Janie Darr Elementary Run-Walk Club will begin on Tuesday, Aug. 23rd. Only students, grades 2-5, are eligible to participate in the Run-Walk Club provided they bring in the completed permission slip and have pick-up transportation after school, no later than 3:45 (unless you give prior written permission for your student to walk home on their own or they are in Kids’ World). Children K-1 may participate if they come with an older sibling who looks after them while they run, or if their parent volunteers with Run-Walk. Children will be supervised by an adult (a parent volunteer or teacher) when running, jogging, or walking. I will have basic first aid items for minor injuries, and a cell phone to call 911 for emergencies. Please be aware that a nurse is not available during Run-Walk Club. In the event of your child having an emergency, you will be contacted using the phone number you provide (but do make sure your child has your number memorized to save time in looking up your information).

The JDE Run-Walk Club will meet in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:45 in the hall leading outdoors between the gym and the music room. After the students who walk home pass by the doors, we will go outside and take advantage of the wonderful track we have at Darr. If there are any parents who would like to volunteer to help with JDE Run-Walk Club, I would love to have you! Also, while I want you to be aware that I absolutely LOVE doing Run-Walk Club, please know that this is a voluntary activity, and not mandated by the school or district... If your child displays inappropriate behavior during Run-Walk Club, they will lose the privilege to participate.

Students must wear appropriate clothing & shoes for the activity and have a water bottle that they can fill up before going outside to run. If they forget appropriate shoes, they will not be allowed to participate that day and sent to the office to call for a ride. In the event of inclement weather (it is too rainy to be outside or there is lightning), Run/Walk club will be cancelled and your child will need to go home their regular way (I will send out a text via Remind 101…so PLEASE take a minute to sign-up if you haven’t already).

JDE Run-Walk Club’s last day will (most likely) be on the Thursday before Thanksgiving until it resumes again in the Spring.

I will send out the days and times of the 4 elementary cross country races as soon as I find them out. These are fun and rewarding events for the kids and are awesome opportunities to show their school spirit. The races begin at 4:00. Your child does not have to be in Run-Walk to race, but if they are in Run-Walk, they are expected to participate in at least one (but preferably all 4) of the races.


Becci Neal

J.D.E. P.E.

After school RUN-WALK Club Permission Slip for 2016-17

(This MUST be turned in before your student is allowed to participate)

I agree to provide transportation after school at 3:45 on the scheduled days for my child to participate in the JDE Run-Walk Club. My child is covered by a health insurance policy in the event that he/she is injured during this activity. I am aware and agree that Janie Darr Elementary is not responsible for any accident occurring during Run-Walk Club.

To receive brief text updates regarding Run-Walk Club and other JDE PE related events, I have signed up for Mrs. Neal’s Remind service by texting @jdephysedto(479) 208-4880 or by using the QR code:


I am aware there is no nurse on duty during this activity.

* My child uses OR has used: an inhaler an Epipen (circle if applicable)


Student name Grade and Teacher’s Name


Email (parent)

______Mother’s Name Cell phone number


Father’s Name Cell phone number


Alternate Emergency Contact Phone number


Parent Signature Date

Yes, I could be a parent helper during runs on: Tues. / Thurs. as a walker / runner / helper (circle any that apply)