MINUTES of the MEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday2 March15 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman:Cllr R Leech

Councillors:B Barkworth, R Brocklehurst,S Fletcher, Mrs M Liddell, D Liddell and P Smith.

In attendance: 1 resident and the Clerk.

A resident advised that the St Florent Way sign on footpath 8 in Silkstone Common has disappeared. The Clerk will progress a replacement sign. It was noted with thanks that Barnsley MBC highways have cleared the footpath between Silkstone Common and Dodworth. The Cone lane gullies have also been cleared.
Cllr Mrs M Liddell has reviewed a website called Street life with a view to linking to the Parish Council’s face book page but it was agreed this would not be of any benefit at present.

Cllr Barkworth advised that one gate has been repaired at Silkstone Common station but one is still off its hinges. Councillors have been approached by a few residents complaining about the shelter on the train platform. If it is raining the seats are wet as the shelter is open to the prevailing wind. The Clerk was asked to pass these comments on to the station manager.

Residents of Vicarage Farm Court have told Cllr Barkworth that they are having problems with free running chickens in their gardens coming from Pot House Hamlet. Residents are advised to contact Pot House Hamlet/Environmental Health with their concerns.

Announcement: Vice Chairman of Silkstone Parish Council, Cllr Peter Handley passed away suddenly this weekend. He was a valued and highly respected member of the Parish Council and will be greatly missed. The Parish Council’s sympathies go to his family.

A one minute silence was held to remember Cllr Handley.

RESOLVEDto accept apologies from Cllr Stier.
14-151 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Barkworth declared an interest in planning application 2015/0070.


  • Silkstone Parish Council
    RESOLVED to approve the minutes of themeeting of Silkstone Parish Councilon Monday 2 February15 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.


RESOLVED to return ‘No comment’ on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officers of Barnsley MBC.

Application No. / Description / Location
2015/0062 / Removal of condition 1 (relating to restrictions of use of building) of ap 2011/0209 (variation of condition 3 of planning consent 2006/1784 – erection of single storey building for use as a cycle hire and associated sales. / Pot House Hamlet
Barnsley Road
2015/0070 / Erection of two storey side extension and rear balcony to dwelling. / 11 The Meadows
Silkstone Common
2015/0094 / Erection of double bay golf cage for golf driving practice / Silkstone Golf Club
Field Head
Elmhirst Lane
2015/0033 / Replacement of flat roof with pitched roof on existing detached garage / 9 Mayberry Lane
2015/0142 / Variation of condition 2 of app 2013/1057 (Demolition of existing property and rebuilding of new detached property) to allow change to design of dwelling including installation of dormers (Minor material amendment) / 55 Moorend Lane
Silkstone Common

Cllr Smith left the meeting

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Policy Committee meeting on 9 February 15 and to approve the updated Risk Assessments and Terms of Reference documents for the Committees and Working Parties of Silkstone Parish Council.
RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s report on Hall Royd Lane Wood and to approve the expenditure of £921.80 in legal fees. The Clerk will instruct the Parish Council’s solicitor to progress the lease with Barnsley MBC legal department.


RESOLVED to note the Clerk’s report relating to the meetings with Barnsley MBC regarding a possible grant application to the Heritage Lottery for improvement works to the Silkstone Waggon way. The Parish Council agreed that the Clerk’s time could be used to attend these meetings and that regular updates should be presented to the Parish Council in order to monitor her time spent on this.

RESOLVED to note the Clerk’s report that the contractors have now started on site on a 16 week programme. The Clerk is in contact with the Parish Council’s solicitor who is progressing the end user’s lease with the community centre committee’s solicitor. It was noted that £7,000 of the contingency has had to be spent on a raft foundation following the results of the drilling which found cavitation.


  • Cricket grant applications
    RESOLVED to agree that the Parish Council will act as lead applicant on any fixed asset grant applications for the cricket field. A grant application has recently been submitted to Sport England for a grant to fund improved drainage to the cricket outfield (includes part of football pitch) and a further grant application is proposed to apply for funds to improve the practice nets area and non turf wicket.
  • Water ingress/Insurance
    RESOLVED to note that the plasterer/painter will commence work on site during the next few weeks.
  • Health & Safety –Nothing further to report.

