Minutes of the Meeting of Helmsley Town Council held in the National Park Meeting Room on Monday 28th July 2014 at 6:30pm

Councillors Present Councillors C Parkin (Chairman), J Duncombe, D Paton, C Swift

and M Vander Weyer

Also Present County Councillor V Arnold, two members of the public, Ms V Ellis (Town Clerk) and Mrs L Pryor (Assistant Clerk)

Part One – opening business

1 / Apologies
There were no apologies for absence.
2 / Code of Conduct
Councillor Duncombe declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 10a.
Councillor Vander Weyer declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 12 as he is on the Parochial Church Council.
3 / Public Comments
There were no comments from members of the public.
4 / Minutes
The council resolved to agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 30th June 2014.

Part Two – For Information

5 / Exchange of Information and items for next agenda
a)  Chairman’s Report
I. Update on Helmsley Recreation Charity.
II.  The chairman congratulated Helmsley Archive on their exhibition.
b)  Councillor Vander Weyer gave brief verbal reports on the following items:
I. Magna Carta celebrations
II.  Helmsley Library
c)  Clerk’s Report
I. Email about a Ryedale resident’s concerns about Helmsley Market.
II.  Copy letter from a resident to Mr C France, NYMNPA, about the £46,000s106 money, the cemetery and the pool.
III.  A resident phoned to request that the council consider putting up number plate recognition cameras.
IV.  Wooden poles without wires on Bondgate are due to be removed on the 30th July.
V.  Duplicate - deleted.
VI.  Light up a Life 3rd December in Helmsley to be confirmed.
VII.  Refund for Christmas lights received from Lumalite.
VIII.  Permission received from NYMNPA to put up a Helmsley Town Council sign on the office door. The Park’s planners are considering combined signs at the entrance.
IX.  Two external defibrillators have been given to the council by Yorkshire Ambulance service, one for the sports club and one for the market place or nearby. RDC is considering allowing one to be placed on the Borogate Toilets.
X.  RDC Documents on Deposit list received.
XI.  YLCA White Rose 1 July 2014 received.
XII.  Limes Play Area – M Young looked at the cherry tree. It has a minor leaf disease, not serious.
XIII.  Police & Crime Commissioner Advice Surgery Roadshow,Helmsley Arts Centre, 1 Aug 1.30-3.30pm.
XIV.  As Election Day for the council is 7 May 2015, the Annual Meeting of Helmsley Town Council must be held within 14 days, possibly Monday 18th May.
XV.  RDC introducing charging for coaches and amendment of HGV parking charges on council off-street car parks from 25th July – Cleveland Way, Helmsley.
XVI.  Helmsley Plan is available for scrutiny at Ryedale House, Malton on 8th & 9th September.
XVII.  Resident’s letter suggests the Town Council makes a donation to the open-air swimming pool.
6 / Planning
To receive the following results
No results received
7 / Meetings
The council received reports on the following meetings and training events
a)  Parish Liaison, RDC, 11th June (RDC draft minutes circulated).
b)  Verges Meeting with Don Davies, RDC Countryside Officer, 16th July. (notes circulated).
c)  SLCC Cemetery training at Harrogate, 17th July attended by the clerk. (notes circulated).
d)  S106 meeting 22nd July with Chris France, NYMNPA, attended by Cllrs Parkin and Swift.
8 / Council
The council noted that there was no call for a by-election for the vacancy following the resignation from the council of Mr Pearce.
9 / Finance and Governance
a)  The council received the Bank Reconciliation to the 30th June 2014.
b)  The council received the Running Budget to the 22nd July.

