No.1(26)/2015-R&A Dated: 11th Feb., 2016
NOTICE - ADVT. NO. 03/2015
It is notified for information of all concerned candidates that One post of Assistant (Gen.) Gr.III reserved for Hearing Impaired (Partially deaf), one post of Assistant (S&P) Gr.III reserved for Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) and one post of Junior Stenographer reserved for Visually Handicapped (VH) were published vide Advt. No. 03/2015. The eligible candidates were shortlisted to appear in the Typewriting/Written/Skill Test to the each post notified vide OM dated 19.01.2016. Details of shortlisted candidates against each position have already been displayed on our Institute website.
It is for general information that the Typewriting/Written Test [Assistant (G) Gr.III/Assistant (S&P) Gr.III] will be held on 5th March, 2016 (Saturday) at 8.45 AM and Skill Test (Junior Stenographer) at 1.45 p.m. onwards at Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Sector 28-C, Chandigarh. Separate call letters are being sent through Speed Post to the individuals.
Therefore, all the eligible candidates are advised to appear in the Typewriting/Written/Skill Test as per above schedule. In case any candidate does not receive their call letters within due time, duplicate call letter may be get issued from this Institute on or before 04.03.2016 by 12.00 noon. The instructions issued to the candidates in the call letters are hereby indicated below.
(Virender Lamba)
Section Officer (R&A)
1. You are advised to bring the following documents mandatorily:
i) All the original certificates in support of proof of age, qualifications, caste (SC/ST/ OBC, if any), experience certificate, and a valid disability certificate issued by the Competent Medical Authority on the latest prescribed Proforma.
ii) Any original documents in support of evidence of credentials i.e. Driving Licence, Aadhar/ PAN/Voter ID Card/Ration Card/Identity Certificate issued by Area Councilor or Village Sarpanch with a self-attested photocopy thereof.
iii) Bring this call letter to appear in the test/examination; failing which you will not be allowed to appear in the test.
2. In case you are working in any of the Central/State/Public State Undertakings Deptts. and your application has been forwarded through proper channel, you are advised to bring ‘No Objection Certificate’ from your present employer clearly indicating that in case of your selection, you will be relieved within one month.
3. In case you are an outstation candidate, you will be defrayed to & fro travelling expenses of 2nd class rail/bus fare from your residence/or the address as mentioned in your application to Chandigarh, whichever is nearer, as per rules.
4. You are advised to reach test centre, half an hour before the scheduled time