IMS (Invoice Management System)
Last Updated: OC 19/06/2007 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 1 of 10
RIS_CRIB_IMS_v0 1 (2)
IMS Module
The IMS module has been designed to allow complex contract based costs to be tailored to meet the needs of those who require functionality to charge customers according to a set of predefined contract costs.
This document has been designed to inform users of the features of the IMS module and how use them to invoice customers, pay fees, and manage invoice transfer errors. There is no information on how to configure contracts, contract costs, customers, companies, or feesin this document.
IMS Access
To access the IMS module select from the main menu.
Whichever screen is initially displayed, whether it is the Invoices / Credits, or Commission / Fees, the data that matches the filters currently entered at the top of the screen will be searched for and displayed. Both the last selected tab, and the last entered filters are remembered between sessions apart from the site filter, which will always default to be the current site.
Invoices / Credits
The section at the top of this tab enables filtering of specific contract properties.
Filter / Description.Site / Filter contract by site, the same contract can apply to multiple sites.
Contract / Filter for a specific contract ID to match
Company / Filter for contracts matching the specified company
Customer / Filter for contracts matchingthe specified customer
Invoice Frequency / If a specific contract invoice frequency is desired (Weekly / Monthly / Adhoc)
Invoice ID / Enter a specific invoice ID to search for the exact invoice regardless of any other filter.
Active / Only include contracts that are currently active, this should be selected when searching for archived contracts, selected for searching current ones.
Due / Only include contracts that have an invoice due date that has passed.
Whenever any of these filters have changed the text of the “List” button will flash red, as in other lists throughout CRIS, indicating that the button needs to be pressed in order to filter the data displayed in the Invoices / Credits table to match the data entered in the filters.
All filter fields except the “Invoice ID” filter have F4 lookups for selection of codes.
Selecting a Contract
Once a contract has been selected, the details of previous transactions for the selected contract are displayed in the Invoices / Credits section.
There will always be an outstanding row in this table. This is everything that is currently waiting to be invoiced. Any previously invoiced items on this contract will show below this outstanding invoice, in reverse chronological order.
The date fields can be used to control the date range that the previous invoices for the current contract are displayed for. Anything entered within these fields will also be saved as a user preference in relation to the current date. Therefore if the values are one ago year from the current date, the next time the user opens the invoice management screen, regardless of how many days have passed since the last time the IMS was used, the dates populated in these fields would still be one ago year from the current date.
Outstanding Invoice
When a contract is selected, the outstanding invoice is also selected by default, and any items that are currently waiting to be invoiced are displayed in the “Items” section of the screen.
For easy identification of the item type and whether it is a credit or debit, all rows highlighted in green are charges to the customer, and any in red are refunds.
The “To Date” will default to be the due date of the invoice according to the invoice schedule of the contract, and only items that have been added up to that date will be included in the data displayed in the table, however this date can be changed manually, in order to include more recent items, or restrict the items to an earlier date.
The debit and credit checkboxes allow a user to only display the credits, debits, or both. By default these will both be selected in order to show all items ready for invoicing.
Adding Additional Charge / Refund
It is possible for users with the relevant security permission to add an additional charge to the outstanding invoice at this point in time, using the “Add Charge” or “Add Refund” buttons. When pressing one of these buttons the user is allowed to select a reason for the additional item, enter a comment for why it is being added, specify the amount, and the VAT type.
After pressing save, this additional charge is visible against the outstanding items for the current contract. If a comment was entered it is indicated with a red triangle in the top right corner of the cost reason column, and hovering over it will display any comment added for the item.
If a user has permission, then it is possible to right click on a row, and edit it, change the VAT type, or remove it completely. The remove option is only available on these additional items, not on contracted items.
Invoice Items
To invoice the outstanding items, all that is required is to have selected the outstanding invoice row, and then press the “Invoice” button. All rows that are displayed in the Items table at this point will be included in the invoice, unless the “Invoice” column is deselected. This allows specific items to be removed from the invoice simply by deselecting the checkbox as below. This example would invoice all items except for Sally Barnes’ 2 part MRI.
The exclamation mark icon in the Event column, indicates that the event is not yet complete. This is so that any events that require reporting and have not yet been reported are highlighted to the user about to invoice the items. If any incomplete events are included when the “Invoice” button is selected, the user is warned and asked if they are sure they wish to continue and invoice all the selected items.
