253 Washington Avenue Ext.

Albany, New York12205-5553

(518) 869-6436 1-800-734-2721 FAX: (518)869-6439


I have read these procedures and policies and agree to follow them in the execution of my duties and responsibilitiesas District Activity or Event Chair.


Volunteer Title______Date______

Rev 4/16/12


District Activities Procedures



  1. Budgeting
  2. Health & Safety
  3. Insurance
  4. Money Handling
  5. Patches & Recognition
  6. Planning
  7. Printing
  8. Refunds
  9. Religious Services
  10. Reservation
  11. Sanitation
  12. Trading Post
  13. Critique


  1. Attendance Roster
  2. Budget Worksheet
  3. Incident Report
  4. Council CampUse Procedures
  5. Council CampChecklist
  6. Insurance Claim Form
  7. Incident Report
  8. Standard Backdated Schedule
  9. Standard Equipment List

I have read these procedures and policies and agree to follow them in the execution of my duties and responsibilities as District Activity or Event Chair.


Volunteer Title______Date______

Rev 4/16/12

This manual is designed to help in planning effective district events. Further, it describes the current council policies relative to conducting events.

Budgeting: A budget must be completed at least 90 days prior to the event. This should be a mutual endeavor between the event chairman and professional staff advisor. The professional will submit the completed budget to the Director of FieldServices for approval. Expenses are not authorized until the budget is approved. In establishing a budget it is recommended to review past costs and attendance. The budget should be established with a pessimistic attendance projection and include a $1.00 per person Administration Fee. This fee helps cover website and online payment options. All budgets must be closed within 30 days of the event and a final report submitted to the Director of Field Service. DEs need to ask Accounting for the activity cost center and posted detail to review to insure that income and expenses are credited to the correct accounts.

Any expenses which exceed the current executive board budget must be approved by the Director of Field Service and the Scout Executive.

Health & Safety: The latest edition of the “BSA Health and Safety Guidebook” and the “Guide to Safe Scouting” describe the health and safety rules for ALL Scouting events. An EMT with current certification will be present at all overnight events. A designated area for first aid treatment will be known to the participants. Reliable emergency transportation and communications should be arranged. Council Incident Reports will be in use at all events. The Incident Reports will be returned at the council office the following business day.

Insurance: The Twin Rivers Council has purchased accident and sickness coverage for all registered adult and youth members. The policy is secondary to a family’s own insurance coverage and any claims must be submitted on the appropriate form. Prudent use of the Council’s insurance helps keep the costs low. The Twin Rivers Council has liability insurance in effect at all times. The council can provide documentation of the coverage to other organizations, when necessary. The Accounting Specialist (Kathleen) is the point of contact for insurance claims. The Fundraising Assistant (Amy) issues Certificates of Insurance.

Money Handling: All purchases must bepre-approved and a purchase order must be completed and approved by the Director of Field Service. If not such expenses will not be reimbursed. To the extent possible, little money should change hands at an event. Most of the business should be handled through the council office. When money is collected at an event a field receipt is issued to the payer. All money collected, with a copy of each receipt, and complete accounting is turned into the council office within two business days of the event. The collection of all monies is the responsibility of the supervising professional or his designee. Bills for approved expenses will be paid through the council office. A check request must be submitted and approved by the Director of Field Service to activate payment. When incidental expenses may be incurred during the event itself the professional advisor will secure petty cash from the council prior to the event. Cash and receipts totaling the original issuance will be submitted within five business days of the event. The professional staff advisor will be responsible to account for all money related to an event. YOU MAY NEVERUSE REGISTRATION FUNDS TO REIMBURSE EXPENSES!

