Local Partnership: Onslow Partnership for Children

Child Care Center Name: Growing Up Great

Name(s) Completing Assessment: Susan Example (Center Director) and Megan Lawrence (TA Provider)

Date: April 2nd, 2015

Assessment Area(please choose at least one content area) / S.M.A.R.T Goal / Target Date
for Completion / Follow-Up Notes
Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding / By May 15th I will reorganize our refrigerator and freezer so there is always enough space available for breastfeeding mothers to store expressed breast milk. (BF best practice #3) / May 15th / I will ask my lead teachers for support to keep space in the refrigerator and freezer available to breastfeeding mothers. I will also look at milk storage guidelines and share them with my staff as well.
Child Nutrition
Infant and Child Physical Activity
Outdoor Play and Learning / By April 30th I will plant cucumbers in the garden at the center so that by July I can harvest them and serve them as part of the children’s snack (OLE best practice #9) / April 30, 2015 / My TA Provider will email me gardening resources to help me plan for my spring planting. I will visit my local garden center and talk to a master gardener about how to plant cucumbers (timing, sunlight, etc).
Screen Time
Assessment Area: Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding
Goals / Actions to
Reach Goal / Persons
Involved / Target Date
For Completion / Completed
X / Follow Up:
Completion Dates, Changes, Extensions and Reasons
By May 15th I will reorganize our refrigerator and freezer so there is always enough space available for breastfeeding mothers to store expressed breast milk. (BF best practice #3) / I will ask my lead teachers for support to keep space in the refrigerator and freezer available to breastfeeding mothers. / Me (center director) and lead teachers. / May 15th
I will also look at milk storage guidelines and share them with my staff as well. / My TA provider will send me current milk storage guidelines. / May 15th
Assessment Area: Child Nutrition
Goals / Actions to
Reach Goal / Persons
Involved / Target Date
Completion / Completed
X / Follow Up:
Completion Dates, Changes, Extensions and Reasons
Assessment Area: Infant and Child Physical Activity
Goals / Actions to
Reach Goal / Persons
Involved / Target Date
Completion / Completed
X / Follow Up:
Completion Dates, Changes, Extensions and Reasons
Assessment Area: Outdoor Play and Learning
Goals / Action to
Reach Goal / Persons
Involved / Target Date
Completion / Completed
X / Follow Up:
Completion Dates, Changes, Extensions and Reasons
By April 30th I will plant cucumbers in the garden at the center so that by July I can harvest them and serve them as part of the children’s snack (OLE best practice #9) / My TA Provider will email me gardening resources to help me plan for my spring planting. / Me and Megan Lawrence / March 15th
I will visit my local garden center and talk to a master gardener about how to plant cucumbers (timing, sunlight, etc). / Me / March 30th
I will get the gardening materials and plant the cucumbers. / Me and Dana White (parent volunteer) / April 30th
Assessment Area: Screen Time
Goals / Action to
Reach Goal / Persons
Involved / Target Date
Completion / Completed
X / Follow Up:
Completion Dates, Changes, Extensions and Reasons

Specific (What? Why? How?)

Measurable (How will you know when you’ve reached your goal?)

Attainable (Is it reasonable?)

Relevant (Is this goal consistent with your other goals?

Time-bound (When will you reach this goal?)