2016/2017 / MA in European and International Studies (MEIS) / Kate Riley


Corpora Worksheet

Below are some phrases and sentences taken from your motivation letters and Task 1 emails. Look at the underlined word/words or phrase and find a more suitable alternative. Make a note of whether you:

a)knew the correct form without having to look it up anywhere;

b)used a monolingual dictionary (online or hard copy)

c)used an online collocation dictionary

d)did a dirty search on Google

e)used one of the online corpora

f)couldn’t correct/improve the phrase

Some of the phrases contain other mistakes, not underlined, if you can, correct these too.

If you can’t manage to correct the phrase, don’t worry, we will look at the troublesome ones in class on Tuesday 25th October. Please bring this worksheet with you to the lesson.

Exercise 1 - Collocation

  1. I am determined […] to strengthen and enrich the skills I acquired throughout my academic career./ I intend to enlarge my current competences
  2. My academic performance took a boost in the year following the placement.
  3. I attended English and French exams
  4. It [the MEIS] represents an opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the topics I faced during my previous academic career.
  5. A BA that let me focus on my wide but strictly linked interest in Economics.
  6. I am legitimately interested in what happens in the continent where I am living
  7. … how the concept of power was born and grew up to be what we live today.
  8. This interest has been enhanced by my attending a variety of relevant events, including Festival dell’Internazionale and Festival dell’Economia.
  9. In particular, I take care of gender equality, a theme I always cared of.
  10. History help us to avoid the mistakes we did in the past
  11. This is the case of courses like European Integration and Economic Crisis which treat current subject and consequently you are able to understand these happenings in a better way.
  12. I learnt what means feeling more European than Italian, what means knowing people from all around the world, even from extra-European countries, what means facing daily with other cultures and habits.
  13. After accomplishing my studies
  14. Taking into consideration the possibility to make an experience among Erasmus (I already took part to an erasmus plus project) […], double degree and bilateral agreement / I have the chance to make international experiences
  15. That’s why I firmly believe that MEIS offers the most complete and accurate program
  16. I’ve only 37 university mates
  17. There’re two negative aspects, but they aren’t so relevant: first the little time to do lunch
  18. A strong hug
  19. Students are highly encouraged to take a proactive role

Exercise 2 – Colligation

  1. Last year I had the opportunity to participate to the Model United Nations/participate at many conferences/people that will try to participate to international mobility
  2. I think it is necessary being more fluent than I am right now
  3. Thanks to AIESEC, an association made by young people who strives to encourage leadership into young people
  4. An education focused on international issues and institutions can be the key to master the analysis of the present world
  5. I searched a master degree that focused on these two aspects
  6. What I love the most of living in Trento / What I really appreciate of this course / what I like of this course
  7. My incapability to understand new technologies prevents me to find the information I need
  8. In fact for any doubt, I can ask to them and it’s really useful because it’s like not be here alone.
  9. I wanted to explain you
  10. Most of them ask me tips and infos about Trento
  11. Mr B suggest to me to apply to Trento / As you suggested me,
  12. So far I am really satisfied of my decision
  13. I’m not used to do presentations
  14. To become and expert of this matter
  15. I will wait to […] discuss about the issue.
  16. It seems really liveable, albeit quite lacking of social life
  17. Sorry for being late in answering to your last email
  18. I have enrolled at the MEIS course
  19. There is no need of public transportations
  20. Some of the lessons remind me lessons I took during my Erasmus period.
  21. Elevates our University to the same standards of the most prestigious universities of Europe