UN International Migrants Day

Advocating for Family Unity in Milwaukee

December 17 & 18, 2017

Ideas for Congregations to use on Sunday, December 17, 2017

  • Invite a DREAMER or person living under Temporary Protected Status to share their story with your congregation
  • Invite someone who has come to your community as a refugee to share their story
  • Remembering the migrant journey of Mary and Joseph as they sought shelter before the birth of Jesus, pray for those who journey and seek a place of welcome
  • Remembering the Holy Family as they fled their homeland and arrived as migrants in Egypt, pray for those who are fleeing from their homelands – fleeing from persecution, violence, injustice, or famine
  • Use sections from the sample worship service
  • Invite worship participants to sign the AMMPARO action card, asking for legislative action to protect children and families by preserving DACA, TPS and CAM programs (explained on the card). Collect the cards and bring them to the event at NOON on December 18th or drop them off at the Greater Milwaukee Synod Office (1212 S. Layton Blvd, Milwaukee) by 10 AM on December 18th. The signed cards will be delivered to Senator Ron Johnson’s Milwaukee office.
  • If you have questions or wish to have ongoing education and conversation opportunities for your congregation about migration issues, contact Pastor Walter Baires at or Mary Campbell (coordinator of the ELCA’s AMMPARO program) at or Linda Muth at .

Instructions for Involvement on Monday, December 18, 2017

Civic Action During the Day

  • Phone the office of YOUR congressional representative to express your support for legislative action to protect Dreamers and Migrants living in the US with Temporary Protected Status
  • Phone the office of Senator Ron Johnson to express your support for legislative action to protect Dreamers and Migrants living in the US with Temporary Protected Status

Civic Action Beginning at NOON

  • Individuals, families, church and social action groups will gather at NOON across the street from the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) office at 310 E Knapp St to hold a vigil in support of family unity. Participants should plan to find street parking nearby, and to dress for the weather. Participants may bring drums, tambourines and signs in support of families. Images of the Holy Family are welcomed. The vigil will include:
  • Songs
  • Prayers
  • Testimonies from Migrant families
  • A formal statement asking ICE agents and immigration courts NOT to detain undocumented parents of migrant or US citizen children.
  • Bring signs showing support for DREAMERS and Migrants with Temporary Protected Status and Migrant Families
  • Following the vigil, participants will march (driving is an option) to the office of Senator Ron Johnson, located at 517 E Wisconsin Ave. Marchers are encouraged to make music, sing and hold up their signs. The visit is estimated to begin at 1:30 PM. The visit will include:
  • Sharing a prepared statement in support of DREAMERS and Migrants living under Temporary Protected Status
  • Delivery of the signed AMMPARO action cards
  • The press will be invited to this event. Designated spokespeople will be reading statements however it is important that participants reflect ahead of time about why we are taking civic action in solidarity with migrant families.

Participate in Las Posadas

  • Make food for the pot-luck dinner and drop it off at Ascension Lutheran Church (located at 1212 S Layton Blvd, Milwaukee) at NOON on Monday, December 18th or drop it off at 5:30 PM or bring it with you after the Las Posadas journey. Please use a disposable pan or write your NAME on your dishes. Suggested items to bring:
  • Rice, beans, rice & beans
  • Tamales or pupusas
  • Chili or stew
  • Lasagna or baked pasta dish
  • Cut up fruits
  • Salad
  • Christmas cookies
  • The journey begins at 6:00 PM at Faith Santa Fe Lutheran Church, located at 1000 S Layton Blvd, Milwaukee. Plan for street parking or parking in the Ascension Lutheran Church lot. Dress for the weather. We will begin inside the church with a short introduction which will help us to understand and fully participate in Las Posadas. Then we will accompany the migrants, Mary and Joseph, as they seek shelter before the birth of their baby. The journey will end at Ascension Lutheran Church, where we will be welcomed and given shelter. There we will share a potluck meal together.
  • This event is appropriate for children, youth, and adults. All are welcome. Families may bring and carry signs supporting family unity. Example: Mary and Joseph were Migrants.