Prevent injury at your workplace

Computer’s power cable:

1. Minimise use of double adapters, multiple outlet power boards and extension cords.

2. Turn off the power switch before removing the plug. Grip the plug firmly and pull it. NEVER REMOVE A PLUG BY PULLING THE CORD.

Computer video monitor:

1. Centre the monitor directly in front of you, at eye level and avoid sitting closer than 30cm.

2. If you wear bifocal glasses, lower the monitor to a comfortable reading level.

3. Adjust the vertical screen angle to reduce reflected glare from overhead lights and adjust or close blinds to reduce any reflected glare from outside.

Source document holder:

If there is insufficient space, place source documents on a document holder positioned adjacent to the monitor or convenient edge of the drawing board.


Place your telephone within easy reach. Telephone stands or arms can help.

General seating position:

1. Position the keyboard directly in front of you.

2. Pull up close to your keyboard.

3. Place the mouse as close as possible to the keyboard.

4. Push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair.

5. Adjust the seat height so your knees are level with, or slightly lower than, your hips.

6. Upper and lower legs should bend at right angles with sufficient thigh clearance under the desk.

7. Adjust the seat height to suit the operator.

Seat back support:

1. Make sure your upper and lower back are supported.

2. Use inflatable cushions or small pillows if necessary.

3. Make frequent position changes.

4. Upper and lower arms should also be at right angles.


A footrest maybe required for some operators otherwise your feet should be flat on the floor.

Computer keyboard:

Wrists straight and resting on the keyboard edge or a wrist support with fingers curved slightly downward.