To register for ANY summer class, you MUST see your counselor according to the registration schedule below:
*GAVIRTUAL ONLY: May 30 or 31
8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. at Union Grove High School
Parent/Legal Guardian Must Attend Registration. No Appointments. First Come, First Served.
- You must have a minimum of 5 credits when school starts to be classified as a Sophomore.
- You must have a minimum of 11 credits when school starts to be classified as a Junior.
- You must have a minimum of 17 credits when school starts to be classified as a Senior.
- Students must pass the entire year of math before school starts in the fall to move on to the next level of math.
Failure to do so can affect the date of graduation.
- Students planning to participate in athletics at the college level need to attend a program that is approved by the NCAA.
A. Credit Recovery: Take courses completely online (no teacher) at UGHS for make-up credit in courses listed on back.
(1 credit maximum) No tutoring is available for Credit Recovery. All Henry County Schools/UGHS handbook rules apply.
- MUST see your counselor on Friday, June 2 or Monday, June 5 to register.
- Does not meet NCAA Guidelines.
- Must have a grade of 60 - 69 to qualify.
- Classes run every day from Wednesday, June 7 – Friday, June 30.
- Time: 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. (Students can continue to work on assignments at home. All testing must be
done at UGHS.)
- Students will have a brief break and should plan to bring a snack each day.
- No cost.
- GA Milestone Test required for some courses. (See back.)
B. Henry County Online-Impact Academy: Take courses (listed on back) that are a combination of teacher-lead and online
(2 credit maximum) instruction for new or make-up credit.
- MUST see your counselor on Friday, June 2 or Monday, June 5 to register.
- Must attend orientation on of these dates: June 5 or June7 at 6:00 PM at Impact Academy. (330 E. Tomlinson St.)
- Meets NCAA guidelines.
- Classes run from June 5 – July 21 for non-graduates and June 5 – July 14 for graduating seniors.
- Cost: $250 for full year course. $125 for a one semester course (Health, Pers. Fitness, Gov’t, Econ)
- Cash/money order only. No scholarships or free classes available. No payment plan available.
- Money orders should be made payable to Henry County Public Schools. No refunds after registration.
*C. Georgia Virtual School (GAVS): Take courses online at home for new or make-up credit.
(1 credit maximum)
- *MUST see your counselor on Tuesday, May 30 or Wednesday, May 31 to register.
- Offers additional courses not available through Henry County Online.
- Meets NCAA guidelines.
- Classes run from June 12 – July 14.
- Go to for list of classes available.
- Cost: $500 for a year-long course. $250 per semester course. (This is paid online through the GAVS website.)
D. Faith Academy (FA): Take courses at home, given in packet form for new or make-up credit or completely online for
(2 credit maximum) new or make-up credit.
- MUST see your counselor on Friday, June 2 or Monday, June 5 to register. (Then take registration and
payment to FA June 6-9.)
- Does not meet NCAA guidelines.
- Classes run from June 6–July 14.
- Tutoring available.
- Go to for a list of classes and details.
- Cost: (Cash, Check, Credit Card.) $425 for up to 2 units. $175 due upon enrollment. Balance may be paid at
$50 per week. Online classes are $199 per ½ unit. (Faith Academy is located at 4518 N. Henry Blvd. Stockbridge.
NOTE: Participation in online courses requires that students have access to a reliable computer with internet access.
Courses Offered through Credit Recovery at UGHS June 8 – June 30:
Language Arts: Science: Social Studies
*9th Grade Literature *Biology World Geography
World Literature *Physical Science World History
*American Literature Environmental Science *U.S. History
*GA Milestone Required. See schedule below.
Courses Offered through HCOL-Impact Academy June 5 – July 14:
Note: A course can be dropped up and until July 7 without a failing grade on a transcript but without a refund.
Language Arts: Science: Social Studies: Math:______
*9th Grade Literature (H) *Biology (H) World History (H) *Coordinate Algebra (H)
World Literature (H) *Physical Science *U.S. History (H) * Analytic Geometry (H)
*American Literature (H) Envir. Science *Economics (H) Advanced Algebra (H)
British Literature Forensic Science Government Pre-Calculus
Chemistry (H) Psychology Adv. Decision Making
World Languages: Health/PE:
Spanish I, II Health
Latin I, II Personal Fitness
French I, II Team Sports
*GA Milestone required. See schedule below.
(H) Honors version of course available.
GA Milestones:
Tests for summer courses requiring a GA Milestone will be given at Union Grove High School on the dates listed below. Students should arrive at 8:00 A.M. on the day they are to test. Please note that a course grade cannot be finalized and credit cannot be awarded until the student has taken the GA Milestone exam. When you come to UGHS to register for a summer class that requires a GA Milestone, we will also register you for the exam.
June 22: Part I 9th Grade Literature, American Literature
June 23: Part II/III 9th Grade Literature, American Literature
June 26: Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry
June 27: Biology, Physical Science
June 28: U.S. History, Economics
June 29: Make up
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Summer Graduation is currently scheduled for Friday, July 21
at 6:00 P.M. at the Performing Arts Center in McDonough.