Council Synopsis

December 17, 2012

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DECEMBER 17, 2012

At theRegular Meeting ofDecember 17, 2012,City Council made the following resolutions to:

-pass Bylaw No. B-18/2012, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. B-15/2005, the King’s Heights Neighbourhood Structure Plan, by amending the Land Use Figures to be consistent with Schedule A attached, and updating all associated text and tables to reflect the amended land use.

-pass Bylaw No. B-19/2012, being a bylaw to amend Section 2-8 (3) (b) Land Use Map of Land Use Bylaw No. B-09/2005 by rezoning a total of 13.8 hectares (34.1 acres) in portions of NE and SE ¼ Sec. 33-26-29-W4M (portion of Plan 9812399, Block 1) from Residential Single Dwelling District (R-1), Residential Single Dwelling Small Lot District (R-1S), Residential Low Density Multi Dwelling District (R-3), and Residential Medium Density Multi Dwelling District (R-4) to Residential Single Dwelling Small Lot District (R-1S) and Residential Single Dwelling Narrow Lot District (R-1N), as shown in Schedule A attached.

-give First Reading to Bylaw No. B-26/2012, being a bylaw to amend Direct Control Fifteen District (DC-15), currently an Assisted Living Facility in Luxstone, to expand the district to become an age-in-place facility providing independent living and nursing care units as shown in Attachment A.

-pass the Community Standards Bylaw No. B-09/2012.

-confirm the 2012 Off-Site Levies remain the same as the 2011 Off-Site Levies.

-amend the Infrastructure and Off-Site Levy Bylaw No. B-22/2012 to include supplemental information on the Project Profiles.

-pass the Infrastructure and Off-Site Levy Bylaw No. B-22/2012, as amended.


-pass Bylaw No. B-39/2012, being a bylaw to amend the Waterworks Bylaw No. B011/2012.

-pass Bylaw No. B-40/2012, being a bylaw to amend the Sewer Service Bylaw No. 936.

-pass Bylaw No. B-41/2012, being a bylaw to amend the Waste Bylaw No. 15/1992.

-accept the Cash and Investments Summary for November 30, 2012, as presented.

-amend the 2013 Operating Budget and Capital Plan as outlined in the Agenda Report.

-approve the amended ‘2013-Operating Budget and Capital Plan’ and accept for information the ‘2014 – 2015 Operating Budget and 2014-2022 Capital Plan’.

-endorse the recommendation of the Community Services Advisory Committee to

i)maintain the practice of a 26% municipal contribution into the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) program which would invest up to $600,563 in FCSS Base and up to $49,937 in FCSS Plus (2012-2013 FCSS Plus) for a total FCSS funding of up to $650,500; and

ii)direct Volunteer Airdrie to undergo a program review by Administration prior to the Community Services Advisory Board’s 2014 FCSS Funding Allocation meeting to determine whether or not FCSS outcomes are being achieved.

-grant permission to the Airdrie Food Bank to make the necessary applications for expansion of their current facility, with the full understanding that this permission is “without prejudice” relative to any future regulatory process.

-provide a letter of support to the City of Newtown, Connecticut in recognition of the recent tragic event that took place there.

-direct staff to report back on

i)the current level of need in Airdrie for a women’s shelter;

ii)whether there would be support from the Provincial Government to locate a women’s shelter in Airdrie to serve north Calgary, Airdrie and the surrounding areas; and

iii)the services available for a victim of domestic abuse.

If you have any questions about matters pertaining to Council,

please call Legislative Services at 403.948.8816.

Please note that the minutes are unadopted and subject to change.

Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes are available on the City of Airdrie website: