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Nicola Moorcroft - Clerk to the Council
83, Broome Close, Huntington, York, YO32 9RH
Tel: 01904 763902
Minutes of Ordinary meeting of Rawcliffe Parish Council held on Monday 8 January 2018 at 7.00pm St. Mark’s Church Hall, Howard Drive, Rawcliffe YO30 5UZ
Councillor N. Case (Chairman), Councillor D. Paterson, Councillor A. Dawes, Councillor Ray Thompson, Councillor Emma Thornton, Councillor Alex Benjamin, 5 members of the public, and Nicola Moorcroft (Clerk)
131/2018. Apologies:
a. To Note Apologies and Approve Reasons for Absence
Councillor S. Rawlings
Councillor J. Cleaver
Councillor S. Phillips
It was resolved to note all apologies and approve all reasons for absence.
132/2018. To Note any Declarations of Interest:
a. To Approve Dispensation Requests
No dispensation requests submitted
b. To Note Declarations Interests not already declared under members Code of Conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Councillor A. Dawes declared an interest in matters relating to the Rawcliffe Recreation Association
133/2018. To Receive Report from Ward Councillors
No report available.
134/2018. Public Participation.
Residents raised concerns regarding the planning application for a proposed development on land to the rear of 246 Shipton Road, highlighting flood risk, flooding in the area, the existing drainage system’s capacity and the watercourse running through the site (which the planning application does not acknowledge)
135/2018. Minutes
a. To Approve Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Rawcliffe Parish Council held 11/12/17
It was resolved to approve said minutes as a true and accurate record of the ordinary meeting held 11/12/2017; signed and dated by the Chairman
136/2018. Finance:
a. To Approve payments as detailed in Appendix 2 (a)
CLERK / SALARY / 922.68
N. MOORCROFT / MILEAGE (60 MLS@ 0.45p PER MILE) / 27.00
659 CARS LTD / DEC. INVOICE / 12.00
HMRC / OCT - DEC PAYE +NI / 1353.78
TOTAL / 4173.25
Bank statements checked and approved by Councillor A. Dawes prior to this meeting.
Invoices checked and approved by Councillor D. Paterson prior to this meeting
It was resolved to settle all above accounts with immediate effect.
b. To Note budget situation as detailed in Appendix 2 (b)
List of income and expenditure as against the budget situation for Month 9 noted
c. To Approve Bank Reconciliation Statement to 31 December 2017
It was resolved to approve Bank Reconciliation Statement to 31 December 2017
d. To Approve precept demand to CYC for financial year 2018/19
Budget and financial planning document, with precept options for financial year 2018/19 was circulated to all members prior to this meeting; it was resolved that the precept demand to City of York Council for 2018/19 be £40,080
e. To Consider funding request from Vale of York Academy
No funding application available for consideration.
137/2018. Rawcliffe Parish Council Initiatives:
a. To Receive update, consider and approve necessary action re: refurbishment of Rawcliffe Recreation Pavilion.
· All drawings received by Councillor R. Thompson; including electrical and flooring
· It was resolved to formally request, via Chairman of RRA, that Councillor Thompson be provided with a key and necessary access details to the Recreation pavilion, to enable him to accompany builders around the site.
· All estimates to be forwarded to Clerk to the Parish Council for consideration of tender compilation at next meeting of Rawcliffe Parish Council.
138/2018. Planning:
a. To Consider planning applications received as detailed in Appendix 3:
Rawcliffe Parish Council considered the under-mentioned applications, received from City of York Council and reached the decision shown:
CYC Reference / Address/Description / Rawcliffe Parish Council decision:
17/02888/FUL / 12 St James Close York YO30 5WL
Erection of 1no. dwelling / Rawcliffe Parish Council has no objections to this development however, it seeks clarification as to the provision for foul water drainage as there is no mention of such in the development plans/scheme.
The parish council expects that CYC Planning Authority will ensure that appropriate waste drainage facilities are incorporated into any development plans which are granted consent.
17/02970/FUL / Land to Rear Of 246 Shipton Road Rawcliffe York
Erection of 1no. bungalow / Rawcliffe parish Council objects to this planning application on the following planning grounds:
The development will increase the flood risk to neighbouring properties.
The proposed development site is located within the high-risk flood zone 3a. The proposal constitutes more vulnerable use. As such, the sequential test and further the exception test must be passed in order to allow such development. The parish council considers that neither test has been satisfied to the required level.
Although a substantial flood risk assessment and report has been provided with the application, this is fundamentally flawed, containing factual errors and inaccuracies and is therefore, unfit for purpose:
- The flood history of the area is incorrect, due to the high-water table this area of Rawcliffe is regularly floods
- Hydrology: Mention of the water culvert which runs directly through the proposed development site is omitted from the report (Report states - The nearest named watercourse is the Blue Beck which is located circa 250 metres to the south-east of the site at its closest point)
- Ground water: levels are particularly high in this area of Rawcliffe however the report states - The groundwater level is not known, however, boreholes along the A1237 to the north and at the sewage treatment works to the west, sunk to average depths of circa 6 metres, do not note any groundwater. It is therefore anticipated that groundwater will be at depth beneath the site.
