1 / In each season, the number of clubs competing will determine the number of galas.2 / Each club will host one gala, with four clubs competing. The hosting clubs must send all team sheets, officials list and results to the Secretary within 48 hours. Failure to do this will result in a £50.00 penalty, payable to the Treasurer. The postmark date will act as proof of posting date.
3 / Each club will attend four galas in the season. Where this is not possible due to circumstances beyond the control of the hosting club, the Management Committee will agree a reduced number of galas for the affected clubs.
4 / Allocation of fixtures will be arranged at the AGM, or as soon as possible thereafter.
5 / Lanes will be drawn at the same time as the fixtures.
6 / All clubs must send the Secretary a list of swimmers’ names and dates of birth by 31st December prior to the next series, in accordance with ASA rules. At the beginning of each gala, all teams must submit a team sheet, which will be sent to the Secretary within 48 hours by the host club. Any additional swimmers not previously notified to the Secretary must be included on the reverse of the team sheet, or on the form provided, including their dates of birth. Failure to do this will incur a penalty equal to a deduction of all points awarded to that swimmer during the evening, including relay points.
7 / Gala Points will be awarded 4-3-2-1 for each event. If a team does not compete in a gala, leaving three teams to compete, 10% of the final gala points will be deducted from each team to reflect the reduced number of teams. Failure to attend a gala will normally result in exclusion from any final. However, in exceptional circumstances, approved by the Management Committee, this may be waived. Teams who fail to attend a gala will be fined £25 payable to the host club.
8 / Lanes for the finals will be spearheaded.
9 / The host club for all galas should appoint a qualified judge or referee to act as referee. In addition, they must provide recorders, a chief timekeeper, a timekeeper and a starter. Each club attending must bring a timekeeper and two judges. Any club failing to provide the required number of officials will incur a loss of 10 gala points for each official they fail to provide. The Secretary of the series will deduct the points when required. At the final the lead Referee will be advised to by the Secretary to deduct points if required. The Host club is required to send the secretary a list of officials attending the gala.
10 / The Secretary of the Series will appoint 2 referees for each final, preferably from clubs not competing in the Series. The host club will provide a starter and a chief timekeeper and a timekeeper. All visiting clubs must provide a judge and a timekeeper. In all galas, timekeepers will time their club’s lane.
11 / With the exception of the referee or judge who is acting as referee, officials need not be qualified, although where, possible, qualified officials should be used.
12 / The 8 teams with highest number of gala Points after 4 rounds have been swum shall compete in the A Final of the Series
The 6 teams with the next highest number of gala points shall compete in the B Final of the Series.
The 6 teams with the next highest number of gala points shall compete in the C Final of the Series.
12a / In the unlikely event of a tie, the total number of first places shall be considered to determine places for the Finals.
In the event of a tie in any Final, first place will be awarded to the club with the highest number of first places. If this is equal, the position shall be shared.
12b / If a gala is cancelled for reasons beyond the control of the hosting club in either of Rounds 1, 2, 3 or 4 and cannot be re-arranged before the Final, the following process will be adopted to determine points to be awarded in lieu. Points (for those clubs affected) from all previous galas in the series will be averaged to determine gala points for those clubs who could not compete in a cancelled gala. The calculated gala points shall determine 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th positions for that round
12c / If any of the Final galas are cancelled for reasons beyond the control of the Management Committee, the gala shall be re-arranged to a date mutually agreed by all teams involved.
13 / The 1st and 9th and 15th teams scoring the highest number of Gala points shall organise the finals. The Treasurer will book suitable pools in advance.
14 / Gala points for the finals shall be 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and 6-5-4-3-2-1.
15 / Galas shall be swum in a 25yd/m pool.
16 / Events shall be; - Boys and Girls.
11 & under 1 length Back BreastButterfly Freestyle
13 & under 2 lengths ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
15 & under 2 lengths ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
Open 4 lengths ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘
15 & under and open 4x1 Individual Medley.
All groups 4x1 Freestyle Teams
All groups 4x1 Medley Teams
The standard order of events shall be used.
Clubs will organise and supervise their own warm-ups, which will last for a maximum of 20 minutes.
Starting blocks can only be used in the warm up if there is a one-way sprint lane.
17 / Each swimmer may only swim in two individual events in his/her age group plus an I.M. They may also compete in the relays. Swimmers may swim an unlimited number of events in older age groups. Any infringement of this rule will result in the loss all gala points won by that swimmer, including relay points
18 / Swimmers must be full members of their club and registered with the ASA in the appropriate category on the date on which they first compete in the League. No swimmer may represent more than one club in the current season in the Series. Any infringement of this rule will result in the loss of all gala points won by that swimmer, including relay points.
19 / Membership of the Cotswold Series is not open to any swimming club that in the preceding year [1st January - 31st December] was a member of the Premier Division of the Speedo League. Members of the Cotswold League who gain promotion to the Premier division of the Speedo League can continue swimming, but they must enter a “B” team. (It must be stated that this will be a ‘B’ Team). If a member is subsequently relegated from the Premier Speedo Division they no longer have to call their team a B team.
20 / A swimmer may compete as an individual swimmer in the current year of the Cotswold Series according to the following table:
Speedo Division / Individual Event / Relay event / Exclusions
Premier / No / No / 2 year exclusion from all swims
First / No / No / 2 year exclusion from all swims
Second / No / Yes / 1 Year exclusion from individual swims
Third / Yes / Yes / No exclusion
The exclusion applies for the relevant number of seasons of Cotswold League competition following any participation in the Speedo League.
Swimmers who have competed in individual or relay events in any ASA National Swimming Championships may not represent any club in the Cotswold Series for a period of 5 years following that competition.
No swimmer shall swim in a Final unless that swimmer has competed in at least one of the preliminary rounds. Swimmers must swim under the names in which they are registered with the ASA.
21 / Ages shall be at the date of the final in the year of competition.
22 / Management Committee to comprise; Chairperson
Vice Chairperson
23 / Any infringements of the eligibility rules (rule 20) can be reported to the Management Committee and evidence must be produced. Should any infringement of the eligibility rules be proven, all gala points for that specific gala shall be deducted (i.e. all points won by all swimmers representing that Club in that gala). Repeated offences will result in expulsion from the series.
24 / A special General meeting may be called by the Management Committee or at the written request of 6 or more clubs. 14 days written notice will be given to all clubs.
25 / When deciding on accepting new teams into the Cotswold League, preference will be given to clubs in Division 3 or below in the Speedo League in preference to ‘B’ teams from clubs in a higher division.
26 / Gala admission prices shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
Entry £2.00 (Inclusive of any sports centre levy), children and Senior Citizens, £1.00 (Inclusive of any levy). Optional raffle tickets 10p each. Admission price for final galas £2.50. Children and Senior Citizens £1.50. Optional raffle tickets 10p each.
27 / All proposals for rule changes for the Cotswold Series must be seconded and received one month prior to the A.G.M. These proposals will be circulated and added to the agenda.
28 / All galas will run under A.S.A. Law and Technical Rules or Fina rules (which ever applies at the time of competition). This should be shown on all programmes. The A.S.A. child protection policy is also adopted by the Cotswold Series.
29 / In the event of the Series ceasing to exist, the trophies and any existing funds will be used for the benefit of the sport, to be determined by the Committee.
16th May 2008