Mrs. Collins: Student Expectation Class Contract

Be on Time: “Tardy Policy”

1)I agree to be in class everyday on time prepared to share in the learning process. I agree it is my responsibility to be prepared with a pencil, paper, textbook, and required materials.

2)Student will be counted tardy if not in their seat and prepared for the start of class at the beginning of class. This is important, as being late will affect how well you do in this class.

3)Student will follow the Crystal Lake tardy policy.

Classroom Expectations:

1)Observe and follow all school rules listed in your student handbook.

2)When you have something to say you need to raise your hand and be recognized. This is respectful of others in the class and the teacher.

3)Do not wear hats, sunglasses, or headphones in class. If you make this choice they will be taken and your parents will be asked to come and pick them up.

4)Do not write on tables, desks or walls. I will ask you to clean them if you do.

5)The use of cell phones is not allowed.

6)Please do not sharpen your pencil when the teacher or another student is talking.

7)Do not make rude remarks; put downs, racist, sexist or religious comments. If you choose to make these remarks you will be asked to write 50 “nice or complementary” words for the rude remark. Keep it positive!

8)Do not hit, push, make inappropriate noises, move desks or engage in any other type of horseplay. This is for your safety as well as others in the room.

9)The clock does not dismiss the class. Remain in the classroom or at your seat until dismissed by the teacher.

10)Fighting and profanity will not be tolerated. Students will be sent immediately to the office and your parentwill be called.

11)Do not make any marks or damage the textbook. Marks made or any damage to the textbook will result in a fine. You are RESPONSIBLE for it during your period.

  • It is your responsibility to be in class everyday on time prepared to share in the learning process. It is also very important that you be prepared and come to class with a pencil and required materials. If you do not have your “tools” it is very difficult to succeed.

Mrs. Collins: Student Expectation Class Contract

I understand that I am expected to come to class on time and be prepared to learn and participate. I understand that all homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class.

I understand that Mrs. Collins expects me to demonstrate a positive mental attitude, to focus on what we are learning while in class, respect myself, my teacher, and my peers, work hard, and ask questions when I do not understand something or what is expected of me.

I understand Mrs. Collins expects me to take responsibility for my education and myself. This means paying attention and participating during class, asking questions when necessary, and that I am personally responsible for getting and completing make-up work.

I understand that my participation grade is based on attendance, promptness, preparedness, and classroom behavior. I understand that I will lose my participation points if I do not live up to Mrs. Collins behavioral expectations. Furthermore, I have read and understand Mrs. Collinsstudent expectation class contract.

I understand that cheating, in any form, is unacceptable and that I will receive a zero on the assignment if I am caught cheating.

I understand that Mrs. Collins will call home when there is a problem that cannot be resolved in class or if I violate a term of this contract.


student name student signature date

I am committed to creating a positive learning environment where students feel safe and comfortable learning and asking questions. I will be committed to doing everything I can do to help a willing student succeed in my class.

Thanks and again welcome to class!


Mrs. Collinsdate