
This fact sheet provides information on the role of DirectLine in the alcohol and drug service system in the context of reforms ofadult non-residential services from 1 September 2014.

Service scope

DirectLine is a 24/7 telephone and online service which supports people seeking alcohol and drug (AOD) information, advice or referral. Operated by Turning Point, which is part of Eastern Health,DirectLine isa state-widepoint of access to the alcohol and drug service system offering around-the-clock access to confidential advice and support to metropolitan, rural and remote populations of primary AOD users, their families, and friends.

Turning Point operates a number of state and national telephone helpline services for alcohol and other drugs, gambling issues and professional consultation services for alcohol and drug workforces, in addition to DirectLine. Turning Point also operates online services that include‘online counselling’ available for alcohol and other drugs and gambling support. A bed vacancy register to improve access to residential alcohol and drug services has been developed and will be operational on the DirectLine website.

State-wide screening and referral

From 1 September 2014,DirectLine will simplify access for people seeking alcohol and drug information, support and referral for treatment. DirectLine’s complementary state-wide entry point to the Victorian AOD sector will provide supported referral to intake and assessment catchment-based services where screening and assessment will occur. DirectLine hasbuilt on their existing programs to provideenhanced telephone services and anew web presence. will provide an online portal to a suite of existing telephone and online services at DirectLine and beyond. A key feature of the portal will be the online “Self-Assessment” screening tool for people to use as a guide to what type of treatment they may consider accessing. To date, this has proved to be a highly attractive point of access for many people seeking information about alcohol and drug treatment and contemplating treatment.

DirectLine willidentify a client’s need for referral to catchment-based intake and assessment services. Clients identified as non-dependent users will be offered a range of DirectLine telephone and online supports, including information and advice, brief interventions, worker-facilitated and self-guided supports, and referrals to non-AOD services. Clients identified as potentially being AOD dependent will be referred to catchment-based intake and assessment services for screening, comprehensive assessment and referral to treatment.

DirectLine interface with catchment intake and assessment services

For clients identified as being AOD dependent, DirectLine will provide facilitated referral to catchment-based intake and assessment services. Facilitated referral means that DirectLine will link clients into a three-way telephone call with the appropriatecatchment-based intake and assessment services.

The DirectLine operator will ensure that the client is handed over to a catchment-based service prior to leaving the call, where possible, and will provide an introduction based on the initial telephone contact. Where the DirectLine operator is not able to speak with an intake and assessment worker in the appropriate catchment, with the client’s consent,DirectLinewill emailthe service with brief information about the caller. This email will include contact details and preferences regarding next business day contact by the service. Where clients have completed the online screen, DirectLine operators will also emailthe completed online screen to catchment intake and assessment services.

DirectLine’s enhancements will include a wider range of early interventions suitable for non-dependent or pre-treatment populations. Self-guided information, advice and brief interventions are available for use by clients as an alternative to referral to face-to-face assessment and treatment. Information, advice, and brief interventions are also valuable tools for clients in face-to-face treatment, and as post-treatment supports.

Drug Diversion Appointment Line (DDAL)

DirectLine will continue to manage DDAL referrals from Victoria Police. Low risk DDAL clients will receive a structured telephone intervention at DirectLinewhile substance dependent DDAL clientswill be referred to catchment intake and assessment services for assessment and brief intervention.

After-hours support

Where an after-hours response is not in place,DirectLine will accept diverted phone calls from catchment-based intake and assessment services.DirectLine counsellors can provide immediate support and information to callers seeking information and advice, and where required will provide facilitated referral via email to catchment-based intake and assessment services.

Transition activities

DirectLinewill liaiseclosely with new catchment-based intake and assessment providers during transition to clarify catchment level intake phone numbers, relevant contact people and information management processes.

Current providers and new catchment intake and assessment providersshould keep DirectLineinformed about any issues impacting on client flow to catchment-based intake and assessment services.

Further information

For further information: please contact Anthony Denham, Deputy Director Treatment Services, Turning Point, Eastern Health;or Karyn Cook, Manager Treatment Services, Turning Point, Eastern Health (03) 8413 8413.

DirectLine contact details

1800 888 236 or

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