December 05, 2017
Commission Chair Darin Bushman opened the meeting.
Trent Wilde offered a prayer.
Commissioner Bushman felt like yesterday was a great day for rural counties.
Road Supervisor Travis Kennedy was present. He asked Commissioner Bushman if he still had some stop signs for the road. He also asked about residents taking gravel from the gravel pit and what the commission had set as a price per ton. Commissioner Bushman thought it was a $2/ton rate. Gravel cannot be taken out of clay hill pit however. The board suggested fencing the top of the Marysvale pit this winter
Travis also commented on the bobcat bucket that has been stolen. He will be getting with Deputy Whittaker to file a report. The county has only owned one bucket. There is a camera out there but the battery could be dead. A new bucket needs to be purchased.
Commissioner Bushman also asked Travis about the progress on the Turkey Barns turn lane. He wondered if it is getting close to being finished and getting final approval. Travis said the state would just like them to slope it a little more and then it will be done.
Travis presented the commission with his work report. Kali will file it
Travis informedthe commission that they took the grader to Honan in St. George. They are waiting on diagnosis.
Commissioner had met with the Road crew to discuss the budget with them. He felt it was a good meeting.
Trent Wilde was present and asked for a few minutes. There will be a workshop on the 19th. Specialists on livestock from Logan will be present. This will take place from 6-8:30 at the courthouse. Trent also informed the commission that the weed grant application for the 2018 year has been submitted. It was for around $26,000.
Commissioner Bushman gave his report. He is still working on the tourism board and getting everything in order there. All the commissioners went to the capitol to meet President Trump. There were approximately 600 people in attendance. They felt it was a great day!!
The commission reviewed the topic of the Domestic Violence Resolution. Mark Whitney, President of UAC, Beaver County Commissioner, has focused on this topic during his year of President. Commissioner Bushman read the resolution # 2017-1205-05 for the record. The resolution will also follow these minutes. This is just a notice that Piute County is a county that supports this topic.
MOTION:Commissioner Rick Blackwell made the motion to approve resolution # 2017-1205-05, a resolution that deals with freedoms from domestic violence. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.
Clerk Kali Gleave read a letter from Aspyn Jensen requesting the use of the community/event center for a blood drive on the 26th of January.
MOTION:Commissioner Will Talbot made the motion to approve the use of the community/event center for a blood drive scheduled on January 26th. Commissioner Rick Blackwell seconded the motion.
The minutes from the November 13th meeting were reviewed.
MOTION:Commissioner Rick Blackwell made the motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of November 13, 2017. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.
The accounts payable for November 2017 were reviewed and the following motion was made.
MOTION:Commissioner Will Talbotmade the motion to approve the accounts payable for November. Commissioner Rick Blackwell seconded the motion.
EMS director Kristi Fautin was present. She informed the commission that while the EMT’s were up north fulfilling their training hour requirements they won a huge prize. 30% off of a power lift from Stryker. This would make it around $16,000. The commission told her to get with Deputy Whittaker and see if the sheriff grants will cover this. The county is limited in funds right now. Kristi also advertised running an EMT class starting in January. She has had two sign up for it. One is under 18. She believes they would be able to run as a trainee. Kali has some questions about the logistics of this concerning insurance and so forth.
Sheriff Gleave has nothing to report at this time
The commission at this time discussed the letter that they received by David Grow. This has been an ongoing issue with these citizens. Commissioner doesn’t think it can be approved without rezoning. An Adjacent landowner is complaining and has stated that he is prepared to peruse with litigation if it comes to that. The county Attorney will issue a letter in response to the Grow’s letter. He will be asking them to attend commission meeting to discuss this. the cease and desist is still in place at this point.
Commissioner Bushman also asked the county attorney if he needed the commission to approve the $23000 grant from UOT that contains the $10,000 for county videos. The tourism board is an official board and wants to put out a bid for video work, so he wasn’t sure if he needed to run it by commission. Attorney Scott Burns said yes the tourism board would make a recommendation to the commission for their decision. It also needs to be posted for 2 weeks in a newspaper and three separate places.
He commission discussed the issue of adding a 3% cost of living lump sum to the last payroll of the year. Because of concerns in revenue we are tightening the budget. Commissioners are concerned at adding to the base amount.
MOTION:Commissioner Will Talbot made the motion to approve the addition of a one time 3% of salary cost of living on the December 26th payroll.Commissioner Rick Blackwell seconded the motion.
2018 Budget Hearing
The Budget Hearing for 2018 began on December 5, 2017 at 1:30 PM. No members of the public were present. The budget reflects the decrease in PILT of 40%, along with the non-funding of SRS funds
The commission and Shane discussed the PILT impact on the budget.
MOTION:Commissioner Rick Blackwell made the motion to accept and approve the presented 2018 budget for all funds. The Auditor is authorized to make any necessary adjustments to the 2017 budget. Commissioner Will Talbot seconded the motion.