Correlation and Causation

Each of the links listed below will take you to an article in a magazine or journal describing some sort of correlation between variables. For this assignment, you are to choose any two of the articles and for each of them write a brief paragraph which you will submit to me via WebCT. Each paragraph should address the following:

A) Does the article describe a positive correlation or negative correlation?

B) What are two possible alternative explanations for the correlation being reported?

C) Do you feel the article was misleading in the manner in which it reported the correlation?

You will have to type your assignment using a word processor and save it either in word format (.doc) or in RTF format (.rtf).

The long & short of it -- Tall women aim high

Kids' TV habits tied to poorer test scores

TV -- any TV -- harms toddlers, study claims

ADHD treatment improves teens' grades, confidence

Eating pizza "cuts cancer risk"

Graffiti linked to obesity in city dwellers

ADHD treatment improves teens' grades, confidence

Breastfeeding fights arthritis

Physical fitness helps kids' minds, too

Walking may ward off Alzheimer's

Before the booze: Cactus extract dulls hangovers

Study links TV to teen sexual activity

Nice guys finish last

Luckiest people "born in summer"

Watching TV "is bad for children"

·  Audio: Listen to researcher discuss his study

·  Original research report in the journal Pediatrics

Teen drug use linked to truancy

Low self-esteem "shrinks brain"

Eat sweets, live longer

Microbe linked to Alzheimer's Disease

Cognitive behavior therapy appears beneficial in treating certain aspects of hypochondriasis

Cancer Drug Helps Paralyzed Mice Walk

Church Attendance Boosts Immunity

Video Games "Increase Aggression"

Higher beer prices "cut" gonorrhoea rates

Black people six times more likely to be jailed than whites

Early unsolicited sexual encounters lead to life of crime

Winning world cup lowers heart attack deaths

Does marriage make you happy?

Eating fish prevents crime