Ellen Gray

Phone: (650) 575 4666


Address: P.O. Box 11902, StanfordCA94309


2002-2007Stanford University

Coterminal B.S. and M.S. in Geological and Environmental Sciences


2006 Teaching Assistant for introductory geology class, StanfordUniversity

2004-2007 Academic year Research Assistant, Marine Geochemistry Lab.

Barite separato, general lab assistantr; SEM analysis; Field assistant on chlorophyll study in the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel; groundwater study in Hawaii; eutrophication study in Lake Erie.

2005 Summer Research Fellow, StanfordUniversity

Project: Using marine barite to determine high resolution export production and sulfur isotopic records over the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum in the South Atlantic, ODP Leg 208, Sites 1262 and 1263.

2005 Structural Geology Field Class to the Andes, Argentina, Cornell Univerity

2004 Summer Research Fellow, StanfordUniversity

Project: Using marine barite to determine high resolution export production and sulfur isotopic records over the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Eastern Equictorial Pacific, ODP Leg 199, Sites 1215 and 1221.


2006 Undergraduate Research Program Major Grant

2006 School of Earth Sciences McGee Grant

2006 Undergraduate Research Program Travel Grant, ASLOOcean Sciences Meeting, HonoluluHI

2005 Undergraduate Research Program Quarterly Grant

2005 Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences VPUE Summer Research Fellowship

2004 Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences VPUE Summer Research Fellowship


2006 Departmental Honors, StanfordUniversity

Bachelor’s Thesis:Barite Accumulation Rates and Analysis of Sulfur Isotopes over the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum

2006 Hoefer Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Writing, StanfordUniversity

2001-2002 Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship, Moulins, France


E. Gray and A Paytan. Sulfur isotope excursion over the PETM. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Fransisco CA, Dec 11-15, 2006

E. Gray and A. Paytan. Export Production Changes Over the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum Using Barite Accumulation Rate Records. American Society of Limnology and OceanographyOcean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, February 20-24, 2006.

K. L. Faul, A. Paytan, and E. Gray. The sulfur isotopic composition of seawater from marine barite during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (~55 Ma). Goldschmidt Conference, MoscowID, May 2005.


E. Gray, K. Faul, and A. Paytan. Global export productivity reconstructed from marine barite across the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum. In Prep.

A. Paytan, K. Averyt, K. Faul, and E. Gray. Barite accumulation, seawater Ba concentrations and gas hydrates dissociation across the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum. In Review. Geology.


2002-2006 Stanford Women’s Rugby Club

2005 and 2006 National Collegiate Champions

2003-2004 Public Relations Officer: liaison with The Stanford Daily

2004-2005, 2005-2006 Fundraising Committee and liaison with The Stanford Fund

2006-2007 Tournament Coordinator

2003-2006 Stanford SwingKids Executive Board Member

2003-2004 Facilities Manager, dance teacher

2005-2006 co-President, dance teacher


2003 and 2005StanfordUniversity Events and Labor Services: Graduation Setup Crew

2003 Vector Marketing: Cutco Summer Sales Representative


Fluency in French

Proficiency in Spanish


Dr. Adina Paytan (650) 724-4073

Rachael Dyda (650) 736-0655