Free Baby Shrug Pattern ******** (For personal use only) ********

Baby Shrug (6-18 months)

This is very flexible size, you can easily increase or decrease the size depends on the baby.

Needles: US #5

Yarn: Caron Simply Soft, Category 4 medium worsted weight yarn 100% Acrylic

Cast on 78 stitches.

2x2 Rib Stitch Pattern:

Row 1: (RS) K2, *(P2, K2), repeat* to end.

Row 2: (WS) P2, *(K2, P2), repeat* to end.

Repeat Row 1 and Row 2 up to Row 10.

(Option) For Row 5, combine and work with Lion brand Fun Far yarn.

Lace Pattern

Row 11: K2, YO, K2tog, K5, YO, SSKPO, YO, *(K7, YO, SSKPO, YO), repeat* 6 times to the last 6 sts., end with K2, SSK, YO, K2.

Row 12, 14: P to end.

Row 13: K2, YO, K2tog, K2, YO, SSKPO, YO, *(K7, YO, SSKPO, YO), repeat* to the last 9 sts., end with K5, SSK, YO, K2.

Repeat the Middle Pattern until the piece measures about 9.5". (Up to Row 66)

Repeat the 2x2 Rib Stitch Pattern.

Bind off loosely.


Fold the piece half. Sew about 1" both side.


You can see other Basic Knitting Tutorial Videos here.

© Copyright Christy Hills 2012

Note by Elyse:

It was easier for me to follow the pattern charted out this way rather than the instructions given above. Some of you may find it helpful—others not.

Top and Bottom
2x2 rib for ten rows


Row / Edge / Begin / Repeat / End / Edge
11 / K2, YO / K2tog, K5, YO, SSKPO, YO / K7, YO, SSKPO, YO / K2, SSK / YO, K2
13 / K2, YO / K2tog, K2, YO, SSKPO, YO / K7, YO, SSKPO, YO / K5, SSK / YO, K2
Row 11 is the one with YO's on the left, Row 13 YO's are on right
Row 11 - St 5 and 7 of K7 are worked into YO of row below
Row 13 - at beginning of row, 10th st worked into first YO of row below. 1st and 3rd st of K7 are
worked into YO of row below