Webelos Woods

October 18-20 2013


Camp Cooper

COST:The cost is $10 per person. Due October 14th or upon arrival.

CHECK-IN/OUT:Check-in will begin at 6:30 pm Friday night and run until 8:00 pm at the camp Health Lodge by the Dining Hall. Units arriving on Saturday need to be checked in by 8:00 am (don’t forget the check for the cost if not pre-paid and your Tour Permit). All units must be checked out prior to departing camp, including a campsite inspection. All units needing to check out Saturday after campfire, please arrange for your inspection before sunset and go to the Health Lodge after campfire. All other units may check out after closing flag on Sunday morning.

FRIDAY NIGHT:There will be a leaders/spl meeting in the Dining Hall on Friday night for one leader from each Pack and Troop. Those units arriving on Saturday morning will be filled in when they check in to camp.

WHO CAN ATTEND?All Webelos Scouts (1st or 2nd year, and LDS), Boy Scouts, Leaders and parents who have come to assist their Webelos Scout or unit. Please leave all pets at home.Webelos camping overnight need to follow all requirements set by national policy (see the current edition of the Cub Scout Leader Book).

WHAT TO BRING:Each unit is responsible for their own food, wood, tarps, tents, personal items, etc… It may be raining and muddy, so come prepared. Tennis shoes are not always a good choice of shoe for Camp Cooper at this time of year. No open-toed shoes of any kind are allowed. Units attending only Saturday need to bring a sack lunch and something for dinner. The kitchen at camp is not available for unit or personal use.

PARKING/GEAR DROP OFF:Only ONE (1) vehicle per unit allowed in camp to drop off equipment and gear, so please pile all of the gear into one vehicle. Each vehicle, when emptied, will need to be immediately parked out in the parking lot, backed into place. Backing in helps speed an emergency evacuation. Vehicle policy will be strictly enforced.

HEALTH FORMS:Each unit MUST turn in a copy of their health forms when checking in, whether it is Friday night or Saturday morning. Don’t forget to pick them up when checking out.

MEDICATIONS:If you have any medications that are sent by parents or for yourself, and are not comfortable with your unit designated medic administering them, please leave them with the registrar, in original containers, with clear instructions. It/they will be administered by the camp medic and returned at check-out.

CAMPFIRE:There will be a camp-wide campfire program on Saturday night. Please come prepared to participate with a skit or song from each unit. All program items will be reviewed for approval on Saturday by the camp director.

FUEL:All fuel that is to be used for cook stoves, lanterns, etc… must be stored according to BSA policy. If you are not familiar with this policy, please read the current Guide to Safe Scouting.

TRADING POST:There will not be a Trading Post, so if you want snacks, bring them with you!

Friday night

6:30-8:00 pmCheck-in at Dining Hall

9:00 pmLeader meeting at Dining Hall



7:00-8:00 amRise and Shine / Breakfast (in campsites)

8:30amOpening Flag (main flagpole) and announcement

9:00-11:00am Boy Scouting 101

This will be for webelo parents and cub leaders

11:00a-12:00p COPE at COPE course

This will be for webelo parents and cub/ scout leaders

For the Scouts and Webelos

9:00a-9:25 amFirst rotating station

9:30 -9:55 am Second rotating station

10:00-10:25 amThird rotating station

10:30-10:55 amFourth rotating station

11:00-11:25 pm Fifth rotating station

11:30-12:00 pmSixth rotating station

12:00-1:00pm Lunch in Campsites(all)

12:00-4:00pm Continue COPE

This will be for webelo parents and cub/ scout leaders

1:00-1:25 pmFirst rotating station

1:30-1:55pmSecond rotating station

2:00-2:25pmThird rotating station

2:30-2:55pmFourth rotating station

3:00-3:25pm Fifth rotating station

3:30-4:00pmSixth rotating station

4:00-5:00pm Skit signup & time with troops in campsites

5:00-6:00 pmDinner in campsites

6:00 pmEvening Flag at main flagpole

6:30 pmCamp-wide Campfire program

8:00 pmCracker Barrel at the Dining Hall

LDS units depart after cracker barrel



7:00-8:25amRise and Shine / Breakfast

8:30amMorning Flag at main flagpole

9:00-9:30 amScout’s Own Service (Chapel)

10:00-11:00 amClean up and check-out

2013Eagle Valley District Webelos Woods

Unit Registration Form

Adult Leader ______Unit No. _____

Telephone ______Email Address ______

Arrival Date:______Departure Date:______

List Boys Attending:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

List Adults Attending:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

Total Scouts Attending: ______X $10 = $ ______

Total Adults Attending: ______X $10 = $ ______

Total Fees for Advance Registration $ ______mailedbefore October 14,2014

Morning classes for Scouts

Smart backpacking


Fire safety

First aid

Mars campsite (model campsite)

Cooking outdoors- part 1

Afternoon classes for scouts

The packing challenge

Knot a challenge

Fire building challenge


Campsite setup

Cooking outdoors part 2

Adult Opportunities

Boy Scouting 101-( This will be for Webelo parents. It is an introduction to boy scouting)

C.O.P.E. -Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience

Training Available-

IOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills)

BALOO -Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation