Consortium Advisory Committee Minutes

September 14th 2006 4:30 PM at CalumetCounty

Committee Members Present:Dave Ballering, Mary Ann Gruber, Richard Hansen, Dan Witt, Ken Grode, John Wollner, Marilyn Mosher, Geraldine Mueller, Frank Shubert, Elizabeth Tautges,

Committee Members Excused:

Committee Members Absent:Rosemary Reichert

ADRC Staff:Tom Stratton, Donna Siedschlag, Todd Romenesko, Mary Schlautman

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ballering called the meeting to order at 4:35.
  1. WAS THE MEETING PROPERLY ANNOUNCED: It was determined that the meeting was properly announced.
  1. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken. Stratton reported that he had received a letter of resignation from Sharon Townsend resigning from the committee. This leaves a vacancy from Outagamie on the Advisory Committee. Marilyn Mosher is replacing Val Drier as an OutagamieCounty representative.
  1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Shubert second by Gruber to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
  1. APPROVE July 13, 2006 MINUTES: Motion by Witt and second by Grode to approve the minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Karen Engel and Stephanie Gagnon introduced themselves as the Disability Benefit Specialists. They gave a brief background and overview of their role in the ADRC. They handed out a pamphlet on the DBS program. There was no public participation.
  1. PRESENTATION – ADRC Informational Overview:
  1. Grant Proposal – Handouts were provided of the original grant proposal with a brief oral presentation by the ADRC staff
  1. Contract – Handouts were provided on the contract, the consortium

Organizational chart, a consumer access flow chart, a map of WI with the Generation I and II ADRC’s indicated on the map with a brief oral presentation by the ADRC staff.

  1. Financial – A consortium budget handout was provided followed by a brief explanation by Romenesko.
  1. PROGRESS REPORTON THE ADRC IMPLEMENTATION: Schlautman reported on the calls that were recorded to date to the ADRC, with Calumet and Outagamie reporting at this time. There were 890 calls, for a total of 14,076 minutes of call time with an average call time of 15 minutes per call. A request was made to the committee members for input on reports that they would like to receive information on from the ADRC’s. The requested information was: 1) Breakdown by target group calling. 2) Nature of call. 3) Customer satisfaction reports. 4) Number of calls. 5) Duration of calls. 6) Update on marketing efforts. 7) Unmet needs.
  1. DISCUSS MISSION STATEMENT: Samples of mission statements from other ADRC’s and others that committee members created were reviewed and a mission statement was created by the committee. It reads as follows:

The Aging and DisabilityResourceCenter serving Calumet, Outagamie and Waupaca counties offers adults and families a single source for Information/Assistance and Individualized service planning to enhance self-sufficiency and quality of life.

  1. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: No report.
  1. Reports of official meetings attended in the past month. None to report.
  1. UPCOMING EVENTS. ADRC Open Houses were held at each branch location and all were well attended.
  1. SET NEXT MEETING DATE: November 9, 2006 in Waupaca at 4:30 pm.
  1. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 pm by Grode, second by Hansen. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Schlautman

Recording Secretary

  • These are approved minutes.