Consortium Advisory Committee Minutes
September 14th 2006 4:30 PM at CalumetCounty
Committee Members Present:Dave Ballering, Mary Ann Gruber, Richard Hansen, Dan Witt, Ken Grode, John Wollner, Marilyn Mosher, Geraldine Mueller, Frank Shubert, Elizabeth Tautges,
Committee Members Excused:
Committee Members Absent:Rosemary Reichert
ADRC Staff:Tom Stratton, Donna Siedschlag, Todd Romenesko, Mary Schlautman
- CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ballering called the meeting to order at 4:35.
- WAS THE MEETING PROPERLY ANNOUNCED: It was determined that the meeting was properly announced.
- ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken. Stratton reported that he had received a letter of resignation from Sharon Townsend resigning from the committee. This leaves a vacancy from Outagamie on the Advisory Committee. Marilyn Mosher is replacing Val Drier as an OutagamieCounty representative.
- APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Shubert second by Gruber to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
- APPROVE July 13, 2006 MINUTES: Motion by Witt and second by Grode to approve the minutes. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
- PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Karen Engel and Stephanie Gagnon introduced themselves as the Disability Benefit Specialists. They gave a brief background and overview of their role in the ADRC. They handed out a pamphlet on the DBS program. There was no public participation.
- PRESENTATION – ADRC Informational Overview:
- Grant Proposal – Handouts were provided of the original grant proposal with a brief oral presentation by the ADRC staff
- Contract – Handouts were provided on the contract, the consortium
Organizational chart, a consumer access flow chart, a map of WI with the Generation I and II ADRC’s indicated on the map with a brief oral presentation by the ADRC staff.
- Financial – A consortium budget handout was provided followed by a brief explanation by Romenesko.
- PROGRESS REPORTON THE ADRC IMPLEMENTATION: Schlautman reported on the calls that were recorded to date to the ADRC, with Calumet and Outagamie reporting at this time. There were 890 calls, for a total of 14,076 minutes of call time with an average call time of 15 minutes per call. A request was made to the committee members for input on reports that they would like to receive information on from the ADRC’s. The requested information was: 1) Breakdown by target group calling. 2) Nature of call. 3) Customer satisfaction reports. 4) Number of calls. 5) Duration of calls. 6) Update on marketing efforts. 7) Unmet needs.
- DISCUSS MISSION STATEMENT: Samples of mission statements from other ADRC’s and others that committee members created were reviewed and a mission statement was created by the committee. It reads as follows:
The Aging and DisabilityResourceCenter serving Calumet, Outagamie and Waupaca counties offers adults and families a single source for Information/Assistance and Individualized service planning to enhance self-sufficiency and quality of life.
- Reports of official meetings attended in the past month. None to report.
- UPCOMING EVENTS. ADRC Open Houses were held at each branch location and all were well attended.
- SET NEXT MEETING DATE: November 9, 2006 in Waupaca at 4:30 pm.
- MOTION TO ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 pm by Grode, second by Hansen. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Schlautman
Recording Secretary
- These are approved minutes.