Drug Classification Resource
Tutor Notes
· Give learners the blank drug classification table and the list of drugs.
· Either in pairs or small groups, encourage learners to discuss where they think each substance would sit in the table.
· This activity could be used to develop speaking and listening skills and perhaps form part of a Comms discussion?
· Encourage the learners to have a discussion about where they placed each substance, how accurate were they? Do they agree or disagree with the classifications and why? This was correct summer 2014 is it still correct?
· As an extension activity this could develop into a debate. Learners could consider whether they agree with the current classification.
· Split the learners into 2 groups, 1 group can look at an argument for keeping the classification as it is or legalising certain drugs whilst the other group considers whether some substances should have a higher classification and why.
Table Accurate – 8/9/14
A / B / C / LegalLSD / Cannabis / Anabolic Steroids / Alcohol
Heroin / Mephedrone
(Meow Meow) / Tranquillisers / Benzodiazepines
These include Rohypnol,
Diazepam, Temazepam, Phenazepam / Nicotene
Cocaine / Amphetamines / GHB and GBL / Solvents
Magic Mushrooms / Barbiturates / MSJ / Poppers
Crack / Codeine / Khat / Nitrous Oxide
Ecstasy / 2-DPMP / NRG-2
PMA / NRG-1 / Bromo - dragonfly
Methadone / Spice / Gogaine
Methoextamine (MXE) / Salvia Divinorum
Black Mamba / Cloud Nine
Ketamine / Sparkle MDAI
Benzo Fury (6 APB)
Drug Classification Activity
A / B / C / LegalLSD, Cannabis, Anabolic Steroids, Alcohol, Heroin, Mephedrone (Meow Meow), Tranquillisers/Benzodiazepines (Rohypnol, diazepam, tamazepam etc.), Nicotene, Solvents, Poppers, Cocaine, Magic Mushrooms, Crack, Amphetamines, GHB and GBL, Nitrous Oxide, Ecstasy, Barbiturates, MSJ, PMA, Codeine, Khat, NRG-2, Methadone, 2-DPMP, Bromo-dragonfly, NRG-1, Gogaine, Spice, Methoxetamine, Salvia Divinorum, Black Mamba, Cloud Nine, Ketamine, Benzo Fury (6APB), Sparkle MDAI.