Councillors: Mr S Mackouly (Chairman), Mr A Pratt, Mrs D Podlewska, Mrs J Hanson, Mrs C Whiteside,
Mr S Robinson
Mr L T I Grant (Clerk/RFO)
Cllrs Mr T Smithon
County Councillor Mr A Paraskos
2. / Public Questions and Statements
There were no members of the public present and no questions had been received
3. / Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 July 2017
The minutes of the meeting held on 10.07.17 were approved as a true record by all Cllrs present without abstention.
4. / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting Held on 10.07.17
4.1 / Highways Matters
Damaged Highway Surface – West End of Main Street Bickerton
The revised waste collection service has now been implemented for Lingcroft, with collections being made by a pickup. Cllrs were concerned that walkers may have to step onto the grass verge when traffic appears. The verge now has deep ruts which may not be obvious at times of heavy rain and could lead to personal injury. The Clerk was asked to advise Area 6 of the problem. / LTIG
4.2 / Flooding – Post Office Row Bilton in Ainsty
Flooding again occurred in August during heavy rain, for the third time in 4 years. Digital images have been forwarded to Area 6 for action. The Clerk was asked to write to the Project Engineer for an update on any action to be taken. / LTIG
4.3 / Outstanding Highway Issues
The proposed sign to be erected on the B1224 showing that HGV and articulated vehicles should not enter Tom Cat Lane Bickerton have still not been erected. The Clerk will write to Area 6 to chase the long overdue sign erection. / LTIG
4.4 / Grass Verge Cutting by HBC Parks Department
Cllrs reviewed the works carried out to date and were satisfied with the standard achieved. The Clerk was asked to extend the verge cutting to the West end of Main Street Bickerton, to include a section from the access to the YW pumping station, in future years. / LTIG
5. / Police Matters
The Community Beat Manager was not on duty this evening and no one attended from NY Police.
6. / Financial Matters
6.1 / Funds Received:
- None received
6.2 / Bank Balances at 31 July 2017:
- Business Money Management Account £9,267.94
- Community Account £0.00
- Business Money Management Account £9,268.18
- Community Account £0.00
6.3 / Annual Audit Document – Auditor’s Comments
The Audit document had been returned with two comments. Figures had been transposed in the submitted form and the Assets had not been increased to reflect the purchase of a laptop.
6.4 / Invoices Received and to be Paid
Total Payment of £120.00 was approved by all Cllrs present with no abstention, with corresponding inter account transfer.
- PFK Littlejohn LLP £120.00 (£100.00 + £20.00 VAT) Annual Audit Fee
6.5 / S137 Community Grants – Update
No requests had been received from any organisation asking to be considered for a Community Grant
6.6 / St Helen’s Churchyard annual Graveyard Maintenance Grant
Cllrs discussed the procedure for considering the provision of Community Grants to local organisations. It was agreed that a standard procedure should be adopted for all local organisation who seek a Community grant, with written requests being received by the Parish Council with an explanation of the need for a grant and its proposed use. Local organisations would be asked to submit a copy of their last audited annual accounts. This would ensure that Cllrs are seen to be acting in an open and transparent way, allowing confirmation of collective accountability when completing the annual audit documents, as encouraged by central government.
7. / Planning and Related Matters
7.1 / Planning Applications received & to be Determined
- Bilton Grange Tockwith Lane – Demolition of existing farmhouse and construction of new farmhouse.
( A ) The Parish Council has No Objections.
Cllrs agreed that comments from 2 local residents about alleged covenants were not planning issues and should not be considered when determining the Planning Application.
- Ainsty Cottage – Works to tree with TPO
( A ) The Parish Council has No Objections.
7.2 / Planning decision notifications received
- Moss Carr’s Farm – Approval of submitted materials
8. / PC Administration
8.1 / Data Protection Act – 2018 Changes
The Clerk is waiting for details of the changes and their effect on the Parish Council’s operations. It may be necessary for Cllrs to give written approval for their name and details to be included in the Parish Council Website.
8.2 / Freedom of Information Requests
Cllrs agreed that any freedom of information request received should be dealt with by posting the requested information on the PC’s website.
8.3 / St Helen’s Church PCC Scheme
Cllrs discussed the lack of a final account for the scheme or details of any VAT reclaim. The Clerk/RFO confirmed that the PC’s accounts included VAT invoices, which had been paid in full to the Contractors carrying out some elements of the work. It was agreed that no further action would be taken with the scheme.
8.4 / Superfast Broadband Availability in Bilton in Ainsty
Some local residents had changed to a faster broadband package and were pleased with the improved service.
8.5 / Defibrillator Update
A leaflet had been prepared and circulated to residents in Bilton in Ainsty about the local defibrillator. The Chairman will make arrangement for YAS to hold a training course for new and existing first responders in the Parish, at a cost of £200.00.
8.6 / Neighbourhood Plan – Parish Design Statement
Simon Hartley is no longer employed by HBC. HBC Planning Officers have not seen the submitted Village Design Statement which has not been circulated by Simon Hartley before he left his post. The document has again been submitted to HBC and the Clerk will chase its progress.
Cllr Mrs J Hanson continues to have contact with Walton residents who are attempting to hold a regional meeting on common transport issues.
8.7 / Neighbourhood Plan – Walton PC
Cllr Mrs J Hanson will be commenting on the Neighbourhood Plan circulated by Walton PC.
8.8 / Renewal Of Chequer’s Inn Car Park Lease
No response had been received from Punch Taverns to the PC’s proposed terms for a renewal of the lease for the car park.
A new tenant has leased The Chequer’s Inn from Punch Taverns. Heinecken has completed the purchase of Punch Taverns.
8.9 / PC Meeting Venue
Cllrs discussed the non availability of the Tockwith School room on Monday evenings. They agreed that the School room is the preferred venue and agreed to re-arrange the November and December meetings to Tuesdays. The revised dates will be shown in the minutes when they have been confirmed by Tockwith School.
9. / Councillors Business Items for the next Meeting
None noted
10. / Exempt Items
11. / Dates for Future monthly Meetings
17 October, 21 November 2017
All meetings to be held in Tockwith School at 7.30 pm (subject to availability).
Clerk to the Parish Council: L T I Grant Tel.: 01423 359961 Email:
Chairman: S Mackouly: Tel. 01423 358092 Email: