Council Offices, Sandy Lane, Caldicot NP26 4NA
Tel: 01291 420441 Fax: 01291 431139 Email:
8th June 2017
Dear Councillor
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Planning and Resources Committee to be held at 6.30pm on Tuesday, 13th June 2017 at Caldicot Town Council for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Yours faithfully,
Gail McIntyre
Clerk to the Council
Please note the use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during meetings
1 Apologies
2 Declarations of Interest - To be identified under the relevant item/Forms to be completed
3 Planning Applications Received
*NOTE: Mon CC will no longer be providing paper copies of plans*
Plans may be viewed prior to the meeting at:
DC/2017/00631: To rent out property as a part time holiday home and for events such as Paranormal Investigations – Llanthony Secunda Manor, Church Road, Caldicot, NP26 4HT
DC/2017/00665: Proposed two storey extension to side and single storey to rear, internal alterations and increase existing dormer – 2 Castle Lea, Caldicot, NP26 4HR
3a Mon CC Planning Information [DISPLAYED]
i) Planning Permissions
DC/2017/00389: Build small retaining walls ether side of hard standing area at front of the property. Extend current dropped kerbs at front of the property –
250 Newport Road, Caldicot, NP26 4AF [TC Approved 26.04.17]
DC/2016/01436: Re-building of the garage at 44 Castle Lodge Crescent, at the rear of this property (South East Corner) – 44 Castle Lodge Crescent, Caldicot, NP26 4JS
[TC Approved 26.04.17]
DC/2017/00399: Two storey extension – 109 Elan Way, Caldicot, NP26 4PZ
[TC Approved 26.04.17]
3b DC/2017/00616 Brookside – Construction management plan and notice of start date
Correspondence - Mon CC regarding Brookside construction management plan and start date:
‘ This is a courtesy email to let you know that I have received the construction management plan and start date of the development which is 7th July 2017. There is no requirement to consult with local residents of this matter for the discharge of conditions , but I wanted to make you aware that we have received the information as I know the residents were anxious in relation to the construction management plan.
The construction plan will be discharged in close liaison with our expert highway officers to ensure it meets the best practice guidelines and considers residents amenity.
The details of the construction plan are found on our website on the link
I hope you find this information informative.’
4 To consider request from Caldicot Town Team [B/f FTC 31.05.17]
Caldicot Town Centre Wifi Project – funding request £5,022
5 To note the date of Caldicot Carnival – Sunday 25th June 2017