Yearbook 2016-2017
Daily Procedure
- Come to class before the bell rings
- Get your daily assignment directions from Tom Drury or the yearbook editors.
- Check out any necessary materials for assignment.
- Clean room and put away any borrowed equipment away.
Items strongly recommended to bring to class:
1) An SD memory card
2) A flash drive/memory stick
3) Notebook & pen for interviewing and organization.
4) Optional: A camera (many newer phones have really good cameras now)
Standards of conduct:
- Take pride in the staff. Please protect our reputation and privileges.
- Treat others with respect and dignity. Above all, maintain the integrity of the publication.
- While individual work is necessary, working as a team member is essential.
- Clean, organized work areas promote a good working environment.
Notes about the class:
Many staff members think this is just a photography class, and while photos make the yearbook, so does editing and captioning the year. There is a tremendous amount of work completed during and after classtime. Your grade depends on capturing clear photos that show the subject, identifying what is going on, and translating that onto the website yearbook avenue. Students who do not have each of these elements will receive a lower percentage on their grade.
Also, we publish a book for half of the school. In order for the book to be published on time, the yearbook publisher requires that we meet certain deadlines. If you fail to meet a deadline that is set, your grade will drop significantly.
Marketing and advertising is also essential, and there will be many occasions in which you need to document evidence that an effort to market or sell ads has been made. Similarly, extra credit can be made in the first quarter if you also demonstrate that you helped sell a business or senior ad.
Student, Parent, Teacher Agreement
I understand that this class will require me to work diligently both in and out of class to meet deadlines on time. I will uphold the highest integrity as a member of the yearbook staff, and will take pride in my work, as I represent the staff.
Student Name (Print)Student Signature
I understand that my student will be required to do some work outside of class, including but not limited to selling ads, attending sporting events to photograph and interview athletes, attending ASB events to document. I will do my best to support my student and ensure that they are working towards meeting his/her deadlines.
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)Parent/Guardian Signature
Phone Number (Where most easily reached) E-mail
I commit to communicating deadlines clearly, and working to prepare students for the photographing and interviewing processes that will be required of them.
_____Mr. Drury ______