Locations On-Site

Object Name/ Parameter Name / Description / Default Value/Range/Dependencies
HazardArea / Hazard Area
x_Pos / Center position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Center position in Y Direction / Incident Area
shape / Approximate shape of the hazard area / rectangular or circular
radius / Radius of the hazard area (circular shape) / Initialization parameter
length / Length of the hazard area (rectangular shape) / Initialization parameter
width / Width of the hazard area (rectangular shape) / Initialization parameter
rotation / Rotation of the hazard area in degrees / 0-360
casualties / Number of casualties (deceased, in need of Medevac, in need of treatment, in need ov Evac) / depending on SQ, number of Hazard Areas
CCP / Casualty Collection Point
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
numberCasualties / Number of casualties in the CCP
TCC / Temporary Care Center
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
numberTreated / Number of casualties being treated or waiting for treatment in the TCC
capacity / Maximum number of casualties that can be accepted in the TCC at the same time / 4-50, default 8
meanTimeHosp / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the hospital / e.g. 20 min
stdDevTimeHosp / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the hospital / e.g. 5 min
TS / Temporary Shelter
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
numberCasualties / Number of casualties (type 3) in the TS
capacity / Maximum number of casualties (type 3) that can be accepted in the TS at the same time / e.g. 200
meanTimeShelter / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the shelter / e.g. 20 min
stdDevTimeShelter / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the shelter / e.g. 5 min
HoldingArea / Holding Area
x_Pos / Center position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Center position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanTimeHosp / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed between the hospital and the holding area / e.g. 20 min
stdDevTimeHosp / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed between the hospital and the holding area / e.g. 5 min
meanTimeShelter / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed between the shelter and the holding area / e.g. 20 min
stdDevTimeShelter / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed the shelter and the holding area / e.g. 5 min
DisruptInfrastructure / Disrupted Infrastructure
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Border of Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Border of Incident Area
meanTimeClear / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to clear the disruption / Depends on the disruption from minutes to weeks
stdDevTimeClear / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to/from holding area / Depends on the disruption
DCP / Deceased Collection Point
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area not Hazard Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area not Hazard Area
numberDeceased / Number of deceased, that have been brought to the DCP / Incident Area not Hazard Area
Fire / Fire
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Hazard Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Hazard Area
meanTimeExt / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to extinguish the fire by one team
stdDevTimeExt / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed extinguish the fire by one team

Locations Off-Site

Object Name/ Parameter Name / Description / Default Value/Range/Dependencies
AmbulanceStation / Ambulance Station
meanTimeIncidentArea / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the incident area / e.g. 20 min
stdDevTimIncidentArea / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the incident area / e.g. 5 min
?? capacity / number of vehicles available / e.g. 5
FireStation / Fire Station
meanTimeIncidentArea / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the incident area / e.g. 20 min
stdDevTimIncidentArea / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed to the incident area / e.g. 5 min
?? capacity / Number of vehicles available / e.g. 5
Hospital / Hospital
numberCasualties / Number of casualties at the hospital / Changes during disaster response
vacancy / Total number of available beds for patients (simplified)
Shelter / Shelter
numberCasualties / Number of casualties at the shelter / Changes during disaster response
vacancy / Total number of additional casualties (type 3) the Shelter can accept
expertCapacity / Number of available experts


Object Name/ Parameter Name / Description / Default Value/Range/Dependencies
casualties / Casualties (injured)
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Hazard Area and Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Hazard Area and Incident Area
type / 1= requiring treatment and medevac
2= requiring treatment and evac
3= requiring no treatment and evac
4= deceased / Numbers provided according to SQ
CFECC / Site Management CFECC
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area (not Hazard Area!)
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area (not Hazard Area!)
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
FECC / Service Management
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area (not Hazard Area!)
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area (not Hazard Area!)
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
SECC / SubService Management
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area (not Hazard Area!)
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area (not Hazard Area!)
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
ET_Fire / ET fire-fighting
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
speed / Movement speed / 4km/h
ET_Rescue / ET rescue
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
meanRescTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time needed to rescue a trapped person / e.g. 15 min
stdDevRescTime / Standard deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time needed to rescue a trapped person / e.g. 5 min
meanHandoverTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
stdDevHandoverTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
speedCasualty / Movementspeed with casualty / e.g. 3 km/h
speed / Movementspeed without casualty / e.g. 5 km/h
ET_Triage / ET triage
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
meanTriageTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for triage of a casualty as well as immediate first aid
stdDevTriageTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for triage of a casualty as well as immediate first aid
meanHandoverTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
stdDevHandoverTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
speedCasualty / Movementspeed with casualty / e.g. 3 km/h
speed / Movementspeed without casualty / e.g. 5 km/h
ET_Treatment / ET treatment
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
meanHandoverTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
stdDevHandoverTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
speedCasualty / Movementspeed with casualty / e.g. 3 km/h
speed / Movementspeed without casualty / e.g. 5 km/h
ET_Medevac / ET medical evacuation / Medical evacuation transport vehicles
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
meanHandoverTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
stdDevHandoverTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a casualty
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 60 km/h
ET_TempShelter / ET temporary shelter
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
meanHandoverTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a group of casualties
stdDevHandoverTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a group of casualties
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 4 km/h
ET_Evacuation / ET evacuation
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
meanHandoverTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a group of casualties
stdDevHandoverTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for handing over a group of casualties
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 30 km/h
capacity / Number of Casualties that can be transported / 8-50, default: 30
ET_Provisions / ET that hands out provisions
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 4 km/h
Police / Police
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 4 km/h
Utilities / Utilities
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 4 km/h
RelevantAuthorityNGO / Relevant authorities and NGOs
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
Military / Military Forces
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
Expert / Non-Emergency service expert/professional
x_Pos / Position in X Direction / Incident Area
y_Pos / Position in Y Direction / Incident Area
speed / Movement speed / e.g. 4 km/h
meanResponseTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
stdDevResponseTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed after the alerting until the unit arrives at the incident area
meanReportingTime / Mean of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished
stdDevReportingTime / Standard Deviation of the Gaussian process that specifies the time that is needed for reporting after a task has finished

Pseudo code describing the initialization of the simulation including placement of locations:

  1. Define incident area according to size in Scenario Quantities (SQ)
  2. Define location(s) of the hazard areas according to SQ (random placing or specific, as desired or necessary for scenario)
  3. According to SQ place fires inside the hazard area(s)
  4. According to SQ place disrupted infrastructure in incident area
  5. According to SQ place casualties inside the hazard area(s). Do not place on fires. Depending on incident different local distributions may be used.
  6. MTA: uniform distribution in train direction and Gaussian distribution orthogonal to train direction with mean at the train center axis and standard deviation of about 0.5 widths of the hazard area ( that means that about 95% of casualties end up inside the hazard area)
  7. EQ: 2-dimensional Gaussian distribution with mean at the center of the hazard area and standard deviation of 0.5 average radiuses of the hazard area ( that means that about 95% of casualties end up inside the hazard area)
  8. For each hazard area place at least 1 CCP
  9. Place (one or multiple) TCC close to the hazard area(s). If there are less TCCs than hazard areas, place in between
  10. Place (one or multiple) TS close to the hazard area(s). If there are less TSs than hazard areas, place in between
  11. Place holding area
  12. Place DCP
  13. Everything that leaves the incident area can be considered at an off-site location

Pseudo code describing the mobility and sequential actions of the respective actors: