At 7:30pm President of council Cris Nesbitt called the meeting to order.


Mr. Nesbitt led those in attendance in the Our Father and the Pledge of Allegiance.


Council Members Present- Mr. Roth, Mr. Gertz, Mr. Lynd, Mr. Albrinck, Mr. Lindeman, Mr. Ashbrock, Mr. Fischesser.

Other City Officials Present- Mayor Robert Bemmes, President of Council Cris Nesbitt, Treasurer Mel Gertz, Safety Service Director Patrick Ross, Clerk of Council Scott Heckle.


Without objection, the minutes for the September 4th and September 11th council meetings were approved.


Mr. Heckle read the mayor’s court report for the month of August- $17,136.00 collected, 210 bench warrants issued, 595 cases heard. Mr. Heckle then read a letter from Reading Schools Superintendent Scott Inskeep thanking the city of Reading for the work that was put into making the football field look as nice as it does. Mr. Inskeep also appreciated the partnership between the city of Reading and the Reading schools.


Mayor (Robert Bemmes) - Mr. Bemmes offered condolences to the families of Cal Ficke and Francis Pletz. Mr. Bemmes asked all drivers to watch out for our students on their way to and from school. The 3rd annual car show was a success with over 200 antique cars. He thanked Dow Chemical for the use of the field during the car show as well as the many volunteers that donated their time for the event. He thanked Susan Slavey and Ken Wietmarschen for helping sell drinks and snacks which made $150 for the Reading Parks Foundation. Signups for VYO boys and girls basketball are September 22nd and 29th from 10a-1pm. Saints Peter and Paul Academy Running Scared 5K run will be Oct. 13th starting at 6pm at Veterans Memorial Stadium. The Blue Devil Bash will be Oct. 6th at Haffey Fieldhouse, $15 per person, $25 per couple. The Bridal bash is this Thursday from 6p-9p. He offered thanks to Athletic Director Pete Muehlenkamp for moving the Reading High School Reserve football game on Saturday morning from Veterans Memorial Stadium to Bemmes Field because of all the rain the night before. We are still looking for sponsors for our 4th of July fireworks for 2013. Anyone interested please contact city hall. Our agent from the Hylant Group will address council during the September 25th meeting to


give updates on Vorhees Park. He encouraged all to visit the city website at The new business directory will be out soon.

Mr. Tony Gertz mentioned that if legislation is needed for the administration to remove events from the field when necessary, he wants to act on that soon.

Mr. Bemmes agrees that it would be a good idea to have something finalized in case of an event such as a heavy rain storm.

Mr. Ross is working on drafting something to address this issue.

Mr. Lynd added the parks department has been in contact with every organization that uses the football field and has told them if weather is bad you will be asked to move your game to Bemmes Field. Most organizations said they would work with the city on this.

Safety Service Director (Patrick Ross)- Mr. Ross met with a representative from Vivian Llambi and Associates and will later this week meet with a representative from David Williams and Associates to discuss the rebuilding of Vorhees Park. He attended a C.A.C.C. meeting with Mr. Ashbrock. The new signs that were asked by residents to be put up to redirect heavy truck traffic away from Market and Mechanic St will be put up soon. He attended a final planning meeting with the Reading Bridal District for the “Fall in Love with the Reading Bridal District” event. He met with a representative from Rumpke to address some issues. Ever since Rumpke sent out the mailer encouraging Reading residents to recycle, 89 new customers have signed up for it. He said that roughly 60% of the material residents throw away in their garbage could be recycled. There was a BZA meeting last Thursday for (2) residents on South Kathwood and Furhman Road. The website for the Running Scared 5K is Residents near the end of Bradley and Wachendorf had concerns about the lack of street lighting present in that area. Duke is going to put a street light in that area. Mr. Ross thanked Duke for their efforts on this issue. September is cholesterol awareness month, if you want any information regarding this, Mr. Ross can get you that information.

Mr. Albrinck asked Mr. Ross if he had received reports of anyone rummaging through residents recycling bins.

Mr. Ross replied that he has not heard any complaints.

Mr. Ross reported we are only down (2) police officers from being at full staff. He thanked Matt Morgan and Seth for putting up all the lights on the trees on Benson St.

Treasurer (Mel Gertz) – Mr. Gertz game an interim report on where the city stood on tax collections in September. Month to date we have collected a little over $403,000. ($21,800 ahead from TOTAL collections in September 2011).


Finance (Anthony Gertz)- Mr. Gertz reported that his committee did have a meeting this morning at 10am. He said it was a productive meeting. For 2012, the projected growth was set at 5%, and the last report that was given had the city for the year at .5%. He believes the


administration has done everything in their power over the last several to maintain and control spending. He spoke about ICRC and the cost that comes with having it. He appreciated ICRC coming to address council and answer questions members of council had. He mentioned that anyone or any business in Reading has access to putting on a television program through ICRC if they were interested.