Patches & Recognition: Patches and other recognition can represent a significant investment for any event. Patches should be ordered 8-10 weeks in advance to assure an opportunity for a quote before placing the final order. The staff advisor is responsible for obtaining three quotes for patches. Patches and other custom design items must be ordered through the Council and delivered to the Council Office in Albany. Work through approved vendors or the National Scout Shop, with the approval of the Director of Field Service in accordance with the event budget. Quantities ordered will reflect as closely as possible the anticipated attendance. It is usually possible to order small quantities of patches after the event if a shortage is incurred.

Planning: No event can be successful without proper prior planning. Planning begins as soon as the event chairman is selected, about 5-6 months before the event. Besides budgetary considerations, planning will need to provide for personnel and material needs. The professional staff advisor will provide planning guidance and coaching to assure that the event committee has the tools for success. Proper and timely recruiting of a volunteer chair and staff ensure that the professional fills an oversight role and need not be “hands on” for program details. Backdating is done for all major events to keep important planning steps on the calendar.

Printed Materials: Many district activities will have mailing and printing costs. Costs for paper and postage will be included in the event budget. To the extent possible, outside duplicating resources, when donated will help control costs. Requests for printing and mailing projects done through the council office must be submitted to the Director of Unit Service (DUS) at least two weeks prior to the desired completion date. Care should be given to avoid excess use of paper and envelopes in the request.An event flyer needs to be created and emailed to all staff members immediately upon approval of the DFS.

Refunds: Registration for an event should be done by units. Individuals requesting refunds for fees paid must do so before the event. Only under extreme personal emergencies will a refund be issued for a no show. Requests for an individual refund must be made through the council office. The staff advisor for the event will process requests for refunds. If an event has a non-refundable deposit, this must be taken into consideration. For other major activities, such as a jamboree, special refund policies will be established. When registration is conducted for an event through units, all fees should be settled at check in, thus eliminating the need for any refunds. The patches and recognition items issued to a unit will include pieces for no shows for whom fees have been submitted.

Religious Services: All overnight weekend events should include opportunities for the participants to observe their religious customs. Sufficient prior planning is required to make necessary arrangements Proper facilities will be needed to hold the services.

Sanitation: All event locations need to provide for the disposal of human wastes. Where possible facilities should be chosen where bathrooms, toilets, latrines, privies, or outhouses are already present. Port-a-johns should be used prudently in accordance with the approved budget and Health Department regulations. Where unit camping is involved a “pack-it-in pack-it-out” philosophy should be applied to trash disposal. In other cases trash receptacles will be needed, but care should be given to avoid additional disposal costs. Recycling is the law in New York and many other states.

Trading Posts: At some events Scouting paraphernalia and edibles may be sold. The professional advisor may make arrangements for staff from the National Scout Shop to bring and sell items. If a food concession is operated it must be well planned and included in the budget. Perishable foods represent an investment risk and can mean a financial loss if the quantity or storage is wrong.

Critique Report: A written critique is required after each activity to make suggestions for improvements while they are still fresh in our minds. Meeting with the committee to get their input is suggested. Complete Activity Critique Form.


Activity Attendance Roster

Troop Number:______Event:______


Leader Roster: (Name*)




Youth Roster: (Name*)



















Junior Leaders:




Total Youth: ______@ $______= $______

Total Adults: ______@ $______= $______

Total Paid: = $______

*Include emergency telephone numbers or bring health histories of the attendees.


Procedures for use of Twin Rivers Council

Properties for Activities and Events

  1. Definition of Event:A scheduled activity such as: training courses, camporees, klondikes, merit badge fairs, olympics, rallies, etc., involving more than one unit.
  1. Procedure for Reservation: The district representative is responsible for submitting a camp use or facility use application form for use of the property and reserving the facilities desired. All reservations for district events, especially on council property, should be submitted at least 1 year in advance to avoid conflict.
  1. Pre-Planning Meeting: To insure adequate support is available and that plans are developed for such items as information signs, traffic control, first aid, parking, fires, garbage disposal and clean-up, it is required that the event chairman and the professional advisor meet with the camp ranger and campmaster coordinator at least 30 days prior to the event. At this meeting additional needs can be discussed and reviewed.
  1. A $2.00 per person facility fee must be built into the Activity budget. This fee includes rental of a camp building mutually agreed upon by the Activity Committee Chair for the event and Camp Management that is appropriate for the size and purpose of the event.
  1. Day Camps held on Council Properties will be charged a $2.00 per youth fee for expenses incurred using camp facilities.
  1. The council Administrative Staff will forward to the event chairman a checklist to be used and a reminder that the meeting at camp should take place no later than the date on the checklist.
  1. The campmaster coordinator will insure adequate campmaster coverage of the camp is arranged.
  1. These requirements apply to all events, one day or longer.

