Cornwall Design Review Panel

Booking Form 2018

Please call Panel Administrator, Julie Hoare on 01726 223406 or email to check availability prior to the submission of this booking form

Name and address of scheme/project to be considered by the Panel
Status of scheme / Scheme not yet registered with Council / Pre-application registered with Council?
REF: / Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) entered into with Council?
REF: / Pre-application/ application not part of PPA or Pre-application agreement*
Name and email contact details for main points of contact from client’s team who will be presenting at the CDRP (i.e. architect/consultant)
Name and email contact details of who to invoice and relevant postal address for invoice
Name of Cornwall Council Planning Case Officer dealing with scheme (if known)
Name of Cornwall Council Elected Member for ward area that scheme is being promoted in
Panel date required
(Venue - St Austell One Stop Shop Committee Room) /
  • 9 January 2018
  • 7 February 2018
  • 7 March 2018
  • 4 April 2018
  • 2 May 2018
  • 6 June 2018
  • 4 July 2018
  • 1 August 2018
  • 5 September 2018
  • 3 October 2018
  • 7 November 2018
  • 5 December 2018

Scheme synopsis
enclosed – Choose option
(NB: if not attached with this form please ensure the synopsis is submitted 2 weeks before the Panel date chosen) /
To Follow by (date) ……………………………..
Panel fees – tick required option
Please note – a cancellation fee of £100 will be charged for non-attendance at a pre-booked Panel slot if notification not given within 7 days of the Panel date /
  • 1 hour Panel session £1,300 inclusive of VAT – presentation to full Panel, panel discussion followed by report
  • 1.5 hour Panel session £1,600 inclusive of VAT – presentation to full Panel, panel discussion followed by report
  • 2 hour Panel session £1,950 inclusive of VAT – presentation to full Panel, panel discussion followed by report
  • Desktop Review – only for returning schemes £435 inclusive of VAT – this is offered as an alternative to returning to the Panel for a 2nd full session – involves a desktop review by the Panel Chair and one Panel member resulting in a written Panel report. NOTE – the applicant is not able to attend this session
  • Desktop Design Assessment – only for returning schemes £435 inclusive of VAT – a final desktop review by the Panel Chair and one Panel member to assess and record positive changes made prior to planning submission and to confirm that earlier guidance has been appropriate acted upon. A written assessment report will be provided. NOTE – the applicant is not able to attend this session