

AdamsCounty: Donna Young 717-337-3755;

AlleghenyCounty: Judy S. Brown--call home first412-257-3253; 412-973-9028 cell; will be 4-yr terms beginning in 2010

ArmstrongCounty: GOP up in 2010; 4-yr term (Lois has committee list.)

BedfordCounty: Lois 814-207-0011

BerksCounty: Ray Bostard

; 610-374-1100; Donna Peters 610-670-1532, ; committee person

John Stahl:

one committeeman and one committeewoman elected in each precinct; if over 500, then the precinct gets an extra

BlairCounty: Lois 814-207-0011

Positions up in 2010 on 2-year terms

BradfordCounty: Victor Lawson 570-596-2379;; committeepeople allocated by population


One woman & one man; Dan

Lower Bucks county: John Riotto; ;

215-785-3672; Matt ;

(TomC – west; AndyR – east)

ButlerCounty: Bea ; 724-368-3278

Cambria:Vivian Berkebile; ; 479-2416; GOP up in 2010 on 2-yr term; Lois has committee list

Elections office 814-472-1464 (Lois & Vivian have committee list)

CarbonCounty: Mary Ellen Salerno 570-656-1721;

2 elected per precinct; up in 2010 on 4-year terms

CentreCounty:Tom Brown

570-417-3695 CentreCounty elects the Chair and Vice Chair only; all the precinct people are appointed by the Chair!

ChesterCounty: Bill

610-363-4096; township chairs appoint to vacant positions

Paul Linkmeyer;

ClarionCounty:precinct positions up in 2012 on 4-yr terms; by-laws on web site


814-236-3974; Dubois: ohn Balliet

Elect committee people in even numbered years, 2 of any gender by precinct

ColumbiaCounty:Joe Zapach 570-579-7806;

4-year terms up in 2010

CumberlandCounty: Denny Lebo


CumberlandCounty elects one woman and one man in each precinct. You may sign one petition for a man and one for a woman candidate. Of course, as many can get on the ballot as desired.

DauphinCounty: up in 2010; on 4-year terms; 1 man, 1 woman per precinct; Board of Elections 717-780-6360; Dauphin County GOP(717) 635-9595

Delaware County: Carmen ; 484-478-1999; gop up in 2012 on a 4-yr term; DelCo gop office 610-566-9375;

Call Lisa Esler if interested in running for state committee in 2010: 484-995-1540

ElkCounty: Republicans elect Chair every 2 years & Chair appoints precinct people; Dems elect precinct people every 4 years. ElkCounty Elections office: 814-776-5337 (Kim)

Erie:Bill ; 814-796-6141


301-659-4799; positions up in 2010 for 4-yr terms

FultonCounty: Elections office 717-485-3691

Republican CountyChair: Mike Fix 717-987-4218

Positions up in 2012 on 4-yr cycle, elect 3 per township

There are vacancies. Chairman instructed me to call the Elections office for committee person or vacancy information.

HuntingdonCounty: Lois 814-207-0011

Up in 2010; 2-yr terms; 2 per precinct

JeffersonCounty:Patty Fish ; 814-653-7772

Elect committee people in even numbered years, 2 of any gender by precinct

Lackawanna:Laureen Cummings; ;

570-780-8651GOP up in 2010; 1 man & 1 woman per precinct; 4 yr term

LancasterCounty: Ben Sheaffer;

One man & one woman per precinct; by-laws online

LebanonCounty: Chad Sweigart 717-507-6159;

2-yr terms

LehighCounty: Joe Hilliard;

(610) 349-7030; 2-year terms up in 2010

LuzerneCounty:Michael Harrison– Republican committee on 4-year terms up for re-election 2012; contact him through the web site below:

LycomingCounty: GOP up in 2010 for 4-year term; one male, one female from each precinct. View the committee list here:

MifflinCounty:GOP up in 2010 on 2-yr terms; Elections office 717-248-6571 (Lois has a fax copy of GOP member list)

MonroeCounty:Joe Valese 570-817-6567;

one man & one woman per precinct

MonroeCounty has all their committee members listed on their web site!


Don Reimer 215-361-3094 home; 267-446-7124 cell

Carl Namiotka 610-505-2127;

2-yr terms 2010; 2 of any gender per precinct

NorthamptonCounty: Bryan Eichfeld;

908-334-9054 cell; 610-838-2346 home

Philadelphia:Matthew Wolfe

(215) 387-7300

also see for info on Phila party politics; Phila calls the precincts “divisions.” Division leaders will be elected in 2010, and the division leaders elect the Ward leaders.


Committee members & by-laws on web site above.

4-year terms up in 2012

PikeCounty: Toni Rome 570-242-2435;

SchuylkillCounty:BruceJohnson;; (570) 739-1796

SnyderCounty: GOP on 2-year terms up in 2010; 2 per precinct, any gender; Current committee people online:

SomersetCounty: Vivian Berkebile; ; 479-2416; county committee elections coincide with gubernatorial elections. By-laws are online:

SusquehannaCounty:up in 2010 for 4-yr term; 2 per precinct (any gender); list of committee people on web site:

UnionCounty:Floyd Houdeshell, Jr.570-412-7956;

VenangoCounty:precinct positions up in 2012;

CallCounty Chair Martha Breene 814-677-5793, the hardest working county chair in Pa! Become a volunteer before you run for committee.

WarrenCounty:Democrats & Republicans up in 2010 on 4-year terms, 2-per precinct; Elections office 814-728-3406

WashingtonCounty:one man & one woman per precinct

Angela DeThomas;724-229-8535

Don Tice (PetersTownship)

WayneCounty:Jennifer ; committee positions on 4-yr cycle; up in 2012

Wayne County GOP office: 570-253-0677

WestmorelandCounty:Jon ;GOP committee up in 2010 for 2-yr terms, one man and one woman per precinct; Elections office 724-830-3594; GOP office 724-836-0570

WyomingCounty: Marland

570-587-3687; one woman & one man per precinct

YorkCounty: Marc Sessi 717-767-1836;

One man & one woman per precinct