County Faculty Information
Name: ______Richard Tyson______
County: ______Multicounty Agent – housed in Seminole______
I. Education: List only the institutions from which you received degrees.
Name of Institution / Degree Earned (e.g., B.S., Sociology)University of Florida / Ph.D.
University of Florida / M.S.
University of Florida / B.S.
II. Extension Experience: Please list current and past employment within Cooperative Extension.
State / Job Title / Program Area(s) / Years EmployedFL / Mulitcounty Extension Agent / Commercial Vegetable/Turf / 8
Multicounty Extension Agent / Commercial Vegetable / 5
Collier County Public Schools / Science Teacher / 1
Collier Enterprises / Farm Division Manager / 8
III. Program Areas: Please list the program areas (e.g. 4-H, agriculture, horticulture) you are involved in, as well as the percentage of time dedicated to each.
Name of Program / % of TimeHorticulture / 80
Additional program activities including 4-H (5%) / 20
IV. Honors & Awards: Please list major honors/awards you have received within the last 3 years.
Name of Honor/Award / Awarded By: / YearDistinguished Service Award / Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / 2009
Sadler Distinguished Extension Professional and Enhancement Award / University of Florida / 2008
Bayer Communications Award, National Finalist / National Association of County Agricultural Agents / 2008
Excellence in Crop Production Award / Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / 2008
UF/IFAS Jim App Award for Best Goal Team / University of Florida / 2007
V. Grants & Contracts: Please list any grants/contracts you have been awarded during the last three years. Exclude in-kind contributions.
Grant Title / Funding Agency / Value / YearSafe Harbor Horticultural Teaching Park / Cumberland Farms / 1,000 / 2008
Camp Ocala Beautification Project / Cumberland Farms / 1,500 / 2008
Pesticide Testing Program / FDACS / 2,695 / 2005-2008
Sadler Extension Prof & Enhancement Grant / University of Florida / 500 / 2008
Small Farm Conference 2007 / Small Farm Focus Team / 3,500 / 2007
Mulitcounty Extension Program Contributions / Central Florida Extension and Research Advisory Committee / 15,648 / 2005-2008
Extension Program Sponsorship / Vance Publishing / 250 / 2005
VI. Professional Service: Please list any leadership positions (e.g. President, Chair, Secretary) you have held in professional associations during the last three years.
Association / Office / YearsFlorida Association of County Agricultural Agents / Treasurer / 2008-2009
Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / Chair Scholarship Committee / 2006-2008
Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / Chair Public Relations Committee / 2004-2005
VI. Programming: Please briefly describe the educational objectives for your major programs.
Program Title: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT AND WATER QUALITY / Target Audience: Commercial turf producers and landscapers, grounds maintenance personnel, farmers, farm workers, and master gardenersDescribe program objectives:
Conduct pest management training sessions that will provide at least 15 continuing education credits for pesticide license recertification annually. Pre and post test will show a 15% increase in pest management knowledge gained.
Provide training that will result in a 20% increase in passing grades for clients taking pesticide license examinations after classes compared to clients who do not attend training.
Encourage adoption of Best Management Practices for the production and management of turf and landscape. Pre and post test will show a 15% increase in BMP knowledge gained.
Program Title: SMALL FARMS AND ALTERNATIVE ENTERPRISES / Target Audience: Farmers, agricultural industry representatives, potential farmers and market gardeners, Master Gardeners, and teachers.
Describe program objectives:
Encourage the adoption of alternative agricultural methods with potential for adoption by clientele through demonstrations, workshops, tours, and publication of information in newsletters and scientific journals with 75% of program participants indicating they will make a practice change based on information presented at educational workshops.
Program Title: ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMATIC EFFORT AND ACTIVITY / Target Audience:4-H youth, the general county population
Describe program objectives: In order to successfully maintain the total Extension service presence in the counties, numerous additional and unplanned activities and responsibilities arise.
Program Title: / Target Audience:
Describe program objectives
Please submit completed to
Amy Harder at by January 18, 2008.