P.O. Box 440430, Houston, TX 77244-0430.
(281) 497-8427 (281) 497-8426
TO: TGA Members
FROM: Steve Greenley
Annual Meeting Chairman
RE: Annual Meeting Sponsorship Opportunity
2015 O&M Conference Sponsorship Opportunity
The TGA Annual Meeting and Conference is scheduled for June 7-10 at the Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas.
The 2015 meeting – “Natural Gas- Fueling the Future” -- will offer:
· Outstanding Speakers of interest to all.
· Breakout sessions that are highly educational and will have a positive bottom-line impact on the way we all do business today.
· Exhibits and presentations from manufacturers and distributors whose products and services support the natural gas industry.
· Our annual golf tournament is open to attendees and guests.
· Many fun filled attractions around Galveston for the whole family.
· Moody Gardens – a mini vacations for the family while conducting business.
You are invited by the Annual Meeting Committee to support and sponsor this event to help make it a big success.
In return for your participation, TGA will recognize your contribution by:
· Displaying your company’s sponsorship in prominent locations during the Annual Meeting.
· Announcing your company’s sponsorship at each event.
· Listing your company as a sponsor in the TGA Electronic O&M Conference post E-mail articles and on the TGA web site at www.texasgas.com.
We encourage your support and if you choose to, please return your completed Event Sponsorship form to Linda Femal via fax at (281) 497-8426 or email at .
With your help, it will insure another meaningful and successful Operations & Management Conference.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Steve Greenley
Annual Meeting Chairman
P.O. Box 440340
Houston, TX 77244-0340
Ph: (281) 497-8427 – Fax: (281) 497-8426
Event Sponsorship Form
2015 Operations & Management Conference
Moody Gardens, Galveston
We would like to support the 2015 TGA’s Operations and Management Conference by sponsoring the following events:
Sunday Reception ($5,500) $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $1500 [ ] Other ______[ ]
Monday Luncheon ($13,000) $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $1500 [ ] Other ______[ ]
Tuesday Luncheon ($13,000) $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $1500 [ ] Other ______[ ]
Refreshment Breaks ($7,000) $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $1500 [ ] Other ______[ ]
Speakers ($2,000) $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $1500 [ ] Other ______[ ]
Speakers Gifts’ ($1,200) $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $1500 [ ] Other ______[ ]
Total Sponsorship $______
Payment method:
_____Check payable to TGA enclosed or:
Please charge to my: Master Card ( ) Visa ( ) AMX ( )
CC # ______Expiration date______Sec Code ____
Billing Address ______City, State, Zip______
Name on Card______
E-mail for receipt: ______
Please return promptly.
Mail to: Texas Gas Association Fax to: (281) 497-8426 or email to:
P.O. Box 440340 (If you fax, please make a follow up call to TGA office.)
Houston, TX 77244-0340
Your sponsorship will be recognized in the following ways:
· Display of recognition at prominent locations in and about the Conference.
· Announcement of your sponsorship at general sessions during the progress of the Conference.
· Listing your company as a sponsor in the TGA Electronic O&M Conference post E-mail articles and on the TGA web site at www.texasgas.com.
Your support is necessary to ensure the economic health of the Association.
Thank you for choosing to support this event.