Cottage Grove PTO

Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 9, 2017

6:30pm – Cottage Grove School

  1. Attendance:Charlotte Miller, Ginger Veith, Kendra Atkinson, Connie Haessly, Krista Massizen, Amy Kudrna, Cecily Brose, Alison Anger, Steph Rossing, Jen Koenig, Julie Miller, Cathy Knops, Amy Geib, Reed Foster, Laura Simac, David Peterson
  1. Principal’s Report

Connie Haessly – Taylor Prairie Elementary

-Thank you for the conference meals! Very much appreciated!

-98% of parents attended conferences

-Picture retake this Thursday, Oct. 12rh

-Oct. 18thInservice, Oct. 27th No School, Nov. 6thInservice

-Field trips: Kindergarten-Hincheley’s Farm; 1st - Overture

-Finishing MAP testing this week.

-Young Rembrandts afterschool – art projects and learning about art Nov 8th – Dec. 20th; will work with art teachers outside of the school staff. Kindergarten and 1st grade.

-GingerVeith - Sat. 21st, 5k run 9:00/1 mile walk 8:30. Zombie run, CG rec is donating all of the proceeds to the PTO playground fundraiser. $400 to for businesses to sponsor, will get a graphic on the back of the t-shirt and then a big banner. Need 16 volunteers. Need to register by Wednesday to get the t-shirt and goodie bag.

Reed Foster – Cottage Grove Elementary

  • Homecoming Assembly was on Sept. 27th! Great spirit and message
  • PT Conferences Oct 12th and 19th
  • No School the 18th and 27th. Also Nov. 6th
  • UDL/Mathmatics Instruction/Mental Health Screener/Equity and PBIS Team in regards to community circles and work on classroom environment.
  • Fall Harvest Parade on Oct. 31st 1:30
  • Nov. 7th 4th to the Overture
  • Survey coming out soon to start providing after school programming at CGS
  • Forever Friends Oct. 20 at 6:30 $5 per child Food, DJ, Mr. Mckinney. Last week the 1st meeting where Dane County Judge Everett Mitchell was our speaker
  • Nov. 14th 3rd Grade Food Drive
  • 2nd Grade started field trips to the Dean House in Monona today
  • Wednesday 10/11 is the 4th Grade Reading Fair 8:40-9:20
  • 10/13 Picture Retake
  • Parents are invited to come see our Pumpkin Patch in the library from Wednesday, October 11 - Wednesday, October 25.
  • All Battle lists will be rolled out after Halloween this year.
  • Winter Wishes and Holiday Gift Giving – Encouraging involvement in this program.
  1. President’s report – Charlotte Miller

-Fall Festival – was such a great day! Tons of volunteers and it ran pretty smoothly.

  1. VP Reports

-Taylor Prairie – Julie Miller – No update

-Cottage Grove – Stephanie Rossing – No update

  1. Secretary Report – Cecily Brose

Stephanie Rossing moved to adopt meeting minutes from the previous meeting. Jen Koenig seconded.

  1. Treasurer Report – Cathy Knops

-At 25% of our goal for Scrip

-Julie Miller moved to approve the report and Stephanie Rossing seconded.

  1. Committee Reports

-Playground – planning some fun events, zombie run, have a tentative design, very preliminary estimate is 50-60K.

-Box Tops Challenge – challenges are active at both schools.

-Restaurant night/Community night – $140 Subway; Papa Jimmies – Tues, Oct. 24th 4-7 10% of all proceeds.

-Conference Meals – Went really well and teachers were very appreciative. Big thank you to Alison and Amy for coordinating. Next set of conferences are at CG on Oct. 12th and 19th.

  1. Old Business –No old business to discuss.
  1. New Business – Discussed Zombie run during president’s report.

Reed Foster - Reading teachers put together order for the designated reading program at CG.

Meeting adjourned 7:24pm

Minutes prepared by Cecily Brose