Check List for District Activity

For Use On or Off Council Properties

  1. Name of Activity ______Date:______

 Rotary Scout ReservationCampWakpominee




2. Application in ScoutServiceCenter*______

3. Pre-Planning Meeting Date______

4. Event Requirements:Assigned To:

A. Information Signs______

B. Traffic Control______

C. Parking Control______

D. First Aid Set Up______

E. Fire Permits______

F. Cooking Needs______

G. Garbage Disposal______

Extra dumpster ordered, if needed______

H. Cleanup Detail______

  1. Program Needs:

A. Campfire Area______

B. Activity Field______

C. Orienteering Field______

D. ArcheryRange______

E. Aquatics______

  1. Other______
  1. Campmaster Coverage*
  1. Reviewed by:


Event ChairmanCampRanger

*Required if on council property

SamplePlanning Backdating Calendar


Event: Tricentennial CamporeeDate: July 4, 2076

_____February 4, 2076Chairman recruited

_____March 6, 2076Location established

_____March 26, 2076Committee organized

_____April 5, 2076Budget & Program set

_____April 20, 2076Fliers prepared & sent to units

_____May 20, 2076Awards and supplies ordered

_____May 20, 2076First aid & sanitation arranged

_____June 4, 2076All staff recruited

_____June 19, 2076Media publicity arranged

_____June 29, 2076All supplies secured

_____July 6, 2076Thank you’s sent

_____July 9, 2076Final finance & participation report

Standard Camporee Supplies

_____American Flag_____Flagpole

_____Propane/ Fuel/Charcoal*_____District Sign

_____Registration Sign_____Trading Post Sign

_____First Aid Sign_____Registration Sheet

_____First Aid Kit_____Dining Fly & Poles

_____Folding Table_____Chairs



_____Awards_____Cash Box

_____Change_____BSA Field Receipt Book


_____String_____Rubber Bands

_____Calculator_____Extension cord

_____Coffee Pot_____Coffee & Supplies

_____Cups*_____Garbage Bags*

_____Paper towels*_____Leaders Cracker-barrel

____ TRC Incident Report Forms ____ Poster Board

Special Program Equipment






* Check with Tom Blackmon for Donated Supplies first before you purchase these



Name of EventDistrict

Date of EventIncome Acct. #

Type of EventExpense Act. #

Suggested Minimum Fees

Camporee $8 Day Event $6 Cub Event $5
Income Source / Anticipated / Actual Income
1. Youth Fees ____ @ $______
2. Adult Fees ____ @ $______
3. Donations
4. Extra Patches sold @ ______
TOTALS / $ / $
Expenditures / Proposed Budget / Actual Expenditures
1. Printing
2. Postage
3. Facility Fee
4. Administrative Fee
5. Labor
6. Patches (must be approved and ordered through Council)
7. Activity Insurance(if required)
8. Literature
TOTALS / $ / $

Final Accounting Approved:

Director of Field Service:

Actual Income$______Actual Expenditures $______

( ) Surplus or ( ) Deficit$______

Budget Prepared By Volunteer Chair:

I have read and agree to the terms of this policy


Budget approved by: District Executive


Budget approved by: Director of Field Service


Flyer Approved for Distribution by DFS (email to all Field & Support Staff for Distribution)

