Training Application Part 1for Family Links Nurturing Programme Parent Group Leader Training
Please note – In the allocation of places, consideration will be given to:
- Relevant background experience (working with parents and families, knowledge of child development)
- Capacity to deliver a minimum of2 parent groups per year, from the date of training, as part of your core work (NB this is more than the number of programmes required by Family Links)
- Capacity to deliver groups as part of a co-ordinated, local, Early Help Offer, in partnership with your local Early Help Hub
- Locality where gaps in this service have been identified
- Agreement to complete the following form ‘Family Links – PGL pre-training requirement’ and hand to Family Links trainer,if selected for this training
- Commitment from your line manager (see Training Application part 2). Both parts of the application form must be completed and returned to the Workforce Development Team (see last page for details of where to send the completed form)
For information about this training, please read the Family Links documentation:
- ‘Letter of Agreement for Parent Group Leaders Delivering the Nurturing Programme’
- ‘Aims of the parent Group Leader Training’ NB this includes information on the experiential nature of this training, the assessment process and supervision
- Family Links Quality Standards Guidance for Trainees
Contact address:
Telephone no: Mobile No:
E-mail address
Job title:
Brief description of your role:
Line Manager:
Line Manager’s contact details:
Please give details of your experience in the following areas:
Working with parents and families:Knowledge of child development / behaviour change:
(explain which theories you draw upon and how you apply them to your work)
Working with groups
(the types of groups you have led / the lessons learned from your experience)
How would you deliver groups as part of a co-ordinated, local, Early Help Offer?
(how will you meet on costs e.g. venue, crèche, refreshments)
How would you recruit parents onto your group programme?
(do you envisage any obstacles?)
Family Links require that all Parent Groups must be delivered by two trained facilitators. Who will your co-facilitator be?
In applying for this training, I give an undertaking that:
- I have discussed this application with my line manager
- I am able to attend the 4 days training
- I will be able to deliver a minimum of2 parent groups per year from the date of training as part of my core work; this will support provision of a co-ordinated, local Early Help Offer
- I will comply with the evaluation procedures, ensuring completion of the ‘pre’ and ‘post’ assessment questionnaires, and submitting data to the Children’s Services Workforce Development Team
- If selected for this training, I will complete ‘The Nurturing Programme Trainees’ pre-training requirement’ and hand it to the Family Linkstrainers on the first day of the training
- I have read and agree to comply with the Family Links:
- ‘Letter of Agreement for Parent Group Leaders Delivering the Nurturing Programme’ (see previous page)
- ‘Aims of the parent Group Leader Training’ NB this includes information on the experiential nature of this training, the assessment process and supervision (see previous page)
- ‘Family Links Quality Standards Guidance for Trainees’ (see previous page)
Signed: ………………………………… Date……………………………..
Successful applicants and their managers will be contacted by a member of the Children’s Services Workforce Development Team to discuss the training, your plans for delivery and supervision during delivery.
Now ask your manager to complete part 2 of this application.
Your application will not be considered without both parts 1 and 2
Training Application Part 2for Family Links Nurturing Programme Parent Group Leader Training
Manager’s Agreement Form
All applications for the Family Links Nurturing Programme Parent Group Leader Training need to be accompanied by this signed agreement from the applicant’s line manager.
Name of applicant: ……………………......
Name of line manager: …………………………………………
Contact details of line manager: ………………......
I agree that the applicant will be given time to:
- Attend the four training days
- Deliver a minimum of 2 Parent Groups per year from the date of training, as part of their core work (NB this is more than the number of programmes required by Family Links). Family Links require that all Parent Groups must be delivered by two trained facilitators.
- Commit to completion of the ‘pre’ and ‘post’ programme evaluation forms, and submitting data to the Children’s Services Workforce Development Team, so outcomes can be monitored
- Attend termly meetings for peer support in implementing the Nurturing Programme
- Liaise with the local Early Help Hub so parent groups are delivered as part of a co-ordinated, local, Early Help Offer
- I have read and agree to support the applicant to comply with the Family Links documentation as follows:
‘Letter of Agreement for Parent Group Leaders Delivering the Nurturing Programme’
‘Family Links Manager’s Information Sheet’. NB this includes information on the experiential nature of this training, the assessment process, evaluation, supervision and more
Signed: ……………………………………………………. (Line Manager)
Date: …………………..
Please return parts 1 and 2 of your Application either:
By post to:
Family Links Training Application
Workforce Development Team
Children’s Services Department
Northfields House, Humphrey Farm
Twyford, SO21 1QA
Telephone 01962 718600
Or by Courier (if you have access to HCC couriers) to:
Family Links Training Application
Workforce Development Team
Courier route CC60
Or by email to:
(Please state ‘Family Links Training Application’ in the subject title)