OAR 461-001-0000 about definitions for chapter OAR 461is being amended to remove references to the GAM program and remove GA and GAM from the definition of “initial month” since there is no relationship between disqualifying resource transfers and GA.
OAR 461-101-0010 about program acronyms and overview is being amended to remove GAM and simplify the description of GA.
OAR 461-110-0390 about GA(M) filing groups is being repealed because GA eligibility is dependent on OSIPM eligibility; therefore, there is no need to address the filing group for GA.
OAR 461-110-0630 about need groups is being amended to remove GAM and GA. The GA need group will be addressed in OAR 461-135-0600.
OAR 461-110-0750 about benefit groups is being amended to remove GAM and GA. The GA benefit group will be addressed in OAR 461-135-0600.
OAR 461-115-0030 about the date of request is being amended to remove GAM.
OAR 461-115-0050 about when an application must be filed is being amended to specify that an application for OSIPM meets the application requirements for GA.
OAR 461-115-0071 about who must sign the application and complete the application process is being amended to remove GAM.
OAR 461-115-0430 about periodic redeterminations is being amended to remove references to GAM and to clarify that redeterminations must be done at least every 12 months; not necessarily at 12 months.
OAR 461-115-0700 about required verification; GA, GAM, OSIP, OSIPM, and QMB is being amended to remove references to GAM and to remove GA from the resource verification section; resource eligibility for GA does not have to be determined separately from that of OSIPM.
OAR 461-120-0030 about state of residence for an individual in a medical facility is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-120-0125 about alien status is being amended to remove the section pertaining specifically to GA and GAM. Alien status for GA does not have to be determined separately from that of OSIPM.
OAR 461-120-0210 about the requirement to provide a Social Security number is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Enumeration requirements for GA do not have to be determined separately from those of OSIPM.
OAR 461-120-0315 about medical assignment is being amended to remove references to GAM.
OAR 461-120-0345 about clients required to obtain health care coverage and cash medical support to remove references to GAM.
OAR 461-120-0350 about clients excused for good cause from compliance with requirements to pursue child support, health care coverage, and medical support is being amended to remove references to GAM.
OAR 461-120-0510 about age requirements for clients to receive benefits is being amended to remove the section pertaining specifically to GA and GAM. Age requirements for GA will be addressed in OAR 461-135-0700.
OAR 461-125-0510 about impairment criteria in GA and GAM is being repealed as impairment criteria for GA will not be determined or established separately from that of OSIPM under OAR 461-125-0370(1)(c) and will also be addressed in OAR 461-135-0700.
OAR 461-125-0810 about using administrative medical examinations is being amended to remove a reference to GA, since a Department disability decision necessary to qualify for GA is not made separately from that needed to establish a basis of need for OSIPM.
OAR 461-135-0560 about fleeing felon and violators or parole, probation, and post-prison supervision is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. This requirement will be addressed in OAR 461-135-0700.
OAR 461-135-0700 about specific requirements for GA and GAM is being amended to remove references to GAM and to incorporate the specific requirements for the new GA program.
OAR 461-135-0701 about the termination of GA and GAM programs October 1, 2005 is being amended to incorporate the return of GA.
OAR 461-135-0705 about specific requirements GA, GAM ineligible is being repealed – information about what makes one ineligible for GA will be addressed in OAR 461-135-0700.
OAR 461-135-0708 about criteria for developing a plan for self-support OSIP, OSIPM, and QMB is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. This rule is tied to OSIPM financial eligibility and does not need to be addressed separately for GA.
OAR 461-135-0950 about eligibility for inmates and residents of state hospitals is being amended to remove references to and sections pertaining to GAM. GA is also being removed from a section which also pertains to SNAP, since GA eligibility is also contingent on SNAP eligibility.
OAR 461-135-0990 about specific requirements; reimbursements of cost-effective, private, or employer-sponsored health insurance premiums is being amended to remove references to GAM and OCCS medical programs no longer covered in chapter 461 of the OARs.
OAR 461-140-0010 about assets; income and resources is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as assets are not treated differently in the GA program as they are in OSIPM.
OAR 461-140-0040 about determining availability of income is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as income is not evaluated differently for GA than it is for OSIPM.
OAR 461-140-0120 about the availability and treatment of lump-sum income is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Lump-sum income is not treated differently in the GA program as it is in OSIPM.
OAR 461-140-0210 about asset transfer; general information and timelines is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as asset transfers only affect those receiving long-term-care.
OAR 461-140-0242 about disqualifying transfer of assets including home is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as asset transfers only affect those receiving long-term-care.
OAR 461-140-0250 about determining the uncompensated value of a transferred asset is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as asset transfers only affect those receiving long-term-care.
OAR 461-140-0296 about length of disqualification due to an asset transfer is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as asset transfers only affect those receiving long-term-care.
OAR 461-140-0300 about adjustments to the disqualification for asset transfer is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM as asset transfers only affect those receiving long-term-care.
