BSSD Performance Task Template

What content areas, levels, and standards does this activity address?
CA.4.03 Practices tradition art form
CS 3.02 Exhibits pride in work, self-discipline, concern for safety of self and others, and demonstrates good study skills
** Can you think of any other content areas that can be addressed with this activity?
What is it that you want students to know and be able to do?
Students will learn how to make pattern and know how to sew kuspuk / Essential Vocabulary:
Seams allowance
Sew it together
Pin it together
Student will learn how to make her own kuspuk. Write about how they feel while they sew their kuspuk . Students will journal at the end of each class period.
Students will take their kuspuk home and show their parents.
Students can use their kuspuk at the Eskimo dance also. / Materials and Resources:
Kuspuk pattern
Sewing machine


Traits/Targets ê / -- Emerging / Ö Developing / + Proficient / * Advanced
CA.4.03 Practices tradition art form / They made their pattern and did not sew it together. I had to sew it together for them / Students will know how to sew their kuspuk together and complete their kuspuk. / Students will show their kuspuk to the other students or to their parents. Parents will write a note about their work.
CS 3.02 Exhibits pride in work, self-discipline, concern for safety of self and others, and demonstrates good study skills / Students will write about their learning experience in a journal at the end of class periods. They will write 80% or more of the time. / Students will write about their learning experience in a journal at the end of each class period. 100% of classes