General Fund...... 14,395.00

Missions……………….…...…...... 79.81

Open Door……...……..……....….85.00

Operation Christmas Child…….....30.00

Backpack Ministry…………….…20.00

Endowment Fund…………..…...765.00


Sunday School ...... 171

Early Morning Worship...... 77

The Link…………………….………40

Morning Worship……………...…..181

Total Worship...... 298

Our Guests

The Taylor Family; Melissa Moore; Michael and Jennifer Upshaw; James Abare; Catherine and Joe Wiegand; Bill Gribble; Mike and Janet Cavin; Andrew Hayes; Ronzell and Kitty Buckner; James Abare.

2014 Food Drive

You did it last year and we can do it again! November is our month to stock the Wynnton Neighborhood Network with food. Our goal is 2014 food items. The Confirmation Class is once again sponsoring a contest to see which Sunday School class brings the

most food items during the month of November. A box will be placed in each Sunday School class and we will

count the items that you bring. The class bringing the most items will receive doughnuts on December 7th. The Goodwill Class is the reigning champion. There is great need as more and more families are seeking food. Bring items each Sunday!

**Time Change Reminder**

Set your clocks back

this Saturday, Nov 1.


Usher-in-Chief: Bob Gilstrap

Usher-in-Chief Emeritus: Ben Moon

Ushers: 8:30: CPT Harold Hill

Park Simpson

Ushers: 11:00: CPT Steve Smith

Don Vining

John Bray, Tommy Hudson, Reggie Kelley, Sid Griffith, Bob Draughon, Jack Watkins, Fred Wise, Bill Bussey

Greeters: 9:30: Sarah Butler, Marcia Therrien, Linell Pringle

Greeters: 10:40: Sarah Butler, Penny Lamb, Delores Darrah

Altar Guild: Becky Coger, Neita Denny

Offering Trustees: Bobbie Edmondson, Marguerite Murdock

Flower Delivery: Susan Simpson

Mission Focus Delivery: Sojourners

Men of Courage: Team 5: Eddie Cawthorne, John Denny, Tim Zabel, Inge Smith


11:00 Charlotte Chism, Tyler Walker

11:00 Children’s Church

Infant Nursery: Neita Denny

Nursery 2 & 3: Beth Parr, Alexandra Sass

Pre-K-3rd Grades:Gwen Sass,

Sara Ann/Margie Nell White

Backpacks of Grace: CNS Children

Glory Kids Supper: No Rehearsal

Wynnton Neighborhood Network

Fund Raiser

On Thursday, November 6, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at the Chick fil A in the Peachtree Mall for a fund raising for Wynnton Neighborhood Network. Purchase a meal and let your server know that you are there to support the Network and Chick fil A will donate 20% of your purchase to help us continue our service to those in need in our community. The cow will be there for pictures with the children. This event is at the Peachtree Mall location only.

Georgia Retired Educators Day

We would like to acknowledge all of the teachers and retired teachers. We appreciate your profession.


God’s Love is Powerful!


You DO NOT want to miss tonight! Tonight is different in almost every way possible. We are combined middle & high school. We also will not be starting till 7pm but we will finish at 8pm. There will be no dinner and we will be meeting in The Chapel! So don't miss out on this new chapter of The Basement!Thank you to all the adults who helped put the past weekend together. We couldn't do it without you!


Sunday, November 9, is All Saints Day for us at Wynnton. Please be in prayer for this day of remembrance of those members who have gone on before us to God’s mansion in the past year. There will also be a time for members to remember loved ones who have died in the past year.


It is with heartfelt gratitude that we wish to thank all members of Wynnon UMC for your thoughts and prayers during Betty’s illness. Your cards and phone calls were greatly appreciated. Dr. Parr’s presence, prayers and counsel were invaluable in helping us in the loss of our loved one. Oz and Mike White

Missionaries at RECHARGE

We are excited to have Steve and Gail Quigg come to share with us at RECHARGE this Wednesday night, Nov. 5. Steve and Gail are long time Methodist Missionaries based in the United States in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for the past several years. Steve serves as the Aviation Coordinator for the United Methodist Aviation Ministries. They have served in Africa and the Congo and can share insights on missions today. Gail presently leads the local Change of Pace Bible Study ministry for women of Southern Lancaster County.


On Wednesday Night, November 12, all Wynnton UMC military veterans will be honored guests at RECHARGE Supper. Veterans eat free but please make reservations.


November 2: 1Timothy 4, Isaiah 38-39, Psalm 119:121-144

November 3: 2 Timothy 5:1-20, Jeremiah 1-2, Psalm 119:145-176

November 4: 1Timothy 5:21-6:21, Jeremiah 3-4, Psalm 120

November 5: 2 Timothy 1, Jeremiah 5-6, Psalm 121

November 6: 2 Timothy 2, Jeremiah 7-8, Psalm 122

November 7: 2 Timothy 2, Jeremiah 9-10, Psalm 123

November 8: 2 Timothy 4, Jeremiah 11-12, Psalm 124


*given in memory of Betty White by Dot Bruner; Nancy Miller-Borg; National Association of Retired Postal Inspectors; Jeannie & Bob Moore; Margaret & Don Goodroe; Lucile Ogie.

*given in memory of Charles Kent, First Chairman of the Endowment Fund Trustees by Becky & John Bray; Beth & Larry Hendrickson; Dot Bruner; Debby & Eric Hubbard and family; Pam & Bob Gilstrap; Shirley & Ben Moon; Kaye & Harold Hill; Cynthia DeMent; Jackie & Jack Watkins; Janet & Mike Cavin; Trant, Christina, Andrew & D.J Hayes; Sarah Crawford; Linell & David Pringle; Charles Maupin; Charles Maupin; Cloie & Bobby Porch; Joy Graham; Betty & Milton Woodruff.

A Stone has been placed on the Endowment Tree of Life in Memory of ELIZABETH SHIRLEY PITTS.

Claiming Christmas

On Saturday, November 15, 10:00 – 1:00, the women of our church and community are invited to come and begin preparing their hearts for the Birth of Christ through music, activities, and wonderful fellowship. Tickets will be sold beginning Sunday, November 2nd for $10.00. Five dollars of the cost will go to missions. We are asking each

person to bring a favorite covered dish. We are also asking you to bring the recipe for the dish so we can put them together in a booklet for those who attend.


New Beginnings is selling poinsettias for $10 each. Proceeds go to Chicken & Rice Ministry and Valley Interfaith Promise. See any New Beginnings Class Member to



1 Lauren Upshaw

2 Patsy Dean, David Lovett, Mark Matthey

Meg Torbert

3 Trey Brooks III,

Don Goodroe

4 Leigh Beach, Charlie Maupin, Taylor White

5 Grayson Graham

6 Erin Crawford

7 Rob Garrett,

Karen Voynich

8 Katherine Booth, Anna Carroll, Lorrie Watt

Operation Christmas Child

Next Sunday, November 9, is the day to bring your filled Operation Christmas Child boxes to the church. We will receive them during all services and bless them. They will be sent to children around the world. If you pay for shipping online, you can keep up with the travels of your box and know where the children live who receive it.


If you had your picture made for our new directory and/or ordered prints – your pictures are in. You can pick them up outside the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 2nd from 9:30 – 9:50 a.m. and after the 11:00 services. If you have any questions, call Susan at 706-326-5841.


◘ James Hartman

◘ Marsh Bolin

◘ Ryan Lubin