DRAFT MINUTES of the MEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday1 December14 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman:Cllr R Leech

Councillors:B Barkworth, R Brocklehurst,Mrs M Liddell, D Liddell and R Stier.

In attendance: 1 resident, 2 co-option candidates and the Clerk.

A resident advised that there is a broken kerb stone outside the Station Inn, Silkstone Common which is a trip hazard.
The Clerk advised that Andrea Jackson from Barnsley MBC has actioned a number of items raised in previous public question times (see below)

A628 Noblethorpe:I can confirm that a full inspection was carried out of the footway from Manor Park to the Arrester Bed.
There were various locations noted where vegetation overhung into the highway causing an obstruction. A search at the Land Registry identified three separate properties and therefore I have written to all parties included in the Land registry Deeds.

A628 Bus stops:
The inspection included a check of all the bus stops going up to Hoylandswaine roundabout. Unfortunately I could not identify any that were overgrown. If the resident raises this matter again, please could you gain more details and I will be happy to check.

Cone Lane/Beacon Court:
Letters have been sent to the two property owners adjacent to the ivy clad stone wall to request the removal of the ivy

Cone Lane:
The footway on Cone Lane was inspected and vegetation was found to be overgrowing in various places from the fields above Broad Close Farm up to the junction with Beacon Hill. Letters have been sent to the owners of the land.

Parish Council pass on their thanks to Andrea Jackson for her assistance.

Cllr Stier advised that the bus stop on the A628 opposite the petrol station is overgrown byhorse chestnuts beside it which causes problems for bus passengers.

Cllr Stier advised that the bad bend on St Florent Way/Ben Bank Road was reported at the Crime and Safety Sub Group to Penistone police officers.

RESOLVEDto accept apologies from Cllr Handley and Cllr Smith.
RESOLVED that there are no declarations of interest.
RESOLVED to exclude members of the public from the meeting for this item.

Following informal interviews of both candidates it was,
RESOLVED to co-opt Steve Fletcher onto Silkstone Parish Council. He signed a declaration of acceptance of office and joined the Council for the duration of the meeting. The other candidate was thanked and stayed for the rest of the meeting.

RESOLVED to allow members of the public back into the meeting.

1 resident left the meeting.

RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders


  • Silkstone Parish Council
    RESOLVED to approve the minutes of themeeting of Silkstone Parish Councilon Monday 3 November2014as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
    Cllr Stier asked for the Parish Council’s thanks to Rev Browell and the Clerk be minuted for their organisation of the Remembrance Day service. He advised that the Royal British Legion Silkstone branch standard will be laid in Silkstone Church on 7 December 14.
  • Silkstone Playing Fields Committee
    RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday
    10 November 14.
    The Clerk advised that the outstanding payment from Oxspring had now been received.
  • Community Centre Working Party
    RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow co-option candidate to be involved in the discussion.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Community Centre Working party meeting held on Wednesday
12 November 14.

RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has contacted the public works loan board/DCLG who advised that the
loan does not depend on the design of the community centre (i.e. modular or traditional construction is fine) The planning department have advised that a Planning variation needs to be submitted whether the decision is to go with the modular design or smaller traditional build.

RESOLVED to note the Project Managers update on the community centre scheme and to approve the proposal to negotiate further with the traditional build contractor on a reduced footprint rather than the modular build option. Parish Council agreed that a traditional brick building would give the Parish Council a long term asset.

RESOLVED to note that a meeting of the Community Centre Working Party, Project Manager and traditional build contractor is arranged for Thursday 4 Dec 14 at 7.30pm. This working party have delegated authority to negotiate with the contractor and to instruct the Project Manager to issue a letter of intent. The final decision on whether to proceed with a modular or traditional building will be made by this working party. Full information must be obtained from the successful contractor prior to a letter of intent being issued i.e. detailed costing, plans and programme.

  • Media Committee
    RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Media Committee meeting held on Thursday 13 November 14.

It was noted with regret that Diane Brown has resigned as editor of the newsletter. The spring edition will be her farewell issue when the position will be advertised.



RESOLVED to approve the comments on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officers of Barnsley MBC.

2014/1189 6 Nov 14 / Erection of a single storey rear extension and front porch and creation of a parking area (Householder prior notification)
No comment / 2 Hilltop Cottages
Beacon Hill
Silkstone Common
2014/1233 10 Nov 14 / Erection of single storey side extension, single storey rear extension and erection of pitched roof to parts of existing dwelling.
No comment / 17 Fall View
2014/1444 14 Nov 14 / Crown lift by 5m over road and 4m over garden. Crown clean and thin removing no more than 30% of leafing area in total of Oak tree T1 within TPO 13/1980
No comment / 73 Martin Croft
2014/1451 18 Nov 14 / Erection of stable block with associated access road and parking area
No comment / Land off Knabbs Lane
Silkstone Common

RESOLVED to note that the planning application for 57 High street, Silkstone considered at the Parish Council meeting in October 14 has been refused by Barnsley MBC.



