Cottesmore Hunt Branch of the Pony Club


Sponsored by NFU Mutual Stamford

Sunday 29thMay2016

CATMOSE SPORTS CENTREHuntsmans Drive, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6RP

Monday 30th May 2016

Hill Top Farm, Braunston Road, Oakham.LE15 8UH

TetrathlonClasses 29th-30th May

Class 1Bean Baggers Girls/Boys 7yrs & Under (splitonly if enough entries)

Class 2Mini-Mini Girls/Boys8+9 years (split only if enough entries)

Class 3Minimus Girls 11 years and under

Class 4Minimus Boys11 years and under

Class 5Junior Girls14 years and under

Class 6Junior Boys14 years and under

Class 7Senior Girls25 years and under

Class 8Senior Boys25 years and under

Teams will consist of 4 members in each class – best 3 scores to count. We will endeavour to put spare individuals into teams. Teams to fourth place: Individuals to sixth place.

Entry fee - £28.00 per competitor forTetrathlon (includes £3 paramedic)

Triathlon Classes 29th May

Class9Bean Baggers Girls/Boys 7yrs & Under (split only if enough entries)

Class10Mini-mini Girls/Boys8 + 9 years (splitonly if enough entries)

Class 11Minimus Girls11 years and under

Class 12Minimus Boys11 years and under

Class 13Junior Girls14 years and under

Class 14Junior Boys14 years and under

Class 15 Senior Girls25 years and under

Class 16Senior Boys25 years and under

Individuals to sixth place only

Entry fee £16.00 per competitor for Triathlon

Entries close: Thursday 19th May 2016

Entries: Katharine Wright, Horspools Farm, Main Street, Loddington, Leicestershire, LE7 9XE


Rules : Pony Club TetrathlonRules 2016. Age on 1st January 2016

All competitors must be able to swim 3 lengths unaided

XC course designed and built by Guy Herbert

Mini-Mini 60cm


Junior 90cm

Senior mainly 100cm

Riders may drop down a course sizebut will incur 700 penalties

Secretary must be informed on Sunday 29th at the latest

There is a separate Bean Bag XC course to encourage our younger members. 45cm with no gate or slip rail. Riders may be helped, however, “any” outside assistance will incur 700 penalties

“L” fences will be available on each course

(XC will be ready to view on Sunday29th from 11am)

Sorry no Dogs on either day

Neither the Owners, Organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to competitors, spectators or any other person or property.

Health and Safety. The Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all the Officials and Stewards.

Cottesmore Hunt Branch of the Pony Club Tetrathlon: Sunday/Monday 29th- 30th May 2016

Pony Club ……………………………………………………………Team Manager ………………………………………………………………………

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Tel ……………………………..Mobile ………………….………………….Email …………………………………………………………………………….

Please write clearly so that I can read email address correctly

Class / Name Rider & Horse
(Competitors to be listed in teamrunning order where applicable) / Male or Female / Indicate Team Members / Age on 01.01.16 / Share Gun? A,B etc. / Left Handed? / Last Swim Score / Outside swim Lane? / Entry Fee

Total £

Photographic Rights – competitors and their guardians give permission for photographic and/or film of TV footage taken of persons or horses/ponies taking part in Pony Club events to be used and published in any media whatsoever for editorial purposes, press information or advertising by or on behalf of The Pony Club and/or official sponsors of The Pony Club

Closing Date for entries: Thursday 19thMay 2016. Late entries will not be accepted and numbers may be limited.

Entry fee - £28 Tet & £16 Tri (Cheques payable to Cottesmore Hunt Pony Club). No entry accepted without remittance.

Times will be emailed to Team Managers and available on Cottesmore Pony Club website.

Entries Secretary

Katharine Wright, Horspools Farm, Main Street, Loddington, Leicestershire, LE7 9XE

07791352457 (text only)

Only phone Katharine for times (01572 717213) if not received by 26/05/16