Upon invoicing a printed output will be produced, provided the printer setup has been correctly configured for the current terminal. Once invoiced the list of previous invoices will contain an additional row for the items just invoiced, including the user ID who authorized the invoice. Anything on the outstanding list that was not selected to be invoiced will still show on the outstanding list.
Previous invoices can be reprinted, or even re-invoiced (in order to recalculate costs if a mistake has been made), simply by selecting the relevant button after the invoice has been chosen.
Commission / Fees
When a referrer or a reporter requires payment for the procedures undertaken, these payments are authorised from this screen. The structure is very similar to the Invoices / Credits screen, however the filters are different.
Filter / Description.Type / Filter the fees by type, referring or reporting.
Party Type / Filter for a fee party type (Individual or Group).
Party / Filter for specific party code.
Last Payment Before / Filter for fees that were last paid before the specified date.
Active / Only include fees that are currently active, this should be deselected when searching for archived fees, selected for searching current ones.
Changing any of these fields will indicate to the user that any data displayed in the table does not necessarily match the requested filters by causing the text of the “List” button to flash red, as in other lists throughout CRIS.
All filter fields have F4 lookups for selection of codes.
To create the payment for the party at each site, the process is the same as for the invoices and credits to the customer. Simply select the required fee, the outstanding items will automatically be displayed, and when the required items have been selected, the “Invoice” button can be selected to create the credit for the referrer or reporter. This will print out the credit document as long as the printer has been set up for the current terminal, and also send a message to transfer the invoice information to any external system.
Incomplete Transactions
The incomplete transactions tab is designed to allow easy reviewing of any invoice transaction (including credits, fees and commissions).
There are two types of incomplete transactions. These are unprinted transactions, which cannot have had a printed document sent to the customer or payee, and those where the transfer to the external system has failed. The “Unprinted” and “Transfer Failed” options at the top of the screen allow for selection of just one of these issues, or both, and the date range to show the transactions between can also be specified within the “Incomplete Transactions” section. Any information entered within these fields, and the state of the option checkboxes at the top of the screen are remembered as user preferences.
As an extra indication, the failed transactions appear highlighted in red, any that are purely unprinted are displayed in white. When a failed transaction is selected, the failure reason is displayed in an extra box, below the table of invoices.
The user can then review this failure reason in order to resolve the issue, and then resend the message to integrate with external systems by right clicking on the invoice and selecting the “Resend Interface Message” option.
The same functionality is present on both the “Invoices / Credits” tab, and “Commission / Fees” tab, however this “Incomplete Transactions” screen is the where all issues can be found with minimum effort.
Outstanding Invoices Notification
If a user has access to the invoice management screen, upon log in to CRIS, the system will check if there are any invoices due for the current site, according to the invoice frequency of the contracts that have been set up.
If there are any invoices due, a message is displayed on screen asking the user if they wish to invoice them straight away.
If the user selects “No”, they are free to continuing using CRIS as normal, if they select “Yes” then they are presented with the IMS and the list of contracts with outstanding invoices is automatically displayed.
This reduces the need for users to remember when to perform the invoicing, as they will be prompted to do so, whenever there are outstanding overdue items for the current site.
System Configuration
Security Settings
To facilitate access and configuration of the module, certain security settings will need adding to existing security settings.
Section / Item / DescriptionVIEWS / INVOICING / Allows access to the IMS module.
GENERAL / CHANGE_INVOICE / Allows users to add adhoc charges / refunds to a contract pre invoicing, edit existing bill items, and adjust the VAT rate for items.
XR Settings
Setting / DescriptionRECEPT.BillingModuleAvailable / Allows the module to be turned on at terminal basis. Without this the whole advanced billing module and IMS is disabled
Licence / DescriptionADVANCEDBILLING / Required to enable advanced billing and IMS.
Document Control
Title / Invoice Management SystemAuthor / Steve Jennings / Date Created / 19/10/2011
File Ref. / RIS_CRIB299l_02.09.10i_IMS_v1.0
Approval Sign-off
Owner / Role / Method of approval / Date
Approver / Role / Method of approval / Date
Change History
Issue / Date / Author / Editor / Details of Change
0.1 / 19/10/2011 / SJ / Initial Draft
1.0 / 22/11/2011 / DC / Assigned Version Number
Review Date
Last Updated: DC 22/11/2011 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 1 of 10