Council on Diversity Initiatives –Meeting summary3.11.16
Council on Diversity Initiatives
Date: March 11, 2016
Location:Elko: UNSOM GRIS 31; Reno: UNSOM PME 214
Attendees:Gerald Ackerman, Debra Glogovac, Nicole Jacobs, Melissa Piasecki, Susan Hill, Cherie Singer, Megan Almansoori, Jodi Shpargel
Safe Zone video presentation (M. Piasecki)
- Final Safe Zone video v1.mp4[]
- Video produced to advertise the SafeZone trainings available through The Center for Student Cultural Diversity
- Emphasizes the importance of competency regarding the LGBTQIA community
- How will this be disseminated? Send final link to Susan Hill Action Item: D. Glogovac
- Share link with student groups Action Item:J. Shpargel
Student Recruitment, Outreach, Pipeline Programming (M. Almansoori)
- Efforts to target (recruit, prepare, market) high achieving high school and undergraduate prospective applicants for medical school
- Recruitment programming: annual events (informational fairs); clinical opportunities; pre-medical conference and tour; Second Look for those students who have multiple acceptances; interview day recruitment activities; counselor information sessions; host or financially support the American Indians Accessing Health Professions (AIAHP) events – AHEC supports sending students and faculty members to out of state events
- Outreach programming: on-campus tours include 2-3 hours of activities; off-campus activities with community partners; occasional career fairs; clinical problem solving elective for high school students; work with UNSOM student groups to offer outreach programs
- Always take photos of events and send to Marketing!
- Pipeline programming: includes two primary programs
Post-Baccalaureate program:a one or two year certificate program for students who have undergraduate degrees; preference for students who meet our diversity categories; put them through an MCAT program and various supportive programs; added an accelerated track program this year
BS-MD accelerated program: these are high achieving students who we support through various programs
Recommend publishing this information to the website for any changes to criteria in admissions; exactly like UNM’s program – look at their information for possible edits to our site
- Possible opportunity to work with DHS on recruitment efforts, i.e., Nevada Bound; an increasingly diverse group who often come from out of state; possible pool for some long-term pipeline students; open to reconfiguring presentations to include presentations from UNSOM
- Include AHEC outreach activities: would like to add AHEC’s programming to the list of UNSOM outreach programs Action Item:M. Almansoori and G. Ackerman – edit document for distribution to other groups
Distribute to Susan Hill’s office when document is updated Action Item:M. Almansoori
- Action Item: Gerald Ackerman will send DVDs of A Day in the Life of the Resident and the Health Careers Manual when available (sent to every high school in the state)
Diversity Events(D. Glogovac)
- Calendar will be included on future agendas with links to events: Diversity Dialogues; UNR Diversity events
- Create a spreadsheet of events that UNSOM faculty members, staff and students participate in for various reports
- Request that departments send updates of events attended by students
- Request that attendees create brief summaries of experiences at attended events for inclusion on the website
Cultural Competency: Assessment Tools (D. Glogovac)
- Implement a tool to assess UNSOM’s cultural competency
Sample: Intercultural Development History program document
- Will research and work with Blane Harding to bring various tools to the group
Wrap-up and Adjourn(D. Glogovac)
- Council on Diversity Initiatives is live
- Ask students/members to submit brief, informal reports if not able to attend CDI meetings
- Marketing/communication: would like to see more social media that reflects our efforts and successes; take lots of photos at each event; reflects interactions going on at the school; send to Lisa McDonald or Susan Hill
- Statement of Strategic Intent: We will have a shared consciousness valuing inclusion and equity. This will result in: increased diversity, an innovative and welcoming learning environment and better patient outcomes.
- Consider the create of a Facebook page for Admissions and Student Affairs
- Request that AHEC/Gerald Ackerman send in as many photos as possible for occurring events
- Book signing kick-off event for the Health Careers Manual; will be available online once published