Tarves Community Council
Minutes of meetingheld on Tuesday 9th February 2016
In Tarves Schoolat 7.00 pm.

Councillors Present: Allan, Davidson (Chair), Hekelaar, Massie, Middleton, Smith, Thomson & Webster

Also Present: -P.Johnston (until he had to leave for another meeting), C Shand.

Apologies:Cameron, McWilliam, Taylor, A Hendry.

Minutes of Previous Meeting on 12th January 2016,

Minutes of previous meeting wereproposed for approval by JTand seconded byWM.

Police Report – No officer was present despite a list of CC dates being sent to local Inspector.

Declarations of Interest –No declarations were made.

Barthol Chapel matters

List of road repairs – has been send out but some appear to be missing. Broadband – meeting to be held soon. School – at time of meeting the new windows are partially installed. Concerns have been raised about the wall bordering the playground – it has large cracks in it and HT is concerned that it may collapse.

Matters Remaining Unresolved

Defibrillators –Order to be placed next week. Local electrician will be happy to install. Chair has contacted Shaun Norman. Model scheme for establishment of CCs Working Group –. Finalised document going to full council in March. Election advice is to wait until the scheme is adopted. Gullies at Craigies – a works order has been issued for ditches and pipes on that road. No further info. Chair will ask Philip Leiper for an update.Sewage smell in DuthieRoad – Investigations are on-going, although nothing noticed recently. Dog Signs for playparks –Brian Shand says that the signs are up – members will check. Trees on Boolroad/Craigies road – AC will do the work and then invoice the owner. Chair has let AC know who the landowner is.Alarm & signage at Shop – Shaun Norman haswritten to the shop and Mr Glen – he will also write to owners of the Schoolhouse. No further info. Drainage works at Nether Kirkton – no further action taken. Core Path–Meeting next week. 1 Duthie Road – application approved. All Weather Court – Chair will e-mail to Allan Whyte, Head of Property, AC Grass verge cutting–there is a meeting planned with Philip Mackay and NFU – consistency is needed. Meeting still to take place. Haddo Car Park–going ahead with laying of membrane in the new area. – funding to be identified. Haddo Egg Hunt – car parking will be ticketed. Tarves School repairs– Little progress


Local Members report

Dachaig Masterplan – Final version was approved at Area Committee Meeting although it had never been made available to the public or consulted on after significant changes were made. Affordable Housing figures as yet unclear. Local members tried to push for 25% as per new local plan but were outvoted. – The planning application will be submitted fairly quickly. Flooding – AC will try to find a solution for the Dinneswood problem once the water has subsided enough.

Committee Reports –-CC Forum –PJ spoke to Chief Executive and suggested that this was a missed opportunity. Chief executive said he would speak to Kate Bond to see where she has got to with the Community Engagement Strategy and he will get back to PJ. No word as yet.

Roads, Paths & Signs– Tillygonnie/Duthie Webster Road – white lines at junction need to be re-done.Mackie Crescent – car parking on pavement – dates to be sent to local sergeant. Still a problem.Youth Hall signage –done by Aberdeenshire Council; - many thanks to Roads dept. Flooding – Sonach Croft was badly flooded – as was B999 at both Nethermill and Dinneswood - there was reluctance by AC to pump water away at Dinneswood – the issue seems to relate to a new pipe when the land was filled in. Two pipes merge into one – 1 from Ythsie and I from Boghouse side. New piping would be a possible solution. Chair has spoken to Philip Leiper. Council will prepare a flood strategy. Braiklay Park – PJ and CT meeting with Brian Shand and Ian Daniel on 10/2/16 – re drainage in park.Parking at School/Tolquhon Avenue junction – complaints received regarding vehicles parking on restricted areas and on junction on a regular basis at pupil drop off times.

Planning Matters.–Garage at Mole-End Cottage– acceptable. Retrospective application for a fence at 22 Tolquhon Avenue – no comment to make.

Correspondence–Dalchon/Cairdseat Cottage –Proposal to divert Right of Way onto Core path route which has been considerably restricted in width due to Planning permitting the house extension to be built on the route of Core path (Planning application plans made available to CC showed the Core path area unaffected by extension thus no objection was made). Landscape Planner is trying to organise a meeting to include Tarves and Udny CC reps to discuss the issue. Chair has written to Maureen Corley & Matthew Watt to suggest that the Land Reform Act has powers in relation to Core paths. CC Forum – Aberdeenshire Council Chief Executive will attend on 10/2/16.

Accidents at Nethermill – Philip Leiper wrote to Chair to say that the road was pre-gritted and gritted again in the morning – Police ordered gritting of the road when they arrived at the accidents which involved a total of 4 vehicles.

Inspiring Aberdeenshire – e-mail looking for talented locals to be put forward for this.


Old Tennis Court Site – A potential childcare business is looking for premises and somewhere for outdoor play. The original agreementfor the land transfer from Estate to CC officials as trustees said that no building should be on the site – but Legislation has changed this. Access is available from School Lane. Perhaps a portacabin would be what the business requires. There are traffic concerns but parking could be at the bottom of the park. General consensus that this could work in principle and that members would support the idea. The onus would be on the potential business to work out how to make this possible. Neighbouring residents would need to be consulted. The Amenities Group do use part of the site and this would remain the case.

First Aid Training for Carers – SVQ qualification – variety of dates and locations available. Logo for Tarves – suggestion of the badge used by Football & Bowling Clubs. Developer Obligation Money – available to spend on town centres and parks. Parking Situation in Tarves – Glebe or little field at Youth Hall – Chair will speak to roads dept. Dog Mess – again a problem on Tolquhon Avenue, Mackie Avenue & Duthie Road.

Special Area Bus Forum – meeting re Buchan Express on 18/2/16 at Mintlaw Academy.

Tarves Development Trust – has been registered as of 9/2/16. Meeting held with two prospective tenants – further meeting at end of week.

AOCB – Area Committee are to consider a major report on the A947.

The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tue 15thMarch2015 in Tarves School.

Robert P. Davidson


Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public