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BIOL 231L – microbiology laboratory

spring 2010


INSTITUTION: South DakotaSchool of Mines and Technology


MEETINGS:T 8-11 AM, M106

INSTRUCTOR:Dr. Rajesh K. Sani

Office Hour: MWF 10-11 AM or byappointment, McLaury Rm 103

Phone: 605-394-1240


teaching assistant:

Venkat Reddy Kunreddy, MS ChE

McLaury Rm 104

Office Hour: TBA

Phone: 605-786-4314



Microbiology Laboratory Manual, Sookie S. Bang (SDSM&T)

Available at Tech Bookstore

Course description:

Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 231. Basic laboratory skills necessary for general microbiology. Emphases are made on techniques of aseptic bacterial transfer, serial dilutions in bacterial cell counts, bacterial staining, and serology.

Course PrerequisiteS:

CHEM 106/106L, BIOL 231 (or corequisite)

Description of Instructional Methods:

Before each laboratory session, students are expected to read and outline the scheduled exercise. Pre-reading will allow students to use their time efficiently during the lab period.


All students are required to take exams at scheduled time. No make-up exams will be arranged except for the students who participate in institution-sponsored activities. When the make-up exam is arranged, it should be taken prior to the scheduled time. Regular attendance will be reflected by quizzes given at the beginning of each session. All students are expected to read and follow the policy governing academic integrity section in the SDSM&T catalog that explains the importance of academic honesty and intellectual integrity (BOR Policy 3.4.2.B.1). Acts of dishonesty in class activities include cheating in exams, quizzes, and homework problems. Appropriate penalty such as retaking the exam(s) and quiz(zes), reduction of grade, or discharge from the class will be given to the individual who violates.

Course goals:

  • To introduce basic laboratory techniques in microbiology: use of microscope, staining, aseptic techniques, growth of bacteria in broth and solid media, and growth of bacteriophages,
  • To follow the directions and protocols for microbial laboratory experiments, and
  • To learn the skills in recording and analyzing the laboratory results and observations.

Student learning Outcomes:

  • use the compound microscope to identify live and stained microorganisms,
  • stain microorganisms: simple and differential staining,
  • practice aseptic techniques: transferring cultures and isolating pure colonies,
  • determine colony forming units (CFU) of bacteria and plaque forming units (PFU) of phages,
  • determine doubling time from the bacterial growth curve,
  • identify eukaryotic microorganisms (e.g., protozoans and fungi), and
  • analyze microbial laboratory experimental data.

evaluation procedures:

An outline of the scheduled exercise(s) is due at the beginning of the class. There will also be a quiz at the beginning of each class. Worksheets of Observations and Results of each exercise should be completed and handed in before the next exercise. Pencils, not pens, are recommended for use of recording. Students may lose points for sloppy work. Be Neat!! Each of the two exams is not comprehensive, but the FINAL is COMPRENSIVE. Additional reading of assigned sections in the reference is essential for preparing the exams.

Grading Policy:

EXAMS (x2)25%





Quizzes and exams will be taken at the scheduled time. Grading will follow the grading scale of:

≥90, A;≥80, B;≥70, C;≥60, D;<60, F

Participation in laboratory exercises is extremely important. Absence not approved by the instructor beforehand may result in lowering of the grade for each absence.


Students are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. Under Board of Regents and University policy, student academic performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis and students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study. Students who believe that an academic evaluation is unrelated to academic standards but is related instead to judgment of their personal opinion or conduct should contact the dean of the college which offers the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.


Students with special needs or requiring special accommodations should contact the instructor, Dr. Sani, at 394-1240 and/or the campus ADA coordinator, Ms. Jolie McCoy, at 394-1924 at the earliest opportunity.



Jan19 1Introduction, Microscopy - Reference: Ch. 3 (text)

26 2Preparation of Wet Mounts

Feb2 3,4Stains; Simple, Negative, and Gram

Reference: Ch. 3

Feb9EXAM 1

5Aseptic Technique, Isolation of Pure Colonies

16 6Serial Dilution, Cell Counts/Reference: Ch. 6

23 7Bacterial Growth Curve/Reference: Ch. 6

Mar2 9 Enumeration of Bacteriophages/Reference: Ch. 13

Mar9No class Spring Break

Mar16EXAM 2

23 8/9aOxygen Requirement-Reference (Ch. 6)/Endospore stain

30 10/11Serological Tests/ Chemical Control of Microorganisms

Apr6 12Biochemical Reactions

13 13Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Fungi (Ch. 12)

20 14Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Protozoa (Ch. 12)
