Nyack College Sports Medicine Date:______

Female Athlete Questionnaire

Name: ______Age: ______Sport: ______

Please answer each question to the best of your ability. All answers will be kept confidential between the student-athlete & Certified Athletic Trainer.

1. How old were you when you had your first menstrual period? ______

2. Do you have a menstrual cycle? Yes ______No ______If no, how long has it been since you had one? ______

3. How often do you have a menstrual cycle? monthly______other______

4. How long do your periods last? ______

5. How many menstrual cycles have you had in the past 12 months? ______

6. Do you ever have trouble with heavy bleeding or abnormal spotting? ______

7. Do you ever experience excessive cramping with your period? ______

8. Do you currently take birth control or hormone therapy pills? Yes ______No ______

If yes, please list name of pill(s)/medication(s)______

9. Have you ever been treated for anemia (low blood iron)? Yes ______No ______When? ______

10. How many meals do you eat a day? ______How many snacks? ______

11. What have you had to eat and drink in the last 24 hours? ______


12. Do you regularly miss meals?Yes ______No ______If yes, how often? ______

For what reason?______

13. Do you limit or carefully control the foods that you eat? Yes ______No ______

In what way?______

14. Are there certain foods or food groups that you do not eat? ______

Please explain: ______

15. Please check if any apply to you.

_____Vegetarian? _____Vegan? (no animal products)

_____Ovo-vegatarian? (eggs, but no dairy)_____Ovolaco-Vegatarian? (eggs & dairy)

_____Laco-vegatarian? (dairy, but no eggs)_____Pescetarian? (fish & seafood)

_____Flexitarian? (reduced amount of animal meat)_____No Red Meat?

_____Other, please explain-______

-If you check any of the above, when did you begin this lifestyle? ______

16. Have you ever been on a diet?Yes ______No ______How long? ______

Why? ______

17. Are you currently or have you ever used dietary supplements, laxatives, diuretics, weight control pills, or vomited to control your weight?

Yes ______No ______Please explain: ______

18. Do you ever eat in secret?Yes ______No ______Explain: ______

19. Do you feel you have lost control over what you eat?Yes ______No ______

Please explain: ______

20. Have you lost or gained a significant amount of weight? Yes ______No ______When?______

How much?______Why?______

21. Do you have rapid increases or decreases in your body weight? Yes ______No ______Explain: ______

22. Do you worry about your weight? Yes ______No ______In what way? ______

23. Are you satisfied with your weight? Yes ______No ______If not, what would you like your weight to be? ______

24. What do you do to control your weight?______

25. Has anyone ever suggested you lose weight or change your eating habits?Yes ______No ______

Explain: ______

26. Do you lose weight to meet image requirements for your sport?Yes ______No ______

27. Do you think your performance is directly affected by your weight? Yes ______No ______

If so how?______

28. Have you ever been diagnosed and/or treated for an eating disorder?Yes ______No ______

If yes, are you currently under the supervision of a doctor? Yes ______No ______

29. Do you have any questions or concerns about maintaining a healthy weight and body image? ______


30. Do you regularly take vitamins/minerals? Yes ______No ______What Kind?______

31. Do you often feel tired and/or have low levels of energy?Yes ______No ______

32. Do you feel you have adequate energy throughout the day?Yes ______No ______

33. Do you feel you have enough energy for your sport?Yes ______No ______

34. Have you ever had a Bone Density study done? Yes ______No ______If yes, when? ______

35. Have you ever had a stress fracture(s)? Yes ______No ______Where/When? ______

36. Do you have a stress fracture now?Yes ______No ______Where/When? ______

37. Have you ever broken a bone?Yes ______No ______Where/When? ______

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or need further information regarding the questions listed above.

Please date and sign below certifying that the answers to the questions above are complete, correct and true.


Student-Athlete’s Signature