Visual Arts Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Expectations
Dear Pirate Art Parents/Guardians,
I am pleased and excited to welcome your child to Beginning Art this year! I am looking forward to a busy, productive semester in my class, and getting to know your child is a priority to me. I want to help them be successful in school as well as learn more about the world around them through the lens of visual art.
As your child’s teacher, I believe it is very important to keep the lines of communication open with you. If at any time you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and I will return your call or e-mail as soon as possible. I am happy to communicate with you via phone call, text, email or scheduled conference.
Contact Information:
Barbara Coble
School: (910) 671-6050
Google Voice: (910) 248-9115
Hours: 8:00a.m.-9:30a.m. and 3:30p.m.-4:00p.m.
It is extremely important that I have accurate contact information for communicating with you in regards to your child’s wellness and educational progress. Should I have any questions or concerns about your child, I would like to contact you directly by telephone call, text, or e-mail, therefore, I am requesting that parents and/or guardians provide me with the information requested below. After all, you know your child better than I ever could. I contact parents/guardians in the event of problems in class as well as good behavior, exceptional work on a project, and whenever your child has their work on display in the school or community AND when their art qualifies to represent Lumberton High in local, state, and/or national art competitions. I hope we can work together as partners in your child’s education.
Please sign, date, and return this portion of the letter ASAP acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to the expectations of your child as outlined in BOTH, the Visual Arts Syllabus AND Visual Arts Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Expectations. Please PRINT CLEARLY except where a signature is requested.
Student Name: ______Preferred Name: ______
Student Cellphone: ______
Parent/Guardian(PRINT): ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Parent Email: ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Parent Cellphone: ______
Preferred Method of Contact (circle): Call Text Email Best time to call: ______
Is there anything I need to know? (Allergies to paint, special needs, etc.)
In addition to following all general school rules and policies as outlined in the Lumberton High School Pirates Student Handbook, I also agree to abide by the following rules, procedures, and expectations established in the art room. These include:
- Come in, take a seat, complete daily starter, and prepare for art. I will be seated and prepared to begin work when the tardy bell rings. The door will be closed upon the tardy bell. If I am late, I must have a pass. I will be alert, attentive, and actively involved in all classroom activities. I will use my class time wisely by following directions the first time given, completing all projects, tests, and/or activity to the best of my ability (even if I do not particularly like it).
- Respect others and art materials. Listen while others are talking. Refrain from using profanity, talking back, and/or arguing with others. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Take care of provided materials/supplies. I will listen attentively and speak with respect toward everyone. I will raise my hand, gain recognition, and get permission before speaking or leaving assigned seat. I will not hinder others from learning. I will never tease, touch, or harass anyone. I will also be courteous and respectful of the rights and projects/property of others; never touching without permission.
- Follow directions and keep your area clean. Clean up and turn in all supplies as directed. The room must be clean and all materials account for before being released from class. At the end of class, we will review and clean up our work areas. I will do more than my part to keep the room, materials, and tools clean. I will leave the classroom (my work area-tables and floors, counters, sink) better than I found it.
- NO FOOD or DRINK in art class.
- CELLPHONE/EARBUD POLICY: Cellphones and Earbuds ARE NOT PERMITTED and should not be seen or heard during class UNLESS REQUIRED or ALLOWED for instructional purposes by Mrs. Coble ONLY.
Possession/ improper use of these items will result as follows:
- 1st Offence- Warning
- 2nd Offence- Parent/Guardian Notified
- 3rd Offence- Refer to Administration
NOTE: Items will be collected and turned over to the administration for parents to pick-up in the main office. Failure to release these devices to Mrs. Coble will result in further disciplinary action.
*Mrs. Coble and Lumberton High School will not be responsible for the loss or damage of these items.
- Restroom: Use the restroom between classes. Should you have an emergency during class, raise your hand and ask for permission first. I will use the restroom between classes. If I have an emergency during class, I must get permission first. I will be allowed three hall passes ONLY to use the restroom per nine weeks (six total). If there is a medical problem, I must contact the school nurse about how to obtain a medical pass.
- Dismissal from class. When the bell rings, I will remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class.
- LHS Student Handbook: I will also follow all guidelines as outlined in the LHS Student Handbook.
My parents and I are aware the consequences of breaking these rules are as follows:
1st Offense: Warning, Documented Intervention
2nd Offense: Incident Documented, Parent/Guardian Notified
3rd Offense: Refer to Administration
*Any serious offenses will be immediately referred to administration.
My parent/guardian and I acknowledge that we have read, understand, and agree to the Visual Arts Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Expectations.
Student Name (Print)______
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______