Part Three – for determination

10 / Planning and Tree works Applications and Ryedale Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The council considered the following applications.
a)  Application No. NYM/2014/0409/FL Decision No comment.
Proposal Variation of condition 2 (material amendment) to planning approval NYM/2014/0149/FL to allow insertion of rooflight to west elevation.
Address 18 Bridge Street, Helmsley. Applicants Helmsley Brewing Co
b)  Application No. NYM/2014/0443/FL Decision No comment.
Proposal Replacement of timber roof and frames of rear conservatory with uPVC.
Address 15 High Street, Helmsley Applicants Mr & Mrs Middleton
c)  Applicant Helmsley Town Council Decision No objection
Proposal Crown Lift Trees on roadside – 1,2, and 3. High Street - repollard trees at height no lower than the previous cut – trees 4,5,6 and 7 (see attached plan)
d)  Applicant Mr D Houston Application No. 14/00781/TPO Decision No objection
Description T9 Lime Tree – Crown lift to (6m). Crown thin by 15%. T10 Lime Tree – As T9 plus extend weight reduction of three lowest limbs that are over extended. T11 Lime Tree – as T9 plus removal of limb over garage. Location 10 Acres Close, Helmsley
e)  Ryedale Community Infrastructure Levy – Draft Charging Schedule. The council resolved not to comment.
11 / Councillor Vacancies
The council resolved to co-opt the two applicants for the two vacancies Jean Marsden and Jonathan Fairburn.
12 / Churchyard
The council discussed the plans for a ‘wild area’ and received information from Anne Stewart.
13 / Christmas Trees and lights
The council resolved to make a donation of up to £700 for new Christmas lights and up to £300 annually for Christmas Lights to the Town Hall Trustees, being the equivalent of what the council currently spends. Councillor Swift will liaise with the Town Hall Trustees.
14 / Defibrillator
The council agreed that the Borogate toilets were the preferred site subject to permission from RDC.
15 / Streetlighting
a)  The council could not consider the repairs needed for the 2 streetlights in Carlton as the condition report had not been received from NYCC.
b)  The council agreed to arrange a meeting with Paul Gilmore, NYCC Streetlighting, at Helmsley, to discuss Helmsley’s streetlights. Councillors Parkin, Swift and Marsden to attend.
16 / Email for councillors
The council resolved to use an email account for all councillors to which some background information/emails to agenda items and other emails of interest will be sent. Terms of Reference were agreed.
17 / The Limes Play Area
The council discussed a request from a resident that a hedge planted by their fence is removed as it is damaging the fence and makes maintenance very difficult. The council resolved to have a site visit.
18 / Dog Bag Bins
The council resolved to put up signs on dog bins such as ‘Out of consideration for others, please take only one bag’.
19 / NYCC Ryedale Area Committee
The council resolved to vote for Chris Dowie to be a co-opted member of Ryedale Area Committee.
20 / Verges and flower baskets
a)  The council received the information received on verges.
b)  The council considered the the provision of flower baskets in the town and other greenery and extending the mapping project being undertaken by the Assistant Clerk. County Councillor V Arnold informed the council that District Councillor S Arnold was looking into the provision of baskets by RDC.
21 / Trees on Elmslac Road verges/Elmslac Green
The council received information about the amount of work this project involved and agreed to delay it until 2015 and make a grant application to the NYMNPA if there is a suitable scheme that year.
22 / Meetings
The council considered attendance at the following meetings
a)  YLCA at RDC, Tuesday 7 October at 7pm. Attendance to be confirmed.
b)  Heritage Lottery Fund Workshop run by Coast and Vale Community Action at Malton on Wednesday, 27 August, 1.30-4.30. Free of charge. The town clerk.
c)  Ryedale Market Towns 9th September at 10am. Location undecided. Councillor C Parkin.
d)  Parish Liaison, RDC, 22nd October at 7pm. Councillor C Parkin.
23 / Cemetery
a)  The council considered buying a new bench for the cemetery, and agreed to have a site visit.
b)  The council discussed the creation of a memorial rose garden and the work involved.
c)  The council introduced an Exclusive Right of Burial Fee of £100 and delayed a decision on reservation fees where there was no accompanying burial.
d)  To consider initial regulations for The Old Cemetery. This item was withdrawn.
24 / Policies and Regulations
a)  The council deferred the review of Financial Regulations.
b)  The council reviewed its Standing Orders.
25 / Finance, Insurance, Audit and Governance
a)  The council resolved to get quotations for a Tree Management Plan.
b)  The council ratified the expenditure of £226 exc. VAT on a replacement printer.
c)  The council ratified the adoption of 2 new LED streetlights on the Linkfoot Lane development.
d)  The council ratified the expenditure of £30 plus VAT to complete the set-up of the NEST pension scheme.
e)  The council resolved to get assistance with the NEST scheme as and when needed.
f)  The council resolved to add new councillors to the bank mandate.
g)  The council resolved to complete a new bank mandate to allow the clerk to make electronic transfers between the council’s accounts.
h)  The council resolved to agree the following payments and the cheques were signed.
Net / Vat / Total
101270 / RDC Chairman's Charity Account / Grant / £50.00 / £50.00
101271 / Helmsley in Bloom / Grant / £50.00 / £50.00
101272 / Dr P J Harris / Laminating pouches, Helmsley Archive / £11.29 / £11.29
101273 / Keith Sanderson / Photographs / £5.63 / £0.67 / £6.30
101274 / NYMNPA / Office, rent, Room hire & IT / £698.73 / £24.80 / £723.53
101275 / Anderson & Heeley Limited / Streetlights (Bondgate/Ryegate) / £16,200.00 / £3,240.00 / £19,440.00
101276 / C Parkin / Shelving unit / £208.10 / £41.62 / £249.72
101277 / Datanet Communications / Inkjet printer and toner / £280.55 / £56.11 / £336.66
101278 / J Barker / Expenses for Helmsley Archive / £14.27 / £14.27
101279 / V Ellis / Stationary & cemetery exp and map / £45.40 / £45.40
101280 / Dales of Thirsk Ltd / War memorial engraving / £380.00 / £76.00 / £456.00
101281 / Homeworks / Barrier tape for cones / £12.46 / £2.49 / £14.95
101282 / Russells / square line / £9.17 / £1.83 / £11.00
101283 / JRB Enterprise / Dog bags / £245.00 / £49.00 / £294.00
101284 / Ian Wood Garden Services / Verges & Churchyard Grass / £665.00 / £665.00
101285 / Staples / Paper, surge protectors etc / £53.92 / £9.28 / £63.20
101286 101287 / Salaries (exc. Clerk due to PAYE query) / Salaries Asst. Clerk and caretaker / 702.59 / 702.59
101288 / John Teasdale / Reimbursement Petrol / £11.19 / £2.24 / £13.43
101289 / HMRC / PAYE / £11.80 / £11.80
TOTALS / £19,655.10 / £3,504.04 / £23,159.14
26 / Freeman
The council agreed to create at least one Freeman in 2014 and will ask for nominations and to arrange a separate meeting as required by law.

Signed Date