RESOLVED to approve a grant of £170 to Silkstone Common Good Companions to pay for coach travel for a visit to Penistone paramount.
RESOLVED to approve a grant of £233.46 to Silkstone CARE group to pay for volunteers’ insurance cover.

RESOLVED to approve a grant of £320 to Old Silkstone Band to pay for coach travel to the Bradford band contest.

RESOLVEDto approve the payments schedule dated 2 March 15 summarised below.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
Paid in between meetings
Cllr Stier / 22.60 / 0.00 / 22.60 / 300846
Silkstone Church / 50.00 / 0.00 / 50.00 / 300847
Penistone Paramount / 250.00 / 0.00 / 250.00 / 300848
New Media 4 Schools / 240.00 / 0.00 / 240.00 / 300849
Handy man / 942.00 / 0.00 / 942.00 / 300850
Expert Water Services / 40.00 / 8.00 / 48.00 / 300851
Paid 2 March 15
Barnsley MBC / 85.00 / 0.00 / 85.00 / 300852
Viking Direct / 36.17 / 7.23 / 43.40 / 300853
BT / 65.25 / 14.18 / 79.43 / DD
Yorkshire Water / 63.89 / 0.00 / 63.89 / DD
Parish Clerk / 900.00 / 0.00 / 900.00 / SO
Parish Clerk / 233.38 / 0.00 / 233.38 / 300854
HM Revenue & Customs / 204.22 / 0.00 / 204.22 / 300855
SY Pensions Authority / 218.60 / 0.00 / 218.60 / 300856
Silkstone newsletter deliverer / 80.00 / 0.00 / 80.00 / 300857
Silkstone Common newsletter deliverer / 80.00 / 0.00 / 80.00 / 300858
Bothams Prestige / 813.75 / 162.75 / 976.50 / 300859
Expert Water Services / 40.00 / 8.00 / 48.00 / 300860
4,364.86 / 200.16 / 4,565.02



RESOLVED to note Councillor Meeting’s attendance as follows:

Cllr D Liddell / Policy Committee meeting and SY Branch meeting of the YLCA which included an address from the new Police & Crime Commissioner and information on Pensions staging dates.
Cllr Barkworth / Good Companions and Policy Committee meeting
Cllr Leech / Policy Committee meeting and Elections presentation at Town Hall.
Parish Clerk / 11 February – Waggonway meeting, 17 February – Parish Clerks liaison meeting at Town Hall followed by Elections presentation, 26 February – ‘Meet the funder’ presentation by SYFAB at The Civic and 27 February – Waggon way meeting at Town Hall.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence:

CiSWO / Newsletter ‘Bold as Brass’ passed on to Cllr D Liddell
Barnsley MBC / Advising that the 15/16 precept of £70,000 will be split as Council tax support grant £4,635 and Council tax £65,365. The new band D charge will be £57.91.
Resident / E-mails from a resident with a request for information relating to the old Silkstone Working Mans Club at Silkstone Lodge. Parish Council agreed that the Clerk had replied with all available information. The Parish Council has no written records of the SWMC and Parish Council minutes from the time (1994/1995) are now in archive at Barnsley Town Hall. Parish Council can offer no further information on this enquiry.
NALC / Confirmation of automatic allocation of Foundation level in the new Local Council Award Scheme – this will expire in January 2016.
Barnsley MBC / Precepts 15/16 – advising that the provisional council tax base for the Silkstone parish is 1,128.809 Band D equivalent properties
Barnsley MBC / Grounds maintenance contract offer for Orchard Meadow and The Chestnuts grass cutting 15/16 – offer accepted at a total cost of £889.76.
Silkstone Common Good Companions / Introduction letter from the new secretary Gill Rossiter with a thank you to the Parish Council for the 14/15 grant.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 13 April 15 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

The Chairman closed the meeting at8.03pm

Silkstone Parish Council2 March 15