- Due to the high levels of surface water the existing drainage system is unable to cope with current demands; as such methodology set out in the Institute of Hydrology Report 124 is considered inappropriate for this site.
b. To Consider any further planning related matters.
City of York Council Planning Decision Notices:
Application at: 14 Alwyne Drive York YO30 5RS
For: Erection of pitched roof over existing two storey flat roof side projection and single storey front and rear extensions.
Application Ref No: 17/02423/FUL
Application at: Fresh Dental Smile Clinic Ground Floor Manor House Manor Lane York
For: Second floor extension and alterations to roof and insertion of window in first floor north elevation (retrospective).
Application Ref No: 17/01973/FUL
Application at: 18 Eastholme Drive York YO30 5SW
For: Change of use of newsagent (use class A1) to cafe (use class A3)
Application Ref No: 17/02442/FUL
139/2018. Assets and Facilities
a. To Consider matters relating the parish council play area and approve any action required.
Concerns raised as to the amount of broken glass on the play area; it was resolved that:
· Clerk contact Neighbourhood Policing Team regarding alcohol consumption on the play area.
· Clerk contact Ward Team to follow up request for additional lighting on recreation ground car park.
· Clerk to source industrial glass remover (vacuum) to assist litter picker with this work
b. To Consider matters related to any other parish council asset
Clinical waste found on open space - clerk to contact Care home in the area regarding this matter.
Manor Lane open space pond – Clerk to contact Community Payback Team regarding removal of litter in the area.
Salt/grit bins:
It was resolved to site an additional bin at corner of Manor Lane/Holyrood Drive.
Salt/grit spreading on Recreation Ground path:
It was resolved to purchase a spreader for use by the litter picker and parish council listed volunteers.
c. To Consider arrangements for next Rawcliffe Parish Council walkabout
It was resolved to undertake a Rawcliffe Parish Council walkabout;
Date: Wednesday 17 January 2018
Time: 12noon
Meeting Point: Rawcliffe Recreation ground car park
140/2018. Clerk’s Report - Updates and Information: (Appendix 4)
a. To Update members on matters raised at meeting held 11/12/2017 not specifically dealt with on 08/01/2018 agenda
None raised
b. Rawcliffe Parish Council Newsletter update
Draft newsletter circulated by clerk, no feedback or additional content received.
c. To Note reports from outside bodies, councillor activities and training and consider any action required.
Rawcliffe Recreation Association - Councillor A. Dawes:
· Senior citizens Christmas party a success
· 70+ party goers
· Additional key to recreation ground car park gate acquired
d. To Receive update and take action necessary re: Lease to RRA:
Execution documents received form RPC solicitors; it was resolved to arrange appropriate time, date, etc with RRA to execute said documents.
e. To Receive update re: Lease to Allotment Association
No further update or information available.
f. To Receive update re: Community Orchard
Clerk received e-mail from Chairman of Northern Orchard Group (NOG) – the group intends to commence work in early January and will contact RPC again regarding funding for required fencing.
g. To Receive update re: Commemorative Beacon
Councillor A. Dawes provided a brief update as to the progress of the basket and maypole mechanism, support for commemorative events from the RRA and contact made with RBL
141/2018. Employment and Training
a. To Approve Clerk’s CPD Programme for 2018/19
It was resolved that the Clerk attends all training on GDPR available to her:
· SLCC webinar Thursday 8 February 2018
b. To Consider any further employment related issues
Staff appraisals; to be undertaken, Wednesday evening late January/early February. Clerk to make arrangements.
142/2018. Policing and Security Matters
a. To Note Neighbourhood Policing Team Report
Neighbourhood Policing Team Report for December 2017 noted.
b. To Consider any further security related issues
See above – Agenda item 139/2018(a)
Shopping trolleys on recreation ground and Rawcliffe Lake; despite numerous assurances form retailers that shopping trolleys will be collected from the area. Clerk to contact Neighbourhood Policing Team to request advice as to how best to deal with the issue.
143/2018. To Note correspondence received and consider any necessary action.
1. YLCA White Rose Update – December Edition (distributed electronically)
2. Invitation to Police Meeting at 10.30am on Monday 22 January 2018 – members to notify Clerk if available to attend
3. List of YLCA Planning Seminars – members encouraged to attend
144/2018. To Note matters for information and items for next monthly meeting agenda
None raised
145/2018. To Confirm date and time of next meeting:
The Ordinary meeting of Rawcliffe Parish Council to be held on Monday 5 February 2018 commencing at 7pm in St. Mark’s Church Hall, Howard Drive, Rawcliffe YO30 5UZ
Meeting closed at 8.50pm
RPC Minutes 08/01/2018