Candidate’s DetailsPlease complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

Forename: / Surname:
Title of Course:
Level of Course (Please Tick) / FHEQ LEVEL 5 / FHEQ LEVEL 7
Course Provider:
Supervision and Assessment Tutor:
Start Date: / End Date:

To be completed by Tutor

Has the candidate successfully completed the course according to the following criteria? (Please tick as appropriate)

The following are condensed versions of the BDA Criteria for Accredited Courses. Reference should be made to these criteria in more detail.

1.Attended 40 hours or more of lectures, and guided learning hours plus seminars and tutorials? / Yes / No
2.Teaching practice: completed 20 hours or more, of which 10 hours must be with one learner 18 years or under at the end of the current academic year in continuing, further or higher education? / Yes / No
3.Completed a comprehensive teaching diary on 20 hours teaching? / Yes / No


4.Two hours of Specialist Teaching/Supportto be supervised, observed and assessed by a tutor who holds Active AMBDA (or equivalent)? / Yes / No
5.Was the teaching practice of a satisfactory standard and did it meet the BDA criteria? / Yes / No

The candidate must have two years appropriate professional educational experience by the time they apply for this award. This may be two years full time or a combination of part time appointments.

6. For this application to be successful, the tutor(s) observing the Specialist Teaching must holdActive AMBDA(or equivalent).

Please state which tutor(s) observed this candidate:


Do(es) the observing tutor(s) hold AMBDAor equivalent? / Yes / No
Date awarded: / Date(s) updated: / If equivalent, specify qualification and awarding body:

7.As Course Leader I confirm that, to my knowledge, the information on this form is correct.


Print Name: / Position:

Date: Contact Email:

Data Protection

The information provided on this form will be used by the BDA to process the candidate’s application for ATS/APS Dyscalculia

Please give this form to the candidate to send to the BDA with their candidate form to apply for ATS/APS Dyscalculia accreditation

BDA February 2018ATS/APS Tutor Form Dyscalculia

Company number: 1830587; Charity number: 289243