Name:______Due Date: January 27, 2017

The New South Newspaper Project

You have been selected to work for a very well-known newspaper. Your job is to help create a newspaper covering aspects of the culture, lifestyle, politics, and economy of the New South. You will create this newspaper working with a partner (groups of two). Your newspaper needs to reflect Georgia and the nation as it relates to Georgia during the era we call the New South Era. As a group, you are required to complete at least:

1)One (1) letter from the editors

2)Three (3) articles (news, feature, business)

3)One (2) advertisements

4)One (1) picture/graphic per article

Newspaper Requirements

COVER:Create a cover for your newspaper/news magazine that displays the name and a picture or pictures of what your newspaper is featuring.

LETTER FROM THE EDITORS: This will be an important feature in your newspaper. A letter from the editors gives the editors the opportunity to analyze the content of their newspaper and explain the importance of the stories they choose to use. This letter explains why the editors chose to use the stories they did.

NEWS ARTICLE: What was a major event happening during the New South era?How did thisevent affect Georgia either positively or negatively. News articles cover the basics of an event. They answer the who, what, when, where, how, and why questions. The article can be no more than one page in length. Be sure to include your byline(writer’s name) and a picture. Note:You must conduct additional research of your event beyond what was covered in class.

FEATURE ARTICLE: This article needs to be about an interesting person or invention of that era. You must include how the feature affected Georgia either positively or negatively.This type of article is written in a more creative and entertaining way. The article can be no longer than one page in length. Be sure to include your byline and a picture.

BUSINESS ARTICLE: This article needs to be about the business or economic news or trends of that time period. You must include how the news or trends affected Georgia in either a positive or negative way. This article can be no longer one page in length. Be sure to include your byline and a picture.

LAYOUT: Articles should be typed in column form. Points will be deducted if articles are hand written.

GRAPHICS: You will need at least one graphic, photo, awesome drawing, cartoon, graph, chart, table, etc. for each article. Be sure that the graphic you choose is appropriate for the type of article and the content. More than one graphic is encouraged!

APPEARANCE: Your final product should be neat, clean, easy to understand, and interesting. Your graphics must be relevant to the article.

ADVERTISING: This ad should be original (your creation) and appropriate for the time period. Real products from the New South Era or a newly-developed product should be in your advertising. This can be drawn or created using the computer. NO STICK-FIGURES ALLOWED. 

Newspaper Rubric

20/______ / The newspaper is neat, attractive and organized so people can easily find what they are looking for. The pictures have a clear focus. There are no rough edges and the overall appearance goes above and beyond what was asked of the student.
20-15 / The newspaper is neat. The graphic is clear and pertains to the article and time period. The appearance is lacking the above and beyond factor. There are very few rough edges.
14-10 / The newspaper is confusing and looks sloppy. Some of the pictures are not clear and do not pertain to the theme of the magazine. There are several rough edges, staples can been seen, and/or tape is showing.
9-5 / The newspaper lacks any kind of effort and the material does not pertain to the era. The pictures are not clear and do not seem to have a purpose. There are a lot rough edges, staples can been seen, and/or tape is showing.
40/______ / The content is accurate and interesting to the reader. The article includes all of the proper components (byline, title, author, and graphic). The article is organized and easy to follow. The student went above and beyond what was asked of them.
40-30 / The content is accurate. The article includes almost all of the required components. The article is somewhat organized and easy to follow.
29-20 / There are some inaccuracies in the content of the article. There are a lot of required components missing and the article is unorganized and hard to follow.
19-10 / There are a lot of inaccuracies in the content of the article and there are almost no required components included. The article is very unorganized and it is obvious that little to no effort was made.
25/______ / The advertisement is interesting and pertains to the proper time period (1877-1918).There is at least one ad per person. The advertisement goes above and beyond what was asked of the student.
25-20 / The advertisement is neat and pertains to the proper time period (1877-1918). There is at least one advertisement per person.
19-15 / The advertisement is sloppy and not colorful. It does not pertain to the appropriate time period.
14-10 / The advertisement is not complete or there is not one present.
Spelling and Grammar
15/______ / There are no more than 2 errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or sentences.
15-12 / There are no more than 4 errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or sentences.
11-8 / There are no more than 6 errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or sentences.
7-4 / There are more than 6 errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or sentences.