  • Water ingress/Insurance
    RESOLVED to note that written confirmation is awaited from Servicemaster to confirm verbal advice that the loss adjuster is prepared to wait until March 15 to instruct the re-plastering and decoration works to the ground floor to enable the building to have a longer natural drying time.
  • Health & Safety –

RESOLVED to note that no problems have been reported from the Legionella monitoring contractor.

RESOLVED to note the ongoing issues relating to locking up and tidying the Pavilion by one particular user group. The situation is to be monitored and dealt with by the Playing Fields Committee.



RESOLVEDto approve a grant of £250 to Miss Prince from Silkstone Common towards the cost of accommodation and travel costs in 2015 to enable her to travel with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. The Parish Council all wished her well and praised her musical achievements. It was noted that she has agreed to write an article for the next Parish newsletter.

14-113 BUDGET 2015/2016

RESOLVED that the Clerk will make the agreed amendments to the 2015/2016 budget for presentation to Parish Council for final approval at their meeting on 5 January 15.


RESOLVEDto approve the payments schedule dated 1 Dec 14.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
Paid in between meetings
Handyman / 1,387.66 / 0.00 / 1,387.66 / 300813
BT / 82.26 / 14.84 / 97.10 / DD
To be paid 1 Dec 14
Orange mobile / 9.01 / 1.80 / 10.81 / DD
Parish Online / 56.00 / 11.20 / 67.20 / 300815
Yorkshire Water / 66.47 / 0.00 / 66.47 / DD
Barnsley MBC / 1,080.10 / 216.02 / 1,296.12 / 300816
Parish Clerk / 900.00
205.12 / 0.00
0.00 / 900.00
205.12 / SO
HM Revenue & Customs / 193.13 / 0.00 / 193.13 / 300818
SY Pensions Authority / 214.25 / 0.00 / 214.25 / 300819
Silkstone newsletter deliverer / 80.00 / 0.00 / 80.00 / 300820
Silkstone Common newsletter deliverer / 80.00 / 0.00 / 80.00 / 300821
Bothams Prestige / 813.75 / 162.75 / 976.50 / 300822
Armour Fire Protection / 60.00 / 0.00 / 60.00 / 300823
EON / 7.99
569.42 / 0.40
113.88 / 8.39
683.30 / DD
SPIN Print Solutions / 526.00 / 0.00 / 526.00 / 300824
Expert Water Services / 40.00 / 8.00 / 48.00 / 300825
6,371.16 / 528.89 / 6,900.05



RESOLVED to note Councillor Meeting’s attendance as follows:

Cllr Mrs M Liddell / Media Working Party meeting – She has set up a Parish Council facebook page and will set up a twitter account too.
Cllr R Stier / Attended Penistone East Crime & Safety Sub Group meeting. He reported that the safer neighbourhood team is folding. Matt Jackson will go back to normal beat duties. Crime has dropped in Penistone East & West in the last month reported crimes in Silkstone Common were zero with 3 crimes in Silkstone. The co-op passed their Police check for selling alcohol to underage persons. Members noted that a hoax collector for Marie Curie has been collecting in Silkstone Common – residents asked to be aware.
He joined Silkstone Common Good Companions on their day out to Chatsworth and has been invited to the Penistone Mayors Carol Service,
Cllr D Liddell / NALC AGM where members met C. Hopkins under secretary DCLG
NALC executive committee meeting.
Sustainable Communities Advisory Board meeting.
NALC Policy committee meeting
Will be attending the finance and general purposes committee meeting of the YLCA
Cllr B Barkworth / Attended Community Centre Working Party meeting.
Attended Good Companions trip to Chatsworth.
Cllr Leech / Attended the Twinning Social and advised that the 2015 twinning visit is expected to take place between 11-14 July 14. Unfortunately Penistone High School pupils cannot be involved in the trip.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence:

The Clerk magazine / Handed to Cllr Liddell
LCR / Handed to Cllr Liddell
NALC/YLCA / Revised Clerk pay scales to be implemented from Jan 15. New pay scale to be included in budget forecast for 2015/2016.
Cllr Liddell / Cllr Liddell advised with regret the passing of ex-Parish Councillor Sheila Machin in August.
Barnsley MBC Mayors Office / Invitation to Barnsley MBC Mayors Civic Carol Service. Cllr Barkworth will attend on behalf of Silkstone Parish Council
Penistone Town Council / Invitation to Penistone Town Council’s Civic Carol Service. Cllr Stier will attend on behalf of Silkstone Parish Council.
SLCC / Practitioner’s conference 5 & 6 March 15. Agreed to wait for the conference programme to be issued before deciding if the Clerk should attend the full conference or one day.
Rural Action Yorkshire / Information relating to LSI Utility Brokers offers to Parish Councils.
Andrea Jackson (Barnsley MBC Highways) / A list of Barnsley MBC Actions taken in relation to the A628 and Cone Lane. Parish Council pass on their thanks to Andrea for her assistance.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 5 January 15 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.58pm

Silkstone Parish Council1 December 14