OAR 461-145-0005 about Agent Orange disability benefits is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0040 about burial arrangements and burial funds is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0050 about burial spaces and merchandise is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0110 about domestic volunteer services act is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0220 about homes is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0230 about housing and urban development is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0240 about income-producing sales contract is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0250 about income-producing property is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0259 and OAR 461-145-0260 about Indian (Native American) benefits is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0320 about life insurance is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0330 about loans and interest on loans is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0340 about lodger income is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0360 about motor vehicles is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0365 about national and community services trust act, including AmeriCorps is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0370 about Older Americans Act is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0410 about program benefits is being amended to remove references to GAM and specify that for SNAP, the housing portion of GA will be excluded but the utility and PIF portions are countable as unearned income.
OAR 461-145-0420 about real property is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0455 about reception and placement grants is being amended to remove references to GA. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0460 about sale of a resource is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0470 about shelter-in-kind income is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0510 about SSI is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. The receipt of SSI and how it affects GA is addressed in OAR 461-135-0700.
OAR 461-145-0540 about trusts is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0600 about work-related capital assets, equipment, and inventory is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0910 about self-employment; general is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0920 about self-employment; costs that are excluded to determine countable income is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-145-0930 about self-employment; determination of countable income is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-150-0050 about prospective eligibility and budgeting is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Financial eligibility for OSIPM must be established prior to determining specific eligibility for GA; therefore, it is not necessary to address how specific assets are treated for GA.
OAR 461-155-0010 about use of payment standards to establish need is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-155-0020 about pro-rated standards; adjusted number in household is being amended to remove a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-155-0210 about payment standards; GA and GAM is being amended to remove references to GAM and establish the new GA program payment standards.
OAR 461-155-0360 about pursuit of cost-effective employer sponsored health insurance is being amended to remove references to GAM and OCCS medical program no longer under the jurisdiction of chapter 461 of the OARs.
OAR 461-155-0580 about special need; laundry allowances is being amended to remove references to GAM and to remove a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-155-0600 about special need; home repairs, GA, OSIP, and OSIPM is being amended to remove a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-155-0610 about special need; moving costs, GA, OSIP, and OSIPM is being amended to remove a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-155-0620 about special need; property taxes is being amended to remove a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-155-0640 about special need; restaurant meals is being amended to remove a reference to GAM and a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-155-0670 about special need; special diet allowance is being amended to remove a reference to GAM and a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-160-0010 about use of resources in determining financial eligibility is being amended to remove a reference to GAM and to remove a reference to GA since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients in regards to financial eligibility – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-160-0015 about resource limits is being amended to remove a reference to GAM and to remove a reference to GA, since it’s unnecessary to distinguish GA recipients from OSIPM recipients in regards to financial eligibility – GA recipients must be OSIPM recipients by rule.
OAR 461-160-0055 about medical costs that are deductible is being amended to remove GA and GAM as medical cost deductions only apply to OSIPM in regards to post-eligibility treatment of income and SNAP.
OAR 461-160-0060 about use of rounding in calculating benefit amount is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-160-0500 about use of income to determine eligibility and benefits for GA and GAM is being amended to remove the eligibility determination language, since it will be stated in other rules that OSIPM income methodology is used to determine eligibility for GA. This proposed amendment will also establish the new method for determining GA countable and adjusted income in regards to calculating benefit amounts. The individual’s or couple’s adjusted income will be subtracted from the appropriate housing assistance payment standard to determine benefits. The PIF and utility payments are not affected by income. References to GAM are also being removed.
OAR 461-160-0620 about income deductions and client liability; long-term care services or home and community-based care; OSIPM is being amended to remove the section which pertains to GA and GAM. GA benefits are only available to those in standard living arrangements and there is no more GAM program.
OAR 461-165-0030 about concurrent and duplicate program benefits is being amended to clarify that an individual may not receive GA and TANF in the same month as well as remove references to discontinued OCCS medical programs.
OAR 461-165-0050 about dual payee; when to use is being amended to remove GA since any checks will be paid directly to a landlord; other benefits will be put on an EBT card.
OAR 461-165-0120 about benefits for a client is an acute care setting is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-170-0011 about changes that must be reported is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-175-0210 about notice situation; client moved or whereabouts unknown is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-175-0240 about notice situation; lump-sum is being amended to remove GA since lump-sum income will only affect GA insofar as it affects OSIPM eligibility. If individuals lose OSIPM because of lump-sum income (either in the month received or the month after if it puts the client over the resource limit), the GA closure notice will cite ineligibility for OSIPM as the reason.
OAR 461-175-0310 about notice situation; asset transfer disqualification is being amended to remove references to GA and GAM. Asset transfers only affect long-term-care benefits.
OAR 461-180-0010 about effective dates; adding a new person to an open case is being amended to remove references to GAM.
OAR 461-180-0065 about effective dates; ending disqualifications is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-180-0070 about effective dates; initial month benefits is being amended to establish that the effective date will either be the month after eligibility is established.
OAR 461-180-0090 about effective dates; initial month medical benefits is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-195-0521 about calculation of overpayments is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.
OAR 461-195-0541 about liability for overpayments is being amended to remove a reference to GAM.