Utilities, Lands and Buildings (Don Lindeman)- Mr. Lindeman thanked everyone who has signed up to recycle. With more cuts coming in 2013, the city will have to find ways to spend even less and without donations to the 4th of July fireworks, they may not happen in 2013. He reported that Vonderhaar’s has pledged $250 towards the 2013 4th of July fireworks display. He also reported that after speaking with the office manager at Valley Centrals Savings, they have announced they will pledge $500 towards the 2013 4th of July fireworks display. Mr. Lindeman asked all residents to make a pledge towards the 2013 fireworks display to help offset the cost.

Zoning, Planning and Environment (Robert Ashbrock)- Mr. Ashbrock mentioned he has read several stories in the newspaper regarding zoning issues around the Cincinnati area. One of the stories involved Rumpke in Colerain Township, other stories occurred in Madeira and Blue Ash. Mr. Ashbrock Is always mindful of means by which the city zoning code is fairly administered. These stories raised some concern to Mr. Ashbrock and prompted him to have a discussion with Mayor Bemmes regarding a review of procedures in some areas of the zoning code. He went into detail on the story regarding Rumpke. Mr. Ashbrock spoke about the need for the city to look into compressed natural gas to fuel the fleet of vehicles for the city and the savings that would come with that as well. He discussed the need for large scale development at the Nivison property. He discussed expansion of the mill creek trail and that GE has plans for developing trails on their property.

Laws and Contracts (Lee Roth)- Mr. Roth reported that Mr. Stevenson is working on the ordinance to pass on the costs of cleaning up meth labs onto the property owner.

Public Health and Safety (Randy Fischesser)- Mr. Fischesser reported the police department is still waiting to get their new cruisers outfitted. October is Crime Prevention Month and he encourages all to look out for each other during this time as well as all times of the year. The fire department had their new hose tested and the hose rack has been installed. The fire department is being measured for the new turnout gear also. The fire department is selling shirts at $15 a piece to support breast cancer awareness month. Hamilton County has petitioned a monthly fee on cell phones and landlines of $1-$2 to pay for 911 services and upgrades. With this, cities such as Reading will not be charged their annual communications fees. (around $40,000 savings). He reminded council that e will not be present for next week’s council meeting.

Mr. Ashbrock also announced that he will not be present for next week’s council meeting.


Service (Dennis Albrinck)- Mr. Albrinck asked if a special meeting would need to occur this week to pass transfers of funds for the following week because (2) council members will not be present at the next council meeting. If you have leaves that need to be collected, go ahead and bag them to be set out for the garbage. Leave collection in Reading usually won’t occur until the 1st or 2nd week in October. Once the leaf collection program does start he reminded residents to please rake the leaves between the sidewalk and the curb, not in the roadway. If left out in the street, the leaves will clog the sewers. Another reason you don’t want to place leaves in the street is because if a car gets parked on top of a pile of leaves there is a potential for a fire to occur. A third reason not to pile leaves in the street is because kids tend to want to play in leaves and we don’t want anyone running them over with their cars. There was a storm sewer collapse on Fuhrman Rd. that the service department is working on. There was a new concrete pad that was placed outside of the fire station. Mr. Courtney has been in contact with Ohio Mulch and they will come in and remove our piles of grinded up tree limbs and leaves at no cost to the city. Vandalism continues to occur at Vorhees Park with the drain lines in the bathroom. The bathrooms at Vorhees are now closed unless a function is going on at the park.

Mr. Ross shared an email from Standard Textile where they thanked the city for the work done to Knollcrest Dr.

Mr. Fischesser asked Mr. Ross if someone could check that the NO SOLICITATION signs are up around all the borders in Reading.

Mr. Ross said they will check them out.

Mr. Ashbrock added he believes there are 11 entrance points into the city of Reading.

Mr. Bemmes added that the improvement to Knollcrest Drive was done with 90% grant money.

Mr. Lindeman asked if there was anything on the city website for people to be able to pledge via online.

Mr. Ross said there is not.

Mr. Roth added that Reading Kiwanis is having their 1st pancake breakfast at Reading High School on Sunday September 30th 8am-12pm. Tickets are $6 adults, $5 seniors, $4 kids. Mr. Albrinck asked Mr. Ross about the status of the recycling plant that burned down. Mr. Ross replied that they are building a bigger and better one at the same location.

Recreation (Tom Lynd)- Mr. Lynd reported that in August there were 44 park rentals. (6 were gratis). $2,210 was collected from the rentals. Park rentals were down because of the loss of the large shelter at Vorhees Park. Over 3,000 people have visited our parks just from park rentals. Fields at Koenig and Haffey are being seeded as well as Veterans Memorial Stadium football field.


Mr. Heckle read by title only Ordinance 2012-64 passed during the September 11th meeting.

Mr. Tony Gertz asked if we should go ahead and schedule a meeting for Wednesday night to pass a money transfer if needed. Motion made by Mr. Gertz, seconded by Mr. Lindeman to


have a meeting Wednesday night at 9pm to pass a money transfer. Motion passed by voice vote.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm.

Cris Nesbitt Scott Heckle

President of Council Clerk of Council