one (1) in storage area, one (1) to be carried by Store Manager and one (1) under register #1) and shall provide for a watch mode function.
The system shall operate on Atomic or Satellite Time.
The successful Contractor shall operate its own central monitoring station which shall have current (U.L.) certification, and shall utilize a toll-free dial-up number.
III-3ACCESS CODES. A primary access code must be provided for each location for arming/disarming the system. Secondary access codes are to be provided upon request. Personal identification numbers shall be issued to authorized store/facility personnel.
III-4TRAINING. On-site training of authorized store/facility personnel as required by PLCB in the complete operation of the system shall be furnished by the installing Contractor at no cost to the PLCB upon completion of the installation.
III-5SIGNAGE. The Contractor shall furnish adhesive decals/signs acceptable to the PLCB Contact Person for all doors at all locations to act as a visual deterrent.
III-6PERMITS/LICENSES. The Contractor shall secure and pay for any required permits and licenses.
III-7HOURS OF OPERATION. The Contractor shall provide Central Station Emergency Monitored Alarm and Alarmnet Radio or equivalent Cellular Communications Service on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) days-a-week basis. During store operating hours, the security alarm system may be disarmed, but the emergency holdup disturbance alarm and watch mode function must remain active.
III-8CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON. The Contractor shall provide the PLCB with a single point of contact for all contract related questions or problems, including requests for additional equipment, new and relocated stores, modifications or additions to protected sites, and scheduling repairs to existing equipment.Immediately upon notification of award, the Contractor shall provide the PLCB with the name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of this individual.
The Contractor shall provide the PLCB with the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of any sub-contractors used for service on the contractor’s behalf.
- The Contractor shall notify local authorities within one (1) minute of alarm activation.
- The Contractor shall notify the PLCB Contact Person or his designee (Store Manager) within five (5) minutes of alarm activation.
- The PLCB shall provide the Contractor with a list of store operating hours and times the system should be armed. The Contractor shall notify the PLCB Contact Person or his designee (Store Manager) if any system is disarmed one or more hours before store opening time. The Contractor shall also notify the PLCB Contact Person or his designee (Store Manager) if any system is not armed one (1) hour after store closing time.
III-10REPORTS REQUIRED. The Contractor shall be required to furnish the following reports to the PLCB Contact Person at no additional cost to the PLCB:
- A report of incidents on a weekly basis, to include the date, time, location of the incident and action taken.
- A monthly report of all repairs, including service ticket number, evaluation of reason for repair, ex: break-in, vandalism, employee abuse, etc.
- A weekly report indicating each time the system is armed and disarmed. The report must contain the time of opening and closing, date, and individual by code number.
- All reports shall be coordinated with the PLCB Contact Person. Report forms, formats and procedures customarily used by the Contractor may be furnished to meet the requirements of the above provided they have been approved by the PLCB Contact Person. Reports may be sent via facsimile transmission or electronic mail.
III-11 CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES. If a deficiency is detected, the PLCB Contact Person shall notify the Contractor verbally and shall follow up with a facsimile transmission or electronic mailing of the notification. This deficiency must be rectified within five (5) business days of verbal notification. These deficiencies will also pertain to re-installations and/or new installations.
III-12INSPECTION/FUNCTION CHECK. The Contractor shall conduct a complete system inspection and function check (including the battery back-up system) with a PLCB representative at no additional cost to the PLCB at least once a year or when requested by the PLCB. If the work or materials prove unsatisfactory, all costs for correcting the problem shall be at the expense of the Contractor and must be rectified within five (5) business days of verbal notification. The PLCB Contact Person shall coordinate the inspections with the Contractor.
III-13CHANGES. The PLCB Issuing Office may at any time make changes to the service required, e.g., add stores and/or other PLCB facilities for which alarm service is required or delete stores and/or other PLCB facilities for which alarm service is not required. The Contractor must provide alarm service on a regular basis within seven (7) business days of written notification.
The notice will be confirmed by a Purchase Order issued by the Issuing Office at thecost quoted in this IFB for new installations and monitoring.
III-14RESPONSE TIME. The Contractor shall guarantee the arrival of a service technician, on-site, within three (3) hours from the time of PLCB's service request as a result of system failure.
The Contractor shall provide the PLCB contact person with a service ticket showing the beginning and ending time of the service call for each incident.
III-15 TERM OF CONTRACT. Upon notification to proceed and terminate February 28, 2019.
The Contractor shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the Contract effective date to provide monitored alarm service to all stores and/or other PLCB facilities designated by the PLCB Contact Person. The Contractor must insure alarm system is operational no later than midnight, March 31, 2014.
After the initial thirty (30) calendarday period, the Contractor shall have seven (7) business days from the date of written notification by the PLCB for a change to provide and/or remove monitored alarm service at a location on a permanent basis.
III-16 REJECTION OF IFB. The PLCB reserves the unqualified right to reject any and/or all bids received as a result of this IFB, to wave technical defects or any informality in bids and to accept or reject any part of any bid if, in its judgment, the best interest of the Commonwealth is thereby served.