World History I


Welcome to World History I. This course will analyze the history of world civilizations from approximately the fall of Rome to the European Enlightenment (500 – 1650 CE.) Classes will consist of lectures, discussions, debates, research, hands-on activities, in-class projects, simulations and presentations. A detailed syllabus will be given out separately.

• Materials: Students are expected to come to class prepared with a notebook (a three-ring binder and folder combination works best) and writing utensil. Colored pencils are also helpful. You will each be given a textbook that you may keep at home unless I ask you to bring it to class.

• Attendance: Part of what makes studying history interesting and fun is class discussions, so you are expected to be in class every day with your readings / assignments completed. If you miss a day it is your responsibility to see me, or your classmates for missed notes/assignments. Keep in mind that it will impossible to replicate class discussions. Therefore, I highly recommend you do not miss class.

• Homework: Students must turn all assignments in on time. Homework that is late will be given half credit. Larger assignments will lose one-third grade for each day the work is late. Assignments passed in 5 or more days late will get no credit. If you are absent from school you must complete any missing work within five days of your return.

• Behavior: You are expected to treat your classmates and me with respect. There is zero tolerance for any language or behavior that denigrates someone's race, religion, class, language, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. A successful classroom discussion is dependent upon people raising their hands to speak, and not putting people down for expressing ideas that may differ from your own.

Other Policies: No messy or smelly food and drinks must be limited to those with a cap. No hats--it's rude to wear hats indoors. If the Sox win the Series or the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl you may wear a hat in celebration.

Grading:In general, homework and in-class assignments are worth 15-20% of your overall grade, quizzes and minor assessments are worth 25-30%, major assessments (tests, essays, projects) are worth 50-60%.

Expectations of me: I will always listen and respond to your concerns to the best of my ability. Assignments will be graded and returned in a timely manner. And finally, I promise to come to class prepared and do my best to inspire you!

Contact Info: I am generally available for extra help every day after school (Room 604) and by appointment and you can also e-mail me at .



"I have read and understood these course and classroom expectations"

Signature of Student: ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______