County Faculty Information

Name: ______Richard Tyson______

County: ______Multicounty Agent – housed in Seminole______

I. Education: List only the institutions from which you received degrees.

Name of Institution / Degree Earned (e.g., B.S., Sociology)
University of Florida / Ph.D.
University of Florida / M.S.
University of Florida / B.S.

II. Extension Experience: Please list current and past employment within Cooperative Extension.

State / Job Title / Program Area(s) / Years Employed
FL / Mulitcounty Extension Agent / Commercial Vegetable/Turf / 8
Multicounty Extension Agent / Commercial Vegetable / 5
Collier County Public Schools / Science Teacher / 1
Collier Enterprises / Farm Division Manager / 8

III. Program Areas: Please list the program areas (e.g. 4-H, agriculture, horticulture) you are involved in, as well as the percentage of time dedicated to each.

Name of Program / % of Time
Horticulture / 80
Additional program activities including 4-H (5%) / 20

IV. Honors & Awards: Please list major honors/awards you have received within the last 3 years.

Name of Honor/Award / Awarded By: / Year
Distinguished Service Award / Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / 2009
Sadler Distinguished Extension Professional and Enhancement Award / University of Florida / 2008
Bayer Communications Award, National Finalist / National Association of County Agricultural Agents / 2008
Excellence in Crop Production Award / Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / 2008
UF/IFAS Jim App Award for Best Goal Team / University of Florida / 2007

V. Grants & Contracts: Please list any grants/contracts you have been awarded during the last three years. Exclude in-kind contributions.

Grant Title / Funding Agency / Value / Year
Safe Harbor Horticultural Teaching Park / Cumberland Farms / 1,000 / 2008
Camp Ocala Beautification Project / Cumberland Farms / 1,500 / 2008
Pesticide Testing Program / FDACS / 2,695 / 2005-2008
Sadler Extension Prof & Enhancement Grant / University of Florida / 500 / 2008
Small Farm Conference 2007 / Small Farm Focus Team / 3,500 / 2007
Mulitcounty Extension Program Contributions / Central Florida Extension and Research Advisory Committee / 15,648 / 2005-2008
Extension Program Sponsorship / Vance Publishing / 250 / 2005

VI. Professional Service: Please list any leadership positions (e.g. President, Chair, Secretary) you have held in professional associations during the last three years.

Association / Office / Years
Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / Treasurer / 2008-2009
Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / Chair Scholarship Committee / 2006-2008
Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents / Chair Public Relations Committee / 2004-2005

VI. Programming: Please briefly describe the educational objectives for your major programs.

Program Title: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT AND WATER QUALITY / Target Audience: Commercial turf producers and landscapers, grounds maintenance personnel, farmers, farm workers, and master gardeners
Describe program objectives:
 Conduct pest management training sessions that will provide at least 15 continuing education credits for pesticide license recertification annually. Pre and post test will show a 15% increase in pest management knowledge gained.
 Provide training that will result in a 20% increase in passing grades for clients taking pesticide license examinations after classes compared to clients who do not attend training.
 Encourage adoption of Best Management Practices for the production and management of turf and landscape. Pre and post test will show a 15% increase in BMP knowledge gained.
Program Title: SMALL FARMS AND ALTERNATIVE ENTERPRISES / Target Audience: Farmers, agricultural industry representatives, potential farmers and market gardeners, Master Gardeners, and teachers.
Describe program objectives:
 Encourage the adoption of alternative agricultural methods with potential for adoption by clientele through demonstrations, workshops, tours, and publication of information in newsletters and scientific journals with 75% of program participants indicating they will make a practice change based on information presented at educational workshops.
Program Title: ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMATIC EFFORT AND ACTIVITY / Target Audience:4-H youth, the general county population
Describe program objectives: In order to successfully maintain the total Extension service presence in the counties, numerous additional and unplanned activities and responsibilities arise.
Program Title: / Target Audience:
Describe program objectives

Please submit completed to

Amy Harder at by